Guests At the Quan Estate

Yun Lei let out a groan as he clenched his fists as hard as he could, holding on for dear life. All of his senses were being assaulted by memories and experiences spanning decades, so vivid that it felt entirely real, so detailed that it couldn't possibly have been false, so intimate that it was hard to believe that those were not his own memories. Yet despite all this, his ego remained firm and fastidious, not allowing any of its self to be eroded by the storm it was facing. 

He didn't know how long he spent absorbing the memories of Quan Dongjing but eventually, like it had before, the flashes began slowly fading away from in front of his eyes, his ears were no longer bombarded by a cacophony of sounds and he no longer felt sensations he shouldn't have been feeling. In fact, this time, he felt that the imprinting process had lasted for a far shorter time and had been slightly easier.