CHAPTER 14 - Trials of the True Harvest Festival: Overgrown Paths Collide

Ah this is where the festivities hit a new high, adrenaline now rushing through the onlookers and our False Heroes from the first fight and now ready for more carnage and bloodshed to happen, giving them some stupid self gratifying feeling as if they could do the same if they really tried...Honestly it is rather ones power will always show improvement but potential is a fixed place, a child could see leaps of progression in his casting but after a while they become steps and then nothing more than shuffles as his body and souls potential has been struck...Still watching these fights shows that true potential has not been lost for ever and hopefully more will be on show for us, shall we resume watching the fun?.

The crowds were more boisterous, not the typical joy of seeing combat but more of rage and disgust for the feral pack that was trying to usurp their noble traditions. The next contestants started getting up to move towards the Centre ring. Orelia grabbed the Goliath's hand squeezing hard before saying,

"Beat that stupid birdy...I don't want this to end here."

The goliath rolled his clouded eyes, patting the Elvan girl on the head softly as his arm would allow him,

"Don't worry about me, I'll deal with him and win this whole thing. Two birds one stone and all '' he said, chuckling that turned into a wet cough, breathing in deeply before giving her a brief smile, turning to face the Azamaar whom had already entered the ring, His posture low looking like the worlds weight bearing down upon him. This made Otto's face change from a mild happiness to an angry disappointment.

"What's wrong little bird? Looks like you took more of a beating than the royal ass over there."

Otto said, trying to rouse Kyu into action. Seeing the fallen one's eye look into his depths more clearly than anything he has seen since he got here,

"Is this really the only path you do accept Otto? I Don't wish for this blade to be your end."

The white tipped blade spinning around his palm, Otto looked confused looking over to Wilt in the crowd, tapping his cloths in realisation he turned to Willabaar standing next to the goblin, Smiling and waving sarcastically towards him, shifting his eyes back to the fallen who was seeming closer than before even in that brief moment of turning away, Treevoar held his huge hands in the air and proclaimed,

''Right! Before the fallen child tries to do what the first two did I will now introduce the next contestants! On my right we have the Azamaar of absolute faith! A healer of the moon that was chosen purely on skill demonstrated to the winner outside these walls! Hope ya can last more than a hit this time baby birdie...And to my left we have the colossal Goliath! Even drained and drunk in the first trail he threw people aside like pebbles! Favourite for this fight in most eyes we have Otto Gaar-Eek! Now fight true and strong! BEGIN!''

Otto grabbed his hammer from his side, moving it up like a spear to any normal person, the air around his handle and head, radiating heat like a kiln going from red to blue then a brilliant white as hot as a dying star slowly imploding at the core, reaching back then swinging it around, the leather grip rotation at a speed creating a circle of sparks and flames looking like plasma trapped in a ring, stepping forward and changing its momentum forward, creating a disk of flame the ignited the air around it as it closed in on the Azamaar having little choice left, the fallen one summoned his wings now jumping up using the heats as an updraft, ascending to the canopy above, avoiding the hammer that excavated itself into the ground sending cinders into the air. Otto grabbed his secondary hammer gripping it with both hands, the head of it raising it to the air screaming,

"Oi Kyu! This is not a long range fight! Get yourself down here and fight me like a man! Or is everybody right calling you a birdie?!"

Unphased by the comments the angel decided to go down, spinning his blade around his hand making the weapon now face towards the then sending a pail light to the now posed dagger and throwing the blade like a skimming stone, cutting the atmosphere as it spins closer to Otto, bringing his hammers down, aiming to halt its path of unclear justice. The two emotional forces collided, Blinding the ground as the goliath jumps back having hit the knife into the floor below him, He slowly regained his sight as he hears the flapping of wings above, mustering his reserves Otto releases a unfocused but powerful beam of nullifying energy, the goliath hearing this noise like fabrics being torn, Flung his hammers to the direction Otto knew Kyu was.

Kyu descended seeing a human sized war hammer going streaming towards his chest as his wings disintegrate like sand, rising and shifting in a harsh desert storm. Sending his reserves into his chest, preparing for the unfocused brutality as the force and heat of the weapon send Kyu down like a man possessed, acting like a mad puppet whose master had finally picked up his pace with the strings, sending Kyu falling back to the bark and breaking the ground, a gasping face emerge on the angels face, Sending his ribs inwards with a sickening snap of Gaar-Eek, the name that Otto had said was given to his clan for the ability to make these sounds come out of the bones of their enemies, drawing his weapon back and looking down at his angelic target, floating back to the ground,

"Is beating an Angel good enough to go to heaven!"

