
The Healer

Lee Seng was in constant pain riding the cruiser to the hospital. The government officials, Biohuman Operative Specialists (BOS), had separated him from his friends and were taking him to Capitol City's best hospital for treatment. Captain Harvey Frank was accompanying him with at least six more cruisers full of BOS government operatives. 

Everything came and went like a blur. Lee Seng was tested on his burnt-out DM nerves and constantly watched 24/7. Anyone who came in and out was always on the BOS's list. They were checked coming in and coming out. They weren't taking any chances with Lee Seng. Specialists were flown in from all around the world to see if they could heal Lee Seng back to his healthy self. In between all of this, Captain Frank asked questions.

"Where is your father?" "What are these Failed Ones?" "What experiments were done to them?" "What are these other experiments?"