CHAPTER 9 - Trails of the true harvest festival: Tests of true resolve

Ah the smell of happiness in the air surrounding gatherings like this...Almost like my hometown but that's far from the subject at hand just like the colour of their high 'Magical master, arcane works sickly stuff unlike the fine wines they brew under their harsh sun they manage to tame with hard work and management, Cultivating a place untouched by the negatives of progression though careful contemplation unlike these idiots who represent the currents of chaos that can manufacture the more wondrous dangers this know even to one like myself whom is considered a scholar in such fields...Still these places in times like this fill the common folks usual freight to that of happiness even for such a fleeting time but maybe that is what is for the best considering the second they were to travel outside their home they would break down or die within days if not hours, But now we see our False Heroes sitting in the local bar...Let us see what they will do

The sounds of merriment and drunken swooning filled the Forest's crown on the break of dawn, our party sitting inside with Kyu, Willabaar and Mountain standing, two pots steaming and whistling from the bar itself before the owner called out,

''Deialeaves or Black Bean Stew?? Got plenty of Thick Cloud and Sweet Sand to go with!''

Willabaar turned confused but interested

''Deialeaves? That some fancy version of God Water?''

The barman smiled,

''God Water? Ha! This stuff makes that look like Orc piss!!''

Willabaar seemed to drool at the prospect before ordering one for everyone, as there sips turned to gulps, everyone orders another all looking at the half-mix who pulls out another a dragon and hands it to the shocked Elf before Willabaar leans in,

''How much for a Elven year supply of this stuff?''

''Elven year?! Over a thousand Dragons easily!!''

The half-mix did not budge before responding,

''Maybe we talk after all these festivities….Your name? My apologies''

The old Elf was still shocked,

''Ah...Just call me Mr. Owner for now''

''Understood Mr. Owner...we will talk soon!''

Willabaar now turned to the sounds of rumbling, Otto picking himself up with the assistance of Orelia and Silver grumbling to them all.

''Ahh...What happened...What's with all the noise?''

''Oh Otto It's good to see you up and moving again anything hurt''

The goliath picked himself up with a grunt and a shrug, now looming over the young elf responding,

''Ya worry to much girl we have the bird around so I'll be fine it's almost like a hangover with extra colours''

A laughter seemed to brew in the establishment before it was broken by Willabaar throwing his bandages at the Goliath, puzzled before the man explained,

''They have a natural healing properties.''

He looked over to the Lunar Elf and asked,

''Where is the main problems in there?''

The elf looked glum before responded softly to the half-mix,

''The right shoulder and his neck specifically''

Kyu looked over at Otto with a searing glare,

''What do ya want me to do birdie? I was out cold ya know''

Kyu's face turned to that of a plain slate before turning the anger to his voice addressing the New healer they had meet,

''You are right Otto...You are a comrade who was brought close to damnation by this unholy healers foul touch, Do not fret this transgression is forgivable through prayer and devotion to Yoru''

The Elf watched the fallen one with a cold look to his cloudy eyes same to that of the man he was opposing before retorting,

''My goddess does need to be compared to that of a forgotten one with all due respect''

The atmosphere felt as though it was about to spill open with pious bloodlust before it was broken by the sounds of horns bellowing through the giant city of nature, the barman looked over at the party and said,

''I thought you were going to take part in the Trails of the true harvest?''

The crew sprung up except Wilt and Otto who were dragged out to watch the opening in person.

The stage was filled with large and stout along with short and skinny men and women, most wood elves but sprinkles of others, Dwarves and Orcs and at least one of every form of Elf you could think off, a grand table of Oak was laid in the centre before Reev and Treevoar spoke, loud and booming,

''Welcome to the Trails of the true harvest! Today we take part in an age-old tradition round these parts! The farmers of the past era's in a time where we didn't know how to use reserves and toiled away by hand! In drink, work and combat! Now we prepare to do the same! Before any members of the silver side or the gold side can take part in the battle ye must finish fifty horns of Ale stronger than an Orcish woman that found out she has been cheated on! Then and only then can ye enter the battle itself and it will end when no one is left to fight in the ring for one side understood? Oh and by the way you are out of the battle when you're out cold or when ya die...Better move smart right? Now then we will assign the teams! Last thing! Anyone caught cheating in any way from team selection to drink to fight you will instantly be removed from play!''

