
A Fragment

Lee Seng watched as the tendrils pulled back. The meaty monster was no more, and the little Lee Seng dropped to the floor. Broodmother sighed as she turned and checked on the kid.

"My son…" The Creator weakly called out. "Is he…"

"He's fine." Broodmother answered. She scooped little Lee Seng up into her arms and hummed a familiar song. A song Lee Seng had learned from his Mom. She stood up and turned, shaking the little Lee Seng. The dark energy that once emanated from the little Lee Seng was no longer there.

"Please… Not again…" The Creator's voice cracked. He reached for his son but was only met with the Broodmother's hard stare.

"You said you would protect him." Broodmother spoke sharply. "But you let out that meat head! He could've really killed you, your wife and Lee Seng! What're you thinking, Vang?"