
Of Beam and Ice I

A light dagger flew into the ground with Lee Seng reappearing next to it. The ice smoke with snow dust. Virgil took no time in reacting to the opportunity Cesar gave him. He raised his gun at Keng and shot. 

"Keng!" Lee Seng shouted. He ran straight for Virgil. Lee Seng summoned two light daggers and let crawl up his arms as he moved faster. 

'Faster than light, burning just as bright, don't let the light consume you.' Akali spoke. He had remembered asking Akali about her powers. She was a light-user and with it came many possibilities. 'The light is good, but handling too much of it will cause my Negative to kick in. It's why I'm always in dark places. It feels better that way. Light cannot exist without darkness. That's what my power is about.'