
Giving Secrets

Lee Seng couldn't believe Niko was standing in front of him. The man he thought had die wasn't dead. He was alive… and well. Lee Seng naturally studied him while Nikolai couldn't help but focus on Lee Seng's eyes. Niko grabbed Lee Seng before he could do a walk around. He pulled him close and studied Lee Seng's eyes. 

"What have they done to you…?" Nikolai whispered. Lee Seng's eyes sparkled like stars. Purple, red and blue seemingly swirled and for a moment, he could sense something powerful in Lee Seng's eyes. 

"A lot has happened, Uncle Niko." Lee Seng softly pushed away from Niko. "I'm not the same helpless kid who wanted to understand everything."

"The Biohuman serum worked for you?"