
Hide N Seek II

The man fell into the seeker's mouth. Keng turned his head away as he listened to the bones snap. The boy cried for his dad, putting the man's efforts in vain. Keng screamed as he pushed against the webs. 

A single thought grew in Keng's head. 'I need to save the kid!' Keng's form came undone as the single thought burned in his head. The webs bubbled outwards as eight tails pushed against it. The web strings began to snap as Keng roared.

"Solarium: Dance of the Two Suns!" A silver clone flew out of Keng's body, splitting into more clones. They all swung Hydrosphere at the seeker, releasing a flurry of cuts. Silver fire ignited the monster and webs as Keng dashed over to the kid. His fingers drew runes as he grabbed the crying kid with one arm and lifted him up. He lifted his free hand up to the monster and snapped his fingers. "Runeweaver: Fiery Death!"