
Secretly Watching

"Where is this coming from? How do you know that's what's happening?" Nikolai asked. Lee Seng sighed and rubbed his eyes. "How do you know about that?" 

"The more I share with you, the more I'm sure I shouldn't." Lee Seng replied. "Just get to the point. Why do you need me? This isn't some reunion. You kidnapped me while I was in the middle of something. If you can't provide information that will help me, there's no reason to talk." He moved past his uncle, towards the edge of the runic spell. Lee Seng began to reach for the edge when Nikolai turned.

"There were signs of something special within you." Nikolai finally started to tell Lee Seng what he wanted to know. "We didn't know what it was, then, but it's exactly what we need to turn the tide of this battle. You have an experimental Biohuman serum within you as well as this contract with this Fox Spirit. I think this'll be enough to turn the tide."

"And if that isn't enough…?" Lee Seng asked.