
Running from the Vampire Queen

The smell of blood snapped Lee Seng out of his angry daze. He glanced up and noticed he was in a completely dark room. He could make out the shape of a large bed and furniture. Lee Seng's eyes stopped at a slumped over body. 

'Is that… someone?' Lee Seng wondered. He took three steps before the lights came on. Blood surround the slumped over body as it soaked into the red carpets. The red curtains were strung up on the walls, blocking the sun. A familiar voice called to him from behind.

"Little Fox…" The female voice called out. "I see you dared return to the place you've lashed out on!" Lee Seng turned, only to feel a hand grab his throat and lift him off the ground. Esme, the Vampire Lady, smiled with her red lips. She was as pale as a typical vampire - almost sickly looking. Her crimson eyes were delighted to see Lee Seng. 

Lee Seng gasped as Esme squeezed him.