
The Conference

"Inside." The BOS officer motioned. He practically pushed Lee Seng inside, closing the door. They had moved him back into the room he had been inhabiting. He stumbled a couple steps away from the door. Lee Seng held a t-shirt in his hand and wore hospital sweats. He glanced at his stomach and noticed some burn scarring. 

"The scarring is normal." Lee Seng told himself. He rubbed his stomach and sighed. He started to slip his shirt on when a knock came to the door. He pulled his shirt down as the General of the BOS appeared.

"Mr. Chang, you seem more colorful now that you're not in pain. I hope this will help with the investigation." Captain Frank said. The door closed behind him and he made his way over to Lee Seng. "Please, have a seat." The two sat in the small sitting area. 

"I'm just going to tell you what I've been telling everyone else." Lee Seng told the Captain. The Captain leaned into his chair and looked at Lee Seng.