CHAPTER 3 - Reunion under the fresh moon

War has over a hundred different ways to defeat a enemy...well if you believe what most 'warriors' tell you that. From killing to maiming oh and amputating also severing torture...yes I believe you are starting to get what these 'brave souls of war' think victory looks like, but here we just might see one of the must unique ways of subduing a opponent that out matches you both in strength of self and men, The half-mix must have some form off plan as it seemed they were in cohesion when they separated...curious indeed I knew i had a felt a liking towards these men, not following the typical heroes code but forging their own through this new era's laws.

We return to the forest opening on the lake side. The shadowy blurs that take humanoid shape the closer they got. Willabaar ready waiting, hands up with the bandages being loosened ever so slightly that they cascade down a foot, hanging close to the dirt, moving his palms to stand proud clasped behind his back, standing straight as a newly fletched arrow, still smiling like a killer smelling his victims sweet blood for the first time, staring intensely through the black identifying the shapes that moved towards him, studying there movements noticing four of them holding at the rear, another four made their way towards him. The half-mix tried to deduce who was the leader, assuming the tallest one must be the one. Willabaar stepped towards the darkness, his shadow seemingly splits making two perfect replicas of him standing shoulder to shoulder as one slowly slurks into the background, the right sided Willabaar enters the bush opposite the Goblin and Dwarf as the third half-mix kept the regal shape that first he had and cleared his throat and took a deep breath preparing to speak.

''Whoever you are, make yourselves known or scamper off! I do not have the time to squash puny little ants! If you want a problem I will happily send you to Daedalus to consort with him personally!''

The blurs stopped in place. The night air became stale and frosted before a roar of laughter came from their direction, the tallest of them made his deep bellowing laugh overtake the choir of drunken cackling behind him, raising his arm as they stop in unison,

''A talk ya say?! Well fine by me my men will stay here as a sign of good will! Let us chat then!''

The shadow entered the campfires glow, revealing a ten foot tall Goliath wearing a full covering robe made from the pelts of five different pelted dire wolves all combing to make a wolf straight out of the minds of the twisted gods of old, Willabaar seeing the small movements of his comrades begin to relieve his twisted grin, slowly responded to this giant


Frosted gales made way through the night, gaining strength and howling like a cornered predator that it's pack has decided is no longer of use other than food. The Goliath now sat across from Willabaar showing his face, a Orcish green coloration with shades of molten red mixing with ash grey only broken on his skin only by the battle scars adorning his body and showing his history in war being a mixed result to say the best, as he sits he clear his voice and begins to shout at the top off his lungs

''I, Otto, Son of the strong Kraf and of the clan of warriors known as the Gaar-Eek and the leader of the Heroes known as the Silver Bladed Scorpions ask for five minutes of peace and negotiations before we try to bathe in each other's blood and pride!"

Willabaar stayed seated, arms now in his sides, standing still a clear four feet below this behemoth of a man, smiling before clearing his voice,

''I, Willabaar, son of the godly Bocaj, from the divine line of Price, fourth crowned prince of Recocto and leader of the newly formed group of men known as the False Heroes accept your terms of the Tyflos Oath!''

Both men grab each other by the elbow and in unison uttered the final words


The words were spoken. A circle formed around the centre of their hands, tendrils of a vicious black and red started wrapping around their weapons and around their knuckles to stop their reserves being used in this time. A jug of fine red Juniper, looking like it had sat in the capitals storage ageing for the last five hundred years, smelling as sweet as the fresh berry being plucked on the perfect day of the year. The Goliath proceeded to pull the two golden goblets, both adorned with a singular precious gem the size of a dinner plate, one Diamond and one Jet. They were filled to the brim the second they were touched by the goliath, he handed the goblet with the black gem to the half-mix still smiling like a madman.

