
Of Beam and Ice II

Lee Seng and Cesar sized each other up. They glared at each other as they waited for the other to make the first move. 

'In position.' Keng telepathically communicated. He floated off to the side, clutching his stomach. 'Let's make this quick!' Keng blasted Cesar, starting the fight. Lee Seng ran forward, summoning Sun blade into his hand. Cesar grunted as the pressure pushed onto him, phasing himself enough as Lee Seng swung his sword at him, missing. 

With a single flick, ice exploded outwards from Cesar's feet. Lee Seng turned, reappearing next to Keng in an instant.

"That's handy." Lee Seng patted Keng. 

"He's struggling to get out of the gravity." Keng's hand followed Cesar, watching Cesar struggle to get out of the gravity hold. Lee Seng dropped to the ground, pooling Dark Matter into his feet.