
The Damned Curse Summoner

Calis soared through the air. The lanky Deimon quickly switched directions and slammed Calis into the ground. The trident rattled next to Calis as the cloth pulled away. The lanky Deimon scoffed and shook his head.

"I don't know what you are, fish, but it seems you're… out of water here." The lanky Deimon snapped the cloth and swung the cloth for the final blow. Lee Seng appeared in front of Calis, flying away as the cloth struck him. The lanky Deimon's smile faded and annoyance grew. 

"Devouring Sea Dragon!" Keng flew forward with Hydrosphere pointed straight for the lanky Deimon. The Deimon didn't flinch as a bird appeared right in front of it, taking the blow. The bird exploded in feathers as the cloth whipped out and hit Keng in the chest. Keng flew backwards as a bird swung its wing, knocking Keng straight into the ground. The ground cracked into tiny pieces.