The treasure

Adisa charged at the queen, ready to fight.

The queen had her arms folded as Adisa was coming at her.

The queen jumped in the air and started to flow in the wind. She looked like a butterfly the way she was moving.

Adisa couldn't hit her.

(It's like trying to hit a damn fly) Adisa thought to himself.

He kept swinging his sword viciously at the queen.

She let out a little laugh as she kept dodging all of his attacks.

She floated over Adisa and put her foot on top of his head and then used it to do a back flip off of it.

She landed so soft Adisa couldn't even hear her landing.

Adisa turned around quickly to see a knife right in front of his face.

It was coming from the queen.

It was like the world was in slow motion for Adisa. He leaned back and caught the knife, then did a back flip and sticked the Landing.

The crowd started to clap at Adisa's moves.

The queen was smiling hard as ever at Adisa. Just looking at him with wide eyes.

(Something is off with me) Adisa thought to himself.

Adisa could feel his strength slipping away every second.

The queen started to laugh historically as she started to approach him.

Adisa fell to one knee on the ground.

"You don't understand how special you are do you?" The queen asked.

Adisa looked up at her while she stood over him, looking down on him.

Adisa tried to get to his feet but quickly fell back down.

"There is no need to try to move kid".

The queen said

"What you are experiencing is my power. Since I'm full blood my people used these powers and now I have them also." The queen explained.

"The longer you fight me, the weak you'll get over time. And as you can see, you didn't last long at all. Your to weak to fight me for more then even 5 minutes." The queen said.

Adisa started to get angry.

The queen's eyes widened in surprise as Adisa was trying to stand up again.

His whole body was shaking as he tried to build his strength up.

"Don't ever doubt me." Adisa said. He looked at the queen with determination on his face.

The queen started to turn red. She began to blush.

"If only you knew." She said.

The queen kicked Adisa to the ground again.

"All your doing is trying to fight for men that did nothing but kill,robbed,kidnapped, and raped people. Don't you understand that?." The queen said.

Adisa stopped moving and looked at her in the eyes.

"Then what about the men that did nothing but served you then? What about their lives?" Adisa asked her.

"They are no different from your average man. Like I said, every women here has a story." The queen explained.

Adisa then came to realization.

(I think I understand what she means now) Adisa thought to himself.

"Every women here had either been abused,rapped,treated less then, and much more by men. That's why we just don't trust them. Even if they are from a different clan. They are welcome with open arms. They don't need to be around men". The queen said.

Adisa tried to Stand back up.

"You see, that's another reason why I came miss. The fact that your letting them in with open arms is a bad thing. One of these women are part of this organization that's attacking everyone." Adisa said.

The queen nodded in a agreement at Adisa's words.

"Don't worry about that boy. They can't handle me if I was to take a fight seriously." The queen said.

"However I doubt that we have any among us. I've checked all of my women so far. I've only added 2 more into the clan." The queen explained.

Adisa was shocked. There were at least Millions of women in the clan.

"Wow. There is a lot of people here". Adisa said.

The queen started to walk back to her castle.

"There is no more use in you. See you next time…little warrior." The queen said.

Adisa tried to stand back up on his feet.

The queen stopped walking and turned her head back to Adisa. She looked in shock as Adisa was using his sword to try and get up.

"Just stay down kid, I'll let you leave. I was just saying it to make it more interesting, that's all. Besides…it's not like you can actually-"

Adisa was on his feet.

"Oh?" The queen said.

"All I want is for the men that were born here to come with me. For all the evil bastards you can keep them." Adisa yelled over.

The queen turned her whole body around and was now facing Adisa.

"Fine then. Land a blow on me and you can get the guys." The queen said with a smile on her face."

Adisa took a deep breath. There was silence in the crowd.

"Fine then." Adisa said.

In a instant Adisa was directly behind the queen. He took a swipe with his sword.

She leaned her upper body backwards and laughed.

"What amazing speed." She said.

Adisa yelled in frustration. He started to swing in all directions now. But with every swing he could feel knifes reflecting his sword.

Adisa backed off and studied her.

(Around her whole dress there is little knifes, they can be thrown and they are being replaced also). Adisa thought to himself.

"I see." Adisa said to himself.

("It's also crazy. She is not even trying to kill me, plus she has her people around with the knifes… what if I just..") Adisa thought to himself.

Adisa jabbed his sword into the ground. And ran at the queen again.

