A Newfound Perspective

Noticing the emotional fluctuations Yun Lei was experiencing, Hunlang Zhenzhen couldn't help but be a little worried. For as long as she had known him, he was a very calm and collected person; unnaturally so. He had a tendency of cursing out a lot but that was merely a personality quirk; on the inside, his mentality would be far from shaken. Thus, she knew that not a lot of things could make him lose his composure like this. 

Free will was something all sentient beings held sacred. Many would argue that there was no feeling more unpleasant than your free will being stolen away from you and for Yun Lei, as far back as he could retain memories of, he had been nothing but a puppet in the hands of others. He never had the power or the will to change his own fate and hell, he hadn't even been able to take his life in his own terms like he wanted to.