WebNovelIsland X26.98%

One more day…

Jack turned his back once more to see Nzinga standing on top of the lava staring in disbelief.

"She's still alive??!! You really are something else." Jack said.

Nzinga watched him fly off with defeat on her face.

"I should've just used my full power….and this would have never happened." Nzinga said.

Tears started falling from her eyes.

"Forgive me Trover, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." She cried out.

Nzinga tried to carry herself.

She had to walk a long way until she was out from the damage site.

She started getting dizzy.

She could feel her eyes shutting, she was about to pass out.


Before Nzinga fell someone caught her and carried her far away from the destruction.

"The IC will be coming soon….along with other people that heard the bang. You should be fine here, Nzinga." The man said.

Nzinga was left in a tree.

She opened her eyes to see someone with a large hat covering there face.

Nzinga passed out on the tree.

Meanwhile back at the clan Adisa and Udo were looking at the dark sky.

It was covered in smoke from the blast.

"Captain….doesn't that blast feel….different?" Adisa asked.

"Yea. Without question, it's Nzinga."

"Should we go over there?" Adisa asked.

"No, She's to damn far. I'm pretty sure she's fine anyways."

Udo walked back in his building. Adisa stayed outside looking at the smoke.

"She was in a battle….you idiot."

The next day Adisa was headed towards the explosion area.

It had devastated everything in its path and destroyed a good amount of the island.

Small villages were destroyed in the process.

When Adisa arrived, he could see the IP there.

"I hate these guys." Adisa said.

"What happened here?" Adisa yelled over.

"What does it look like?" The man yelled back.

Adisa was walking towards the men until he seen a piece of ice laying on the ground.

"He was here." Adisa said angrily.

Adisa picked up the ice and walked away.

"Hey. How are you just gonna show up and not say anything, brat?!" One of the IP said.

I'm one swift motion Adisa rubbed his fingers together to make ash fall on the piece of ice.

"Oh sorry. You all seem very busy, so I'll leave you to it."

Adisa closed his eyes and clapped his hands. He was now in a tree somewhere next to Nzinga.

"Ahh. So you were the last one to touch the ice!"

Adisa walked over to Nzinga who was knocked out.

"I was hoping to teleport on Jack…but you'll do."

Adisa tried to pick up Nzinga but she was to heavy.

"This grown woman…just wake up!!" Adisa yelled.

Adisa pulled out his black sword and waved it in the air.

He touched Nzinga on her forehead and snapped his fingers.

They were both in front of Udo in the blink of an eye.

"She was knocked out." Adisa said.

"I found her on a tree."

"You didn't see her with Trover?" Udo asked.


"Just take her and put her in the resting area."

Udo stared off in the distance as Adisa left.

"Is it true then? They really are- shit."


Jerome and the others were riding.

"We're only a couple hours away from the city now. The Leo clan has already set up shop there." Jerome yelled to everyone.

In the desert, far away there stood Jugo and the others.

"Looks like there on the move." Jugo said as he put down the binoculars.

"Look who's with them!!" Laity said.

Jugo and Bella looked closer to see Jade ridding with them.

"The traitor. He said he wants her back alive." Bella said.

"Yes, we all ready know that." A man said in the back.

"Light….shut up. I also hear they have a sniper with them also." Laity said.

Light had a surprise look on his face.

"Hahah. I don't miss. Never have, never will." Light said.

"Yea….well, let's move out and get there already." Jugo said.

They all started walking to the city's direction.

"Hey….someone's watching us." Jade whispered to Summer.

"Yea…I felt it also. Let's just keep moving though." She insisted.

Jugo and the others kept on walking towards the city.

"We have a couple more hours left." Light called out as he was taking the lead.

"What about the boy?" Laity asked.

"The boss said he will capture him at the Kani clan. That's where he is." Jugo answered.

Jugo looked to his left to see Bella by herself, looking at the ground.

"What the hell is wrong with you Bella?"


"Hey, if you miss your people like that, then by all means…join them." Jugo yelled.

"I don't miss them at all. It's just that….I really want to kill them."


"How amusing."

"Believe me Jugo. They aren't weak." Bella whispered.

"They sure do look it."

"You can't judge someone by the way they look or are. Besides….there's nothing wrong with being weak. It's wrong only if you want to stay weak." Bella claimed.

Jugo smiled at Bella.

"Interesting words Bella."

All of them disappeared into the open desert.

"Damn it!!" The queen yelled on her throne.

"What's wrong my queen?" The woman below asked.

"Summer hasn't answered her phone in almost a week now."

"Send three of our warriors down to the Kani clan…right now!!" The queen ordered.

"Wait-head to the city of G." She said.

The woman turned her head slowly.

"My queen….why would you want to go there?!" She asked.

"Because that's where she is. Along with Adisa….the key."

"Oh I see. You want Summer and the key, yes?"


"Yes ma'am. I'll send the three nebula sisters to retrieve them both."

The woman walked out and the queen sat on her Thorne looking out past the great mountain.

"Blaze and his cal are gone also…..we need the key fast before it's to late." She whispered.

The queen of the sky clan stepped down her throne and opened up a latch on the desk.

On it was a picture of her and her first daughter.

"How I miss the old days." She said in a agonizing voice.

"Your death won't be in vain my precious. I promise one day I will kill him."

The queen quickly put the picture back when hearing the door swing open.

Three women walked in wearing all black outfits.

"The nebula sisters."

"Yes ma'am!!?" All three of them shouted.

"Go to the city of G and find my daughter, bring the key with her."

"Yes ma'am."

"There will be another enemy there also. You will fight them, only if they attack Summer."

"Any questions?"

The one in the middle raised her hand.

All three of them had all black outfits on, biker helmets, and the same neck tattoos.

"Who's with Summer?" One asked.

"I think four or more."

"Stealth or kill?"

"Whatever it takes….get them back." The queen said.

The three bowed their heads and walked out the castle.

"Missy, in and out right?"


"Let's take the rides."

In the front of the clan there were three motorcycle parked.

The women went into some garage and had special gadgets.

"You girls ready!??" Missy said.

She hoped on her motorcycle.

The others followed.

"Mission to take Summer and the key….starts now!!"

Their engines roared across the mountain. The gate swung open and all three of them took off.

Missy had drove her bike off the mountain to the point she was in the air.

She did a backflip with her motorcycle and disappeared into the trees below.

In the distance in a unknown location. There was a man by himself standing there.

"Looks like there on the move. Little do these people know though….we're all watching."

Thousands of eyes appeared behind the man.

"Spread and give me a report….on the lock."