
Curse of the Damned

Calis spun his trident in the air and slammed it on to the ground. Water and shadows pooled around him as a smile grew on his face.

"It is a nice day to fight!" Calis declared as his body lit up. Calis's form changed into his Merfolk form. He floated in the air as his eyes burned bright. "I'll open a path! Just run!" Evan rushed forward, slamming his shield into the lanky monster and turning into dust while Ritsuka pierced Obsidian Glass into a puppet.

Ritsuka and Evan turned and ran towards the mastermind behind all of this. Calis lifted his trident and threw it straight for the crooked creature. A blast of water and shadows flew, splitting in every direction from the trident. The crooked creature pulled four crooked monsters out of its billowing cloak and lifted them up into the direct path of the attack. The four lanky monsters disappeared and formed a black shield.