Otto proceeds to finish his down in seconds, letting out a release of air sounding like an alcoholic right after their bottle. Looking at his opposite, still sitting the same shape and form as before, thinking that this man was more of a boy when it came to the stronger stuff but then when he looked into the man's goblet all he saw was drops of what was left of the Juniper circling the rim, The young man's smile seemed to grow ever more, the giant scouted the circle of Tyflos seeing now soaked areas, he may have tried to squash a small bug but now he is the pray. The man's smile resembles that of a starving spider.

''What's wrong, Otto was it? Acting as if you have seen a Banshee all of a sudden ha''

The half-mix licked the dredges of red, letting them fall from his tongue to the ground.

''having to call upon the oath of our ancestors. Was that really necessary, maybe this is some sense of honour for an old companion?"

Willabaar says placing the goblet to the ground with a purposeful thud. Gauging the reaction of the goliath.

"You look like you have already realised it.. You have entered the spider's web but just like the flies you believe that trying and using brute strength you can break my binds?''

His arms were starting to freeze up, his words now clouded in his head as if a parasite had bored a hole in the recesses of his mind.

''Oh? Has it already started taking effect?''

The goliath started to realise he had been spiked. But how would this have happened? He held the goblets and he handed them after being filled, forget being in the spider's web, he was stuck at sea alone with a bloodthirsty shark circling before the first strike.

Otto mustered his courage but this man's words were hollow. The ability to sew into the fabric of morals and remove or replace your own cloth, making a disgusting patchwork of his personal morality. He felt rage built that he had not felt in his decades on this plane, growing from deep within him, seeing the half-mixes form shift and spin into shapes he had not seen for so long, the shape of his mother dying before him, the shape of his father coming to beat him again, a shape of a girl, extending her arm only for it to fall away to dust, now at the point of his mental capacity close to shattering, the goliath let's a solitary tear roll down his cheek while screaming like a drunkard being kicked out after the third day straight being the target of ridicule.

He raised from his seat swiftly, lifting his hammer from his hip in the time it takes Willabaar to widen his eye it is rolling through the air, his head is taken clean from the body dropping then suddenly turning to a pitch black flame spreading through the area, a hiss sounding like a serpent filled the air, Otto raised his arm to block but unable to lift his hammer, he turns his head down to see a sword through his knee twisting while entering side first, Otto's face becomes that of rage, lifting his free leg ready to punt the goblin holding the blade but his leg feels the same as his hammer, with no time remaining the fire spreads out with a booming roar of cackling of the surrounding trees and brush burning away in the intense heat. The man went flying back towards the four men that waited closer, barrelling them down like stacked metal cans waiting for the oncoming object to destroy what they see as life but all they see is this great blur fly through the the star lit sky, smashing into them, making their sights be nothing more than a hazed blackness.

The sounds of pain were released into the night, one of a grown man brought to tears by his own folly and ignorance.

Winds sending the sounds far around scattering a murder of crows into the dimly lit path. Only cut by the fallen far into the night above, regulating his breath before muttering a prayer more than a incantation,

''Light this servant's way to his duties for the path fogged by vices and false virtues is one well travelled by thyn corrival. Please grant this humble request. Mother of the Forlorn''

A small light raised the fallen's grey skin to a white for all of a second before scanning the area, his eye now possessing a white star in this sea of danger after travelling the angel's flesh. Seeing his smaller travelling partners moving against the brush with grace in their step like that of old hunters stalking a good trophy, His tall companion facing an even taller threat in front of the other two, heading towards a fork in the forest gaining the high ground. Dropping down towards the arms of the great mother tree softening the landing behind the distant light of the campfire along with the comforting glow of Yoru's precious moon.

There was a sound, one close that of skin meeting wood. Taking a breath, the fallen focused on the disturbance feeling that the path was laid before him. Kyu prepared his blade before letting gravity guide him towards his charge. The foe was too large to be even a mountain elf, some built human. leaping between the arms of the great trees, gripping like an elder wood elf training the youngling's perfect accuracy with every branch he swung from. With a large staff of redwood adorned with small razors surrounding the shaft. Adjusting his wings to gain the best momentum closing in on his prey. Only to be on arm's reach when with a purposeful twist from the orc mid jump, sending his staff towards the fallen.