Her arms were still folded, her was still red.

When Adisa got close enough we used his sword in the ground and flung it upwards into the air and let sand go everywhere.

Blinding the queen's view.

The sand was everywhere in her view. She couldn't see Adisa or the crowd of people.

"Where in the hell is he?" The queen said.

In the sand around her, the queen could see a shadow in the sand. She let one of the blades from her dress shoot towards the shadow.

When it hit the shadow was gone.

"What the hell?". The queen said.

She could hear the wind whistling behind her. She turned around and shot another knife out.

But she didn't hear any contact. The only thing that past her head was Adisa's sword.

The sand started to clear and the queen could see the knife she shot out from her dress, headed straight towards a little girl in the crowd. The girl was not paying attention at all.

The queen quickly used her dress and dashed over to the knife. She was technically flying towards the girl.

Other women were trying to get there in time also. But they couldn't make it.

The little girl turned around.

Just before the knife could hit the girl the queen caught it in her hand.

The knife was a couple inches away from the girl's eyeball.

The queen quickly pulled the knife away from the little girl's eye.

"Hey. Over here." Adisa said.

He threw his dagger at the queen's head. A little in the air so it wouldn't hit the crowd.

The queen tilted her head to the side and it grazed her right cheek.

Adisa was happily jumping around.

"Yes. It actually made a little bit of contact." Adisa said happily.

Before he knew it, there were thousands of women around him with weapons and holding him down.

Adisa was confused what's was going on. What did he do wrong?

In the crowd of women around him he could hear people saying to kill him for almost killing the little girl in the crowd.

The women put Adisa on his stomach and pulled out an axe.

Before anything else could happen the crowd was silent.

Adisa could see the queen with her hand in the air.

"Don't hurt that boy, it was my fault. I was out smarted by a child. My apologies ladies. You see, he used the sand to his advantage to blind me, then he knew that i was trying not to hit the crowd with my knifes in the process. Which was why I was holding back. So he used it to his advantage to catch me off guard." The queen explained to everyone.

The women let Addis go and let him stand up.

They all began to walk away from him to give him room to stand.

The queen was standing over Adisa, blood was going down her cheek.

"Looks like a deal is a deal." The queen said.

All the women around her looked in surprise. They didn't actually believe that Adisa landed a attack on her.

Adisa was surprised she actually was going on with her deal.

Adisa got to his feet. The crowd started to clear out and they all followed the queen.

Adisa followed her as well. They only walked a couple yards to the right to see the jail where everyone was being kept.

The queen stopped everyone in their tracks with her hand in the air. Adisa stopped also.

She went inside the jail and grabbed eight men. And the other two outside stood right next to them.

All looking scared and confused.

"You all are free to go with this boy back to his clan. Have fun." The queen said.

The queen snapped her fingers and two women came and we're headed down the mountain with the ten people.

Everyone started to go back into their homes and buildings.

Adisa and the queen were the only ones left in the opening.

"You should catch up to them, so they don't think my ladies are part of that little group going around." The queen said.

Blood was on her cheek still. From when Adisa threw his sword at her.

Addis walked over and handed her a knife from her dress.

The queen took it away slowly from him.

"It from when u shot it at the sword when the dust was around you." Adisa I explained other.

The queen stared at Adisa in his eyes.

"Thank you." She said.

The girl that Adisa saw walked to the opening and started to clean the queens face up.

She then walked over to Adisa and was ready to escort him off of the mountain.

"Sorry that your mission was a no go today. But you did teach the queen a lesson today." The girl whispered in Adisa's ear.

Adisa looked at the girl in surprise.

"Summer…leave him. He will be fine without an escort." The queen said.

Summer stepped back from Adisa and Walked with the queen inside the castle.

Adisa had so much he wanted to ask and say. But he just let them go.

Adisa headed down the mountain to catch up to the others.

Meanwhile I'm the castle the queen and summer sat discussing.

Mother…do you think he is the right one." Summer asked.

"Don't call me mother child. And yes I do believe he is the right one." The queen said with a huge smile on her face.

The queen stood up and started laughing with her hands high in the air.

"What a day. But soon enough we will have him. Notify Jade for me my dear, tell her I said treasure is within the Kani clan." The queen said.

Her face was turning red, eyes were wide open.

Summer just kept looking at her.

"The treasure does exists after all." The queen yelled out as she laughed.