Kyu was glaring at Silver standing away by Treevoar before moving to the central stage with the giant Elf, Kyu turned to Willabaar,

''How do I make sure not to be allies with that unholy healer?''

''You get lucky mate that's all there's to it''

Kyu looked confused as usual before clasping his hands in prey,

''Yoru show me your compassion. Make the unholy one be an opponent so I can show who the true Lady of the moon is''

Willabaar tapped the fallen on the shoulder before moving with the groups towards the selection.

Our group made their way to the front of the pack now standing before the small Elf, by his feet was a wicker basket looking as old as the man it sat by, Reev turned to Willabaar first and waved him closer, as he did the elder spoke,

''Hand in...Wisps will decide for you.''

The half-mix looked confused, looking towards the group before placing his hand in and a rainbow of colours spreading out, illuminating the area before he removed his hand to see a small flare of gold, shining brightly against the purple and green of his eyes now looking back at Reev confused before he smiled,

''Dyre...effect will now happen..''

The gold flame enveloped Willabaar for only a moment revealing him wearing the same Gi he wore before, now the colour and flow of the fire he once held before, A smile emerged as he responded giddy,

''Wow...So this is Dyre? As royalty I have heard of it but never actually seen it''

Still plucking at his robes looking at the ever shifting gold that it now adorned. Looking like a holy warrior shining from the golden like flame. Kyu saw this and walked forward preparing to receive his placement before smiling at Willabaar and saying,

''Rather dashing Willabaar, You look like that an Solar Paladin of old in that gol-''

The half-mixes face turned to that of anger and disgust seemingly forcing the sick back down his throat before leaning into the fallen one,

''Thank you...I needed something to get me ready...Oh but you better hope to be on the gold now or I will make you pay for saying such unholy words.''

Kyu never heard Willabaar sound so pious and took it as he had overstep, nodding and quickly moving to the basket where he also placed his arm this time after the flash showing he also was holding a golden flame, Many more went and received their teams at this point including all but two, Silver and Mountain, The dwarf looked at the golden Willabaar smiling evilly at the man before his red and grey patched arm was put in the basket revealing a pure silver, both Willabaar and Bee started the chaotic cackles between each other before Bee took his place. opposite Willabaar and letting the last member put his hand in to reveal a gold flare to Kyu's dismay, The teams were chosen and on the gold from our tribe was Willabaar, Kyu, Silver and Wilt while Otto, Mountain and Orelia all were wearing silver.

Now lining up, determined to prove themselves in one form or another. Orelia to doubts while some like Otto just wanted a free drink, our two evil faced men sitting opposite each other just wanted a fun excuse to beat each other to a pulp and see who really was the stronger one between them. Lining the tables appeared large horns containing blood like wine with a gold or silver leaf depending on what side of the table you sat. Then Reev and Treevoar rose in unison proclaiming,

"Men of gold and men of silver you ye have come to battle once you have drank your fifty horns then ye will fight to the finish like a group of ruffians you all are!, Now the drinks have been laid before ye now, drink fast and true and remember use of reserves is not a bannable offence depending how ya use it, Now under the glowing crown of our cradle let use begin! For The ark keeps us, we must give back in some way!"

