The Clan Of The Skies

Adisa was riding his horse. To the north. The sun shining bright as ever.

"So I'm headed to the clan of the skies, huh?" Adisa asked himself.

Adisa sped up his horse and headed straight into the forest.

"If what Captain said was true then…the sky clan will have to wait." I'll go search right for- we'll never mind. Because what if he might be there to plot an attack?." Adisa started to ask all of these questions to himself.

"I know. I'll just head to the clan. After this'i f nothing happens I'll go search I guess." Adisa said to himself.

Adisa could see a huge mountain n view after some time passed.

It's been 30 minutes and all he could see now was a giant mountain that he had to climb.

"Well. It is called Clan of the skies after all." Adisa said in a joking way.

Adisa got off of his horse and tied it up to a tree. He patted his horse on the head.

Adisa had a very large horse. It stood over six feet in height and was very muscular.

"I'll be right back boy" Adisa yelled out as he started to climb the mountain.

The mountain was huge. Adisa couldn't even see half of the mountain. The rest was covered up from the clouds.

Surrounding the mountain was forest and tall trees everywhere.

"This might take me a long ass time to climb on foot. Good thing Captain gave me a grapple." Adisa said in a cheerful voice.

He pulled out the grapple from his pocket and aimed it for a ledge.

He found one and took aim.

He hit the ledge and it stuck on it. Adisa could feel the grass leaning his feet.

He was being lifted off the ground.

He made it to the ledge and landed the landing.

He did the same process for a couple minutes then began to get tired.

"Holy shit….this is way to far up". Adisa said to himself.

He was gasping, trying to catch his breath.

While trying to catch his breath he could hear footsteps coming up from behind him.

What came out of the bushes surprised Adisa.

It was a girl. One that looked to be around his age.

"At you from the Kani clan?." The girl asked.

Yep. Adisa said.

The girl walked over to Adisa.

Adisa took a step back.

He started to reach for his sword.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." The girl said with a smile on her face.

Adisa took his hand away from the sword.

The girl was now face to face with him.

"Are you sure your the warrior they sent?. Or are you with this new group or whatever?." The girl asked.

No. I'm the warrior they sent. Adisa said.

"Well…your not much of a warrior at all I guess, I mean u are a short person." The girl said

Adisa looked up at her in a confused look.

"Who the hell do you think your talking to?". Adisa asked to girl.

"I'm talking to you obviously. The real question is what are u gonna do about it?". The girl said in a childish way, with the smile still on her face.

Adisa was pissed now.

"Look, I need to get to the top of This mountain to see the clan of the skies." If u can't help with that then I suggest u leave me alone." Adisa snapped at the girl.

"I'm from that clan, so allow me to assist you." The girl said.

Adisa didn't want help from her. But she quickly grabbed his arm and started to run.

She began to jump and dodge trees.

Adisa could see nothing but blurs of trees going past him, he could feel the wind of the girls speed.

Before they knew it, they were at the gate of the clan.

Adisa looked in shock at the girl as she let him down. He was on the ground looking up at her still.

The girl looked back at Adisa, with a smile still on her face. Her hair blowed in the wind, with her black eyes.

Adisa was having a hard time breathing. He wasn't use to the air at such heights.

"Don't worry, you'll be used to it the more u visit. But you are one of the first boys I've seen in a while to be honest." The girl said.

Adisa got to his feet and dusts himself off.

The girl was still looking back at him.

When Adisa got done looking up he saw two women at the top of the gate.

"Hey, so apparently this is the one they sent from the Kani clan". The girl said.

The two women at the top of the gate began to laugh.

The gates to the clan then swung open.

"Follow me". The girl said.

The girl was leading Adisa into the clan's little city.

All round him were only women and girls, mostly women though.

All staring at him. Some laughing,whispering,and walking away from all of them.

"Not to be weird or anything, but where are the guys at? U know in this clan?." Adisa asked the girl.

The girl looked back at him while still walking.

"There are no men in this clan." She said with a huge smile on her face.

Adisa was shocked to hear those words.

Both of them came to a stop. In front of what looked to be a huge castle.

Adisa stood in shock.

"That is huge!" Adisa said to the girl.

The girl let out a laugh, then opened the door. Adisa quickly followed her.

"This is where are queen lives." The girl said.

Adisa was looking around.

It looked very nice inside. Had fancy tables,shiny floor, and things made out of diamonds also.

The girl began to walk up the diamond steps. Adisa followed her upstair.

The stairs went up and up, until they finally made a stop.

There was a giant door. The girl knocked twice and then opened it up.

She held the door open for Adisa and motioned him to walk in.

Adisa walked past her.

The girl whispered, "good luck little man." She said in a goofy way.

Adisa was pissed at what she was saying,but he kept it moving.

The door slammed shut behind him, he could see a women on a throne in front of him.

The women had a long dress,brown hair, with gold looking eyes.

