
Snow Direwolves

The abandoned town was quiet after Keng and Manny's narrow escape. Keng scanned the area around them. His senses sharpened as the silver halo appeared in his eyes. Manny let the last bit of spit and puke out before wiping his mouth. 

"Don't do that ever again." Manny told him. He straightened himself out and looked at the rough area they had come from. "They came from over there. They shouldn't be able to find us." 

"I made so much noise, though." Keng sighed. The halos in his eyes faded as he looked at Manny. He was a bit worried Manny would be way worse off, but he did just fine. "I'm worried all that noise alerted the others." 

"The others?" 

"Yeah." Keng nodded. "Manny, could you even sense them before they appeared?" Manny shook his head no to his question. Keng sighed. "That's what I was afraid of… I can't even sense them with my seismic sensing, either. It's like… They simply don't exist until they do."