
The Bird Rune

Lee Seng and the group stared at the strange markings. It didn't look quite like a rune and it didn't look like anything a witch or a hag would've made. Lee Seng scratched his head and shook his head.

"Nah, it can't be a rune," Lee Seng told the group. "We've touched it a million times and it didn't explode or trigger. Runes have to be messed with in order to react usually."

"Sometimes runes don't do anything until a specific time." Ritsuka added. "Or they don't go off unless the one who made them does this." Lee Seng spun on his heel and scanned his surroundings. "I think we're in the clear. We should just plant the flag in the spot and go." Ritsuka and the rest of the team's voices quickly disappeared. A familiar energy drew Lee Seng away from his group to the back of the forest where they had come. 

The rune glowed strongly for Lee Seng to see. It was a rune of a bird.