The two leaders finished their rousing speech before slamming down a staff's and hammer in slight delay of each other, creating resonating pitches of Elven wood and metal hitting the bark below their feet, sending the crowd into uproar as the first trial began with all the contestants finishing their first horns in seconds before continuing on with the onlookers support. Willabaar finishing his first drink, hitting it down spilling a small amount, spreading shadows from his mouth, leaning his head back releasing a belch of gas towards the sky and laughing afterwards but we see his violet eye light up milliseconds before the green, The interwoven vines of the ark's highest point started swirling with a jet black covering the roof noticeably to all but before anyone could think what to do the half-mixes eyes shoot open fully, Strings of thick black fire with the edges a mixture of murky purple and green slams into the table of the silver team with a great impact making all jump back, all except Mountain whose hand was clenching the table setting it ablaze from the anger spewing from the demon only for him to be slung like a ballista's bolt aimed at the opening in the castle up with the table, the drinks slamming hard leaving sawdust and smoke fall from the spot, The silver team looked on in dismay before Reev spoke,

''New Drinks!!''

The waiters began running out only to trip one by one entering the battleground, all now rubbing their foreheads and eyes screaming in pain, Willabaar looked down at the goblin who's smile made it all to obvious, he grabbed him by the shoulder and spoke,

''Well done Wilt, now let's see who can put the most away!''

Kyu turned to the two before quickly switching his gaze back to Silver on the other side, drinking his horn with pace before saying,

''That makes sixteen...Drinking is not that hard actually...huh''

Proceeding to pick up the next, Willabaar realised he had only just started his second and it may be time to speed up, Tapping his foot to the ground we see a spiral of black form into a little imp, wings only a few inches wide surprising that it could even lift it's tiny fat goblin like body around, his face was again nothing more than black except his eyes matching that of Willabaar with a singular horn slightly off centre of his forehead, the creature tugged on Willabaar's leg before being handed five horns by the half-mix who spoke to him

''Drink these quick One, I will give you more when done okay?''

The creature tilted his head and responded

'ye-YE-Yes Ma-ma-MASTER!! IT WILL be DONE''

The creatures voice seemed scared but also full of resolve as Willabaar smiled at it and spoke

''I know you can buddy, lemme know when your done okay?''

The creature nodded through a twitch and began to demolish the drinks in front of him, being handed more and more as time went the sound of the crowd was then broken by splinter wood as we see smoke rise from the bark of the coliseum like ring revealing Bee standing strong holding a plate of thirty Horns in both hands and one in his mouth spitting it out empty be proclaiming


The silver team jumped in agreement, continuing with only a cold stare and smile given between Willabaar and Bee as their personal reasons showed through their skins once more. What felt like ten minutes had passed before we hear a thunderous voice boom from the usually soft spoken angel,

''I have done this challenge set before me but I must take my leave for I need to release myself, I'm sure you get it cranberry juice runs straight through me''

Both teams stopped in place staring at the fallen, walking straight to the leaders sat at the top, their jaws dropped at the absurdity at what they had heard before Treevoar spoke,

''Cranberry?...Ya mean ye ain't had even a sip of our home brewed Spore Shock ale and think ye be moving onto the scrap?''

Kyu looked confused, a emotion that should just be accepted as his natural face before retorting

''Uhmm...Of course, I finished fifty horns. That is what you said the rules were, was it not? I did not hear at any point that it had to be Alcohol correct?''

Treevoar stood with anger in his face before responding,

''Aye that be true boy…''

His fist pushed through the Azamaar's abdomen pushing his body like a cannonball, bending in the hull of a ship but not shattering it entirely, taking the breath away making the fallen relief all the cranberries back through his mouth before going limp,

''And now ye be out via K.O...Should've just kept ye mouth shut ya know''

Treevoar said before picking up the fallen and placing him on a hammock of leaves returning to his seat,

"Now the child has been put to bed, the men can continue the real trials."

A second of silence passed before it was broken by the sound of two horns simultaneously slamming to the table on opposite sides, the participants look to see the now standing Willabaar and Bee walking in line staring at each other before appearing before the two Elven leaders, Reev waving his arm releasing Golden dusts that hits the two still eyes locked, the dust shines a brilliant Gold, Reev smiles before speaking,

''One of Gold...One of Silver.. If one lose...Team will lose...Proceed to arena...Fight with all conviction for the Ark's pleasure''

The two ignored the old man's words before walking into ring and entering from opposite sides, Mountain pulling both his hammers out in each hand, swinging them in preparation while Willabaar took a step in as his shadow splits again making two more of him enter alongside him, each holding the Elven Wood staff he was known for, Bee smirked and spoke,

''Still need those things huh? Just admit ya ain't that strong Ya highness ha!''

The two copies looked at the original still stretching out his back and arms before looking at the dwarf with eyes of frost,

''Did you say something? Sorry I was thinking how bad you will look after I finish breaking ya skull''

A smirk now stretched across the half-mixes face as the battle seemed ready to start, Treevoar turned to notice Reev with a gleaming smile before asking,

''Ain't seen ya this happy in decades at this point...What ya smiling at?''

The old elf fully opened his blinded grey eyes for the first time before softly and proudly saying

''That boy...His fathers spirit...With him it seems to stay...Hope he will use it well''

A tear slowly rolled from his eyes before it was blown away by the shockwave of an explosion in the ring.

The people were stunned, seeing nothing more than blurs of jet black and molten hot red striking and colliding in the space provided, both pushing and blocking with the speed and strength of seasoned masters sparring their fight to end it all. Both clones sitting back seemingly bored as the two continued to make the ever moving shadows catch sparks that shot out towards the crowd, sparks of lightning and Molten shards of brimstone flying up from each collision getting louder and more vicious with every strike, The fellow combatants watched on from the tables looking more and more worried at the idea of entering the ring, all this was broken by the sounds of horns being slammed down, Otto stood quick almost falling from the speed along with Wilt, Orelia and Silver as the group stumbled up towards the seats of the deciding elves before Reev went to throw his dust, he had a whisper from one of the officiators and after hearing it waved Orelia into the ring to the rest of the groups confusion, They were all sprinkled with the golden dust and allowed to enter the arena.

Orelia already stood on the side closest to Bee with Otto entering the ring alongside her, Wilt and Silver entering where Willabaar had, Orelia turned to Otto and smirked looking up at the fighting demon and spoke,

''Well if this ain't a blast from the past ya know? You should know what to do right boss?''

Otto let out a small gruff noise resembling a laugh with defeat in its tones,

''Ain't the boss for now kid...Willabaar is, that being said we should use this chance to give the 'boss' a good old Silver Scorpions beating don't ya say?

Orelia smiled before it was broken by Otto catching the dwarf, slinging him away, same with Willabaar being caught by the ever growing vine of Silver's, Mountain coughed up a small amount of blood before looking at both,

''This guy...I swear he ain't got a weak point...Think he broke at least three of my ribs but I must of shattered two of his...close game right?''

The two looked at each other and smiled before turning back to the already beaten dwarf, Orelia placing a hand that shined on her comrade making his pain subside,

''We have the advantage, remember Bumble Bee? We actually know how to work together, Orelia get him ready I can distract the boss for now''

''Understood big guy...Otto? Yeah i think we will stay with Otto...Huh''

The goliath looked with anger hiding his ever shaking smirk,

''Huh...Just hurry up Ores ahaha!''

Mountain realised that this was for the best, he could win he knew it but he also figured out that he would need the help of his oldest comrades who betrayed him to get the one up on the ever growing pain that was the royal half-mix.

The true trials have begun as the false heroes have already shown their naivety almost like a campfire lit with too much kindling…. alas they have started this fire and now they have to tame it, interesting to see where this one goes for they have no idea what this is really about after all a farmer does not fatter his pigs for fun but usually for profits and more to tell and serve out to the masses, fattening their own pockets in the process, Shame this world does not want to open its eyes to the on goings of the higher ranked of society, be it from a regal upbringing and royal birth or that of a man making his way through the common folks plying his wares eventually making a fort to sit in and protect what he had cultivated but that is all the drivel of this world most do not wish to see but it seems these false heroes will not be able to escape from the raging fire they have stoked into existence with their own bravado and power, attracting those who wish to claim it for themselves be it enemies or families there is no true freedom currently for this world, especially those who claim the mantle of hero.