The First

There was a large wall directly to his west, behind which were the orcs. This wall continuously stretched for nearly 35 meters, but at both its end were passages that opened up into the same room. At one end of this room was the hallway he needed to get to. 

The more complicated a plan was, the more moving parts it had and the chance that one of these parts would fail and cause issues was that much higher. Thus, Yun Lei had come up with a simple plan. After all, it was his belief that as long as things got done, keeping things as simple as possible was the best way to go. 

So, what was this simple yet effective plan that Yun Lei had come up with? He would just go to one end of the wall and start yelling. When he got the attention of the orcs, he would book it the other way and hopefully get into the hallway he needed to before they could even figure it out.