Another Library to Read Through

Suddenly facing a barrage of angry and bitter words he was not at all prepared to hear, Yun Lei's eyebrows rose slightly. There appeared to be a lot to unpack in that singular exchange, but even without thinking too deeply about it, he could understand the gist. 

However, her words only relayed one side of the matter. Since he didn't have the necessary information or the context to understand everything, what the young lady had said couldn't be taken as facts just yet. Despite this, he still leaned towards believing her because his senses had already determined that she was only speaking words she thought to be true. 

A woman is pursued by a rich and powerful man but she rejects him and, as a result, the man harasses her friends and family. It was an occurrence straight out of a romance novel; the only thing missing was the hot-blooded hero who would stand up to the villainous bastard and rescue the woman from her plight.