
Lunch with TRIo

"You guys are the new group everyone's talking about." Jordan said as they exited the room. Lee Seng and the others turned to look at TRIo. Ritsuka and Lee Seng nodded at Jordan's comment. "How's everything goin'? Settlin' in okay? We saw you guys in the elevator yesterday."

"Oh!" Lee Seng exclaimed. "You live in the same complex as us, then. It's nice to meet you. I'm Jeff. Everyone calls me J." He stuck his hand out and Jordan shook it. 

"I'm Jordan." Jordan introduced himself He pointed to the guy on his left, who was on his phone. Lee Seng noticed Jordan's purple eyes.

'Is he… one of them, too?' Lee Seng asked himself.

  "This is Ezra and the girl on my other side is Alice. We're TRIo." Jordan introduced his team members. Lee Seng introduced his members and noticed Jordan lingered on Ritsuka for quite some time.

"Jor," Alice tapped Jordan. "Are we going to lunch? Why don't we invite Zephyr along?"