
Ghastly Enchanted Ring

Lee Seng sighed and pulled his mask off. Crow had already seen his face, so there was no point in hiding it. At least, not in the safety of his 'old room.' Lee Seng slipped the mask to his side, brushing his hair away from his face. Even after the haircut, it was still an annoyance.

"We're here for a Cup. An ornate Cup that could potentially help some people in Daros." Lee Seng told Crow. "We set off after the gods personally got involved and now… We're here."

"Is it worth risking your life? If anyone see's you, they'll attack you. The Fox that was under Lord Cain has gotten a reputation after the stunt you pulled. Tortured by Lord Cain because of that… Thing that's inside you." Crow pointed.

"He isn't there anymore." Lee Seng told her. "He's dead. He's been dead for years… His death came with the rise of the Deimons, supposedly." Lee Seng turned to look at the sunrise. The red glow was the only thing that kept him sane in this Realm. Crow sighed and nodded.