
Hide N Seek I

"I hope you all had time to rest~" Connie's voice came from the energy waves above them. Keng's eyes fluttered open. The cosmic screen was still up and most of his friends had fallen asleep. "While the loser's are fighting for their lives out there, you guys will be starting the Winner's Game!"

"Hey." Manny shook Liz and Olivia awake. "It's time."

"Huh?" Liz asked groggily. 

"Our two hours are up." Manny replied. He moved over to Evan and shook him awake. The group yawned and rubbed their faces. Keng pulled the screen away, revealing a bloodied gym. 

"Some of you couldn't keep still and tried to kill each other." Connie continued. "So the Winner's Game will be less than anticipated. It isn't anything to be proud of but I thought Biohumans stick together… Guess I was wrong. Anyways, the Winner's Game is…"