
The Abandoned Town

"Manny to Group, Manny to Group. Do you hear me?" Manny called as Keng and Manny continued on their way towards the town. Keng marked the area of attack as they slowly moved forward. 

"Liz here. I read ya." Liz replied.

"Ritsuka. What's up?" Ritsuka replied. 

"Lee Seng and I came across some bandits. We managed to dispatch them, but I think their could be more elsewhere." Manny informed them. "They were pale like snow and had pointed ears like Elves. They could use Ice magic, too. Even had enchanted swords that could afflict frost onto me."

"Are you two alright?" Liz asked. 

"We're fine. Lee Seng managed to not get a scratch on him. Lucky." Manny pouted. He eyed Keng with an evil glare. Keng didn't bother to even look back at Manny. There were other things to worry about than Manny's ego being bruised a bit. "Other than that, we're fine."

"Good." Olivia answered. "Can you send some pics of the Bandits for reference?"