Kyu twisted his blades, changing the momentum of his wings to slow his movements and parry his target both moving on to opposing breaches. Seeing eye to eyes the Human spoke,

"Wow now that's a jackpot! We thought Bee was with a cleric but damm! a middle aged Azamaar! That's just too funny! Otto will love this!."

The human said surveying the area.

"You did manage to nick me though birdie."

Showing his bloodied palm before jumping forward, shunting his staff with swift precision towards the fallen's face. Seeing an opening from the human sending his weapon out one handed without any footing. With a bright glow of light and a gust lifting the dirt circling the two, the crescent blade went from inner arm cleanly to the chest quickly, spilling blood over the trees. The human's eyes widened as if he saw his greatest fear in front of him dropping to the ground below.

Managing to land on his feet with a flurry of steps, the human looked at his arm and chest leaking blood after being struck in a vital spot, gathering into small pools of viscera that his body now was covered in. Raising his head to see the Azamaar descending, a look of calmed focus in his eye. Straightening his posture and going into a high stance the human spoke

"I was told you Azamaar's were supposed to convert people and heal wounds not just cut for fun with no purpose except to just kill...just to injure. you know?"

Kyu stopped looking as if the robe cladded human just spat on his family's grave before centring himself.

"I am, your arrogance has led you into my ordained path and now your life blood is pooling around you in this cold lonely place."

Kyuuwin lowered his guard, only around five paces away from the human whose blood was steaming against the frigid air.

"But you have a chance one many don't get. Repent against your transgressions or fall into the pits of whatever hell beacons your soul."

A dim illumination coming from under his left brow as he looks down at the felting strength of the human now surrounded by his own blood, Kyuwin's white robe ends now slowly had a red stain crawling up towards the centre as the Azamaar speaks in cold tones,

''Do you have a last wish before meeting The spawn that you worship?''

The human looked up with a blurred sight and mind before he uttered with little strength his had left,

''Let me can join me towards your god as well begging for acceptance of ending my life.''

The fallen one seemed perplexed at this request but his pious nature allured him into agreement bowing his head and clasping his hands

''As you wish''

The human smirked and began his prayer

''My body is no more than nourishment to be used for your purpose''

Kyuwin's eyes snapping open realising quickly this is no prayer remembering the incantation Willabaar used against Shitto days prior, this was a monk's incantation, he tried to retreat to a safe distance but as he does the human's hand stretches out and makes a fist finishing his words

''Uses my bodies will and life to slay those who argue Firendir's will!''

The pool of blood stretched into the dark swirling swords of blood drooping yet sharp to the sight and most likely to the touch. Kyu tried to release his wings and use the winds to his advantage only to feel a sharp pain, unsure of what, he turns to see his brilliant white wings now spoiling with a murky red, noticing that the blood that was on his robes now taking the forms of tiny demonic shapes all holding miniature blades and glaives scaling the now frozen Azamaar in place.

"You used your piety...used my morals to your advantage, you traitorous apostate!"

Kyu said struggling to move seeing the shadows move closer, his voice finally betraying the fallen and releasing the emotion of anger for the first time.

"Well it's what we do. You think Bee's above such acts? Delaying your opponent till they grow arrogant enough to lower their guard and guess what angel? You walked right into our palms." The words from the human stung as he tried to start striding a couple steps forward, raising his staff to the angel's chin, raising it skyward revealing the neck.

"Now what was it you said? Any last words?"

The arrogance was palpable.

"Yes, repent, pray to your god. For your blood it's tainted passed that of any beast and I know the what happens feral beasts,"

The shadows were stretching farther from great trees, the moon's lights contorting their shapes casting finger-like shadows that enraptured the figures three. The trees creaked loud making the human keep his eyes to the by-lines of the forest edge noticing the hood of a humanoid coming closer and recognizing it to be a comrade

''Oi bout time you busy writing a fuckin report or someth-''

His allies' eyes looked terrified, slowly trying to raise her hand to point behind him but it was too late. He heard the whisper come as if in his mind itself.