Landing to the ground and looking around chucking, turning to the crowd raising his hands above his head, Hearing the applause from the onlookers, Otto then looked towards his other hammer before seeing the light of white and blue radiating from the twice fallen angel whom has managed to grip his blade and wobbled back to his feet, covered in murky grey and white blood looking forward to his larger opponents.

"I guess thy really has chosen the warriors be it, I'll show you then"

Kyu said with his almost emotionless voice but his visible eye told Otto everything he needed to know. Both mustering their reserves readying themselves for the next clash.

Otto now breathing heavier than before as he begins his charge, moving his hammer to his left then swinging down towards the Azamaar's head, missing as Kyu hops back narrowly avoiding the burning weapon. Otto dropped the still smoking Warhammer with a thud as it started steaming into the ground, his free hand reaching out to grab the angel's pale neck only to see his palm to his elbow to be sliced open, leaving a trail of radiants. Otto looked down at his arm, seeing the pouring purple blood reflecting light from the holy anger off his body that was starting to get a small coat of it sticking to his skin. Moving his right arm back, slapping the space Kyu was once in hitting nothing, the goliath picked up his hammer from the steaming floor, the freshly made charcoal rising with it's lifting, looking around for the slippery bird, Feeling out Otto felt something come from behind him, raising his hammer and turning to a guard before he saw, he felt the metal of the hammers shaft hit the blade off Kyu's dagger, sending it spiralling upwards. Otto then shunted the guard into his chest, grinded up and smacking his chin, spinning around bringing the flat of the searing hot hammer in to the Angels lower ribs sending the fallen toppling backwards but he managed to hop back to his feet before clasping his hands in prayer,

"Blessed mother of the forlorn give me strength to stop him in his tracks I beseech you."

Kyu spoke more frantically than Otto Had seen before. As Kyu shoved his hand into the heavens summoning his wings raising ten feet of the ground speaking an incantation.

"Heavens above send down your rays for I have uses for them."

The sounds of winds tuning as the light around the cities lanterns and fireflies seemed to grow then divert inwards as the fallen forged the light streaming inwards to a ball before compressing it down in a spiral of wind and light

Kyu looking as if he had never done such a thing released the spell sending it in a spiral towards the goliaths now only hearing the sound of Willabaar but not the usual joyous voice but that of rage screaming,

''The fuck?! The form is all wrong! Ya hands?! Daedalus sake who the fuck taught ya?! Some budget monk who spent a fucking Elven day in Recocto!?''

"Myr taught me now shut it half-bread''

Willabaar's eyes snapped open with the look of cold blooded rage surging through him before flipping quick landing standing on his hands and bending his knees slowly moving them as a monk would with his training shouting out,

''From the core you stupid bird!''

Kyu turned and barked back,

''Silence impure hieratic!''

The legs of Willabaar stopped moving before he spoke soft,

''Through the first, second and third gate...stand with me and strike like lightning.''

A light appeared around Willabaar before he disappeared, Kyu and Otto looked confused before the Goliath saw, Willbaar was spinning at the waist with a small ball of Ki at his foot's palm, pressing it into the fallen's shoulder and sending the Pale one through the ground with the force of a city wide explosion making the grey of his skin nothing more than a ever moving blur, Treevoar moved to grab the prince before more damage was done only to hear a loud crash in the same spot sending the raising sawdust flying into every direction but revealing Otto standing with the half-mix on his face, one hand holding his entire head while the other holding the serrated blade to his neck speaking true but slurring slightly,

''You attack your own men?! Over something so petty?!''

The guards ran in to grab them both before Treevoar spoke,

''Well since Kyu is unable to fight any more we must let Otto through...You though ya Highness i thin-''

Willabaar threw a rather large bag towards the tall elf, opening it as a golden aura shines in his eyes before closing the bag and clearing his throat,

"W-Well!! Only Kyu losing seems fair as he did offend royalty! Doing anything towards a royal in this city is against our laws!!'

Otto was still raging as Orelia came over smiling and hugging the giant now sweating profusely wobbling as he sat, before a word could be spoke between them Willabaar walked over and bowed to Otto speaking in his royal tones he was raised with,

"My friend I do apologize for my rash behaviour, I interrupted your grand duel!''

Willabaar looked up at the confused Goliath now smiling,

''I do hope you make it to the final, if you can defeat me that is''

Treevoar proclaimed towards the crowds whose voices had not been heard since the impact and their faces had become that of twisted confusion,

''Well then our first quarter-final has been decided!! Will be our royal guest himself Willabaar D. Price versus everybody's favourite from the outsiders! Otto Gaar-Eek!'' The next batch of fights will happen in two hours time as we ask for contestant Silver's time because Reev still needs it! The first of our final two bouts will be the young elven killer! Orelia...What's her surname? Ah point asking about her name then I guess lads!! It ain't going to become yours! But anyway she will be fighting the last of our native born represented in the trails, the archer of arcane mastery! Vagnoman the Silent! Enjoy your break with a brew on me! Hugo will be paid don't worry tell him!''