(I've never seen someone with those eyes before). Adisa thought to himself.

The women looked down at Adisa. The throne was at least 20 steps above from where Adisa was standing.

"So, he brought another boy to this clan then, huh?." The queen said.

Adisa stared at her.

"I asked you a question boy." The queen said.

"Well obviously." He snapped back.

"Listen…queen. I'm not a morning person, I have things to do. I can already tell you have an attitude, just cut to the case." Adisa said.

The queen looked down and smiled.

She stood up. She was very tall and her hair was long, it went down to her lower back.

A couple of my workers have ran off on the mountain. I need you to go look for them . And bring them back within a 30 minute limit." The queen said in a demanding voice.

Adisa looked in confusion.

"What do they look like?". Adisa asked.

The queen gave him a glare

"Both men. That's all u need to know…considering there are only women that live here." The queen said.

Adisa had a weird feeling in his stomach.

"Why did they run away?." Adisa asked.

He asked only for his own safety.

The queen started to walk down the steps. Looking Adisa in his eyes.

"They ran away because I wielded them for being bad people that exist in this world." The queen said.

Adisa looked in confusion.

"Just find them. They shouldn't be far. They ran down to the east side of the mountain. They aren't smart at all either, so hurry up." The queen demanded.

Adisa turned his head slowly and his body and started to head for the door.

While his back was turned he could feel her breath on his neck.

"I just can't believe the Kani had such a special treasure with them." The queen said in Adisa's ear.

Adisa kept walking to the door and quickly left the room.

Before the door shut he looked back to see the queen's face covered in red. Just staring at Adisa.

(What the hell does she mean by special treasure?). Adisa asked himself.

The door shut and Adisa quickly made his way downstairs.

He left the castle and ran through the clan with all girls and women staring at him.

The gates opened up and Adisa jumped off the edge of the mountain when they did.

He landed in a tree and started looking for clues.

He was on the east side, sitting on top of a tree looking around.

He closed his eyes and started to listen to the wind,he could feel the sun beaming on his skin.

The wind blew to the right. And Adisa moved to the right.

He was letting nature guide him to the workers.

Adisa looked up and saw two birds where diving down so Adisa did the same.

When he hit the ground everything was calm and steady. There was no more wind or birds chirping.

"Time to use the nose then." Adisa said to himself.

Adisa started to sniff. He could smell the tow men, hiding behind a tree to Adisa's left side.

He tiptoed over and quickly looked behind the tree to see two guys shaking in fear.

Both covered in scares and looked to be bruised up.

"What happened here?." Adisa asked them.

"W-we have been working out asses off for that women. And then she started to abuse us, not only us. There are hundreds of men in that camp. She put us all to work, even after her father passed we treated her like a queen." One man said.

"Please don't make us go back." The other man begged.

Adisa picked both of them up and started to take them back to the clan.

They were both very skinny, looked like they haven't eaten in days.

Adisa approached the gate. He looked back to see both of the men shaking with fear.

The gates swung open and he walked inside.

Both of the men followed him closely.

He stopped in the middle of the town.

"HEY. QUEEN!!" He yelled out.

Everyone looked in shock around him.

The queen looked from the castle on the balcony.

"Ahh. I see you've bought my workers back to me. Thank you." The queen said.

"What the hell is goin on here? These men told me that everyone here served you well and treated u right. And then one day you just started rounding guys up and putting them in chains." Adisa said with anger in his voice.

The queen looked at Adisa with anger also.

"Return them to there cells ladies." The queen said.

Most of the women in the clan grabbed their spears and were slowly approaching Adisa and the three men.

Adisa drew his sword.

"I won't let you take them u less you give me a valid reason to what they did wrong." Adisa said.

"How about this, if I can beat you in a little duel. Then you let all of the men born with the original dna go. But you keep the bad ones here still." Adisa said.

The queen looked amused.

All of the women looked up to see her response.

"You just killed yourself kid." One person said in the crowd.

"Very well then…but I don't want to kill you. Your to young to kill. If you can land one nice cut anywhere on my body…then I'll let you take them. But if I hit you…. Your all mine boy." The queen said.

Adisa nodded his head in agreement.

Some people came and grabbed the two men and held them down in the crowd to watch.

"There is a reason why I did this. Every women here has a story to share. Why else do u think no one else thinks it's wrong?." The queen said.

Adisa looked up at her still with a hate look in his eyes.

The queen jumped off the balcony that was hundreds of feet in the air.

Her dress made her float like a butterfly as she fell from her castle.

She landed so softly Adisa couldn't hear the impact.

The queen had her arms folded. Not intimidated at all the Adisa.

Adisa had a 23inch sword with a color design of red.

He was ready to go.

"Are you gonna start or what?" The queen asked Adisa.

Adisa lowered his head and shoulders. He charged at the queen. Ready to fight.