''Daedalus take him through the immortal storm, decide his worthiness yourself.''

In one fluid motion we see the head of the human spin up as it enters the night sky, stopping in the centre of the waning moon before falling to the ground and rolling towards the Elven caster who's eyes were still trembling and locked in position, pointing into before this as we see from her side, her comrade calling to her while a humanoid with bright white eyes pulsating with green and purple formed from the shadows of the human with a straight six inch dagger serrated and fine lifting it from one side of his neck to the other resulting in the predicament she finds herself in. Unsure whether to run and find her other brethren in arms and increase their chances, she went to slowly back herself out of the situation until she hits her back on something and as she does a crescent dagger with a white tip is placed blade first towards her jugular

''Oh no sweet child...Your salvation is coming next right Willabaar?''

The shadowy figure turns back to a half-mix, racking her brain, believing this to be false as she saw this man's head taken off his body by the boss

''Ah do what you want Kyu I think I should go and help Bee you got this ri-''

The young elven caster smiled and shouted an incantation that seemed to fill the air with multiple layers of her voice from every octave imaginable.

''Willabaar!! Name now known to my whispering Priestess Vocaburis the Definer! Give me control of your fate allow her holiness to-''

In a flash of musky white blood is sent spilling into the frosted sky, steaming as it lands and the caster now gargling for air, starting to think and realises quickly in her mind,

'this man was not your basic cleric, he used his medical knowledge to stop my incantation by piercing my vocal cords but avoiding my major vitals'

Panic took to the face of the girl, eyes scurrying around desperately looking for something to change the tides of the situation but only found the mixed eyes of Willabaar, smiling down as his boot slammed into her face sending her mind to a blank.

The night again fills with the sounds of war cries and steel colliding in the chilled night, Mountain and Otto could be standing across from each other, hammers in both their hands, each breathing heavy, both having dents in their respective Armor and bodies. Otto sends out a nerve tingling smile revealing all but his front two fangs missing

''Oi Oi Bumble Bee! You actually learn to swing that thing did ya? Come on now. Don't make me have to sell a dead body! I want the hundred Dragons not the titans now stop damaging the goods ya stupid demon!''

Bee looked up past the giant before him and smirked, Otto seemed angered by this and let out a roar


Bee stood still smirking at his foe, lifting his head and pulling his hammer back, cackling at Otto and proclaimed.


The Goliath obviously got confused by this and the way it was told to him

''OH...but we can''

Otto hears two sounds moving in the brush to his back, he turned to see the Half-mix and Azamaar barrelling together, swirling around each other creating a tornado of black and white. He tried to raise his arm quick enough only to hear a clean slice and blood splash his chest and face, The Goblin with the same serrated blade he used to stab the foes knee was now used to cut this man's hand clean off. Surrounded by all sides the Goliath realised he had no choice….but to accept the deal he was presented and shake the arm of black that we see appearing before the man as everyone stops. The circle that surrounded them became no more than a circle the size of a piece of parchment around Otto, dropping to his knees and seemingly accepting his fate.

''I Willabaar accept victory in this Oath of Tyflos, I beseech you great blind one of balance, allow him to live and repay his damnation in service to the family he tried to besmirch!'

The half mix placed his hand on the circle and proclaimed Oroi Chrisis as a flash of light engulfing the forest.

Ah you owe me fifty Dragons...Oh and yes a victory seems most assured at this point for one side depending on the outcome of the explosive nature of one of the pieces or two, I say this is a fun one to watch and think about the reasons most of this world still tries to pine after something as low as a title even if it does say 'Hero' a fake title these days one that has been long misinterpreted given false gravitas. Ah alas we see these remaining players reveal their hands lets see who will come out on top.