The tall elf said while still smiling and looking into the big bag before turning back to Reev's body and placing a hand on Silver before speaking as the pack walked away to his dismay.

The rest of our party all walk towards the hole made by the blast that just went off to try and see how bad the damage was to their fallen friend only to be stopped about five feet from the hole by the Azamaar's hand pulling himself up, the crew go to grab and help him out only to be beaten to it by Willabaar who appeared from behind them out of nowhere, after helping him to his feet the prince removed one of his bandages and began wrapping it around the angel's arm before the angel tried to speak being interrupted before he could by Willabaar,

''I know I know I overdid that I apologize my friend, use my bandages so you can save your reserves okay?''

The angel looked confused,

''But Williabaar th-''

''I know it won't heal you as fast but get over it''

'' have tied it too harshly...My arm seems to be losing even more blood flow. Trying to make the brake worse''.

Kyu said tutting and trying to tutor the prince in medicine, the argument spiralled as the rest of the party looked on with the usual look of being too tired to deal with the people they are with, Otto slowly stumbled over with Orelia's help and spoke slow.

''You said sorry...I'm sorry how hard I hit ya…''

Willabaar stopped his words while Kyu continued, Now looking at the goliath with his eyes seemingly dull before responding slowly,

''You hit me that hard again...I will be the one to take your life got it?''

The goliath smirked and let out a small huff of a chuckle before sarcastically retorting,


The crew all continued to bicker and moan making their way back towards the thrones to see how Silver was doing and so Kyu could try to use the last of his reserves to outdo his rival.

The guards stop them on their way up with the weapons crafted from Oak and sharpened flint before Treevoar waved them out of the way, Kyu rushed to the tall man before panicking and speaking fast,

''Are you sure you wish to leave Bronze in charge of the healing? I left him alone with Otto for five minutes and he is like this!''

Treevoar looked confused as he looked behind at Willabaar who made a smile stretch almost into a laugh before responding to the Azamaar,

''Aye../You can help the best healer in town, be his assistant if ya would please.''

Kyu's whole body seemed to twitch at the hearing of this before he uttered a small prayer,

''Mother give me strength not to cleanse it all but to accept any work they have of me to help''

He repeated this at faster and faster speeds until it was incomprehensible if he was even saying words that belonged in living languages.

''I understand that he is a little...unique but he only wishes to help at heart, now would you have a place we could rest that is not owned by the family of the competition please?''

Treevoar seemed to let out a small smile before responding,

''Oh? Aye that would make sense now wouldn't it? Fine, how about the square itself? Ya can enjoy the cradle to its full effect ya know!''

Willabaar smirked before nodding in agreement,

''Aye that is true, let's go and set up for a few hours then!''

Kyu turned with a scared expression before Willabaar waved him to continue what he was doing, taking the rest with him back to the tree that was shattered in the first round when Bee was sent through it, gathering the debris and forming a fire pit while Willabaar used his reserves to make the bark now malleable and soft, one large piece as a cover and the rest for blankets while Wilt poured a slimy substance on the ground that spread as he laid on the moving structure giggling like a child, Bee was sitting by the fire with Orelia and asked her,

''So ya know anything about this 'silent' guy?''

Orelia made a face of acceptance that you would to that of a old pet relieving itself on the rug before responding,

''No Bee...Nothing...He is called Vagnoman the Silent and that is about it.''

''Then what is ya plan?''


The dwarf let out a loud laugh spilling his brew before responding,

''Aye guess that would work!''

The girl laughed and smiled, taking out a bottle of her own and drinking along with him as they enjoyed the glow.

Willabaar, now sat in the tree, noticing Wilt looking very carefully at the ground. He was walking on, he decided to jump down almost scaring the goblin to its ass,

''What the fuck?! Can't ya see I'm being careful here?!''

Willabaar took on the expression Kyu usually has adorned before responding,

''Yes...I noticed...That is why I came down to see what you were doing..''

Wilt realised this pattern of thought made sense and let out a sigh,

''Guess your right...I'm setting up the field since I feel like Orelia won't be in here long...Hopefully I won't be either once I have a little stroll around''

Willabaar smiled and patted the small goblin to his annoyance swatting the hand away,

''Go then enjoy your little walk, don't go talking to adults without any of us around now okay?'

His voice filled to the brim spewing out sarcasm,

''Of course...Why would I do that now?''

The goblin continued his careful walk around as Willabaar returned to the fire with the rest of the party now here as Kyu landed just behind them.

''So Birdie what is the condition on his royal asshole's opponent?''

''Willabaar...Is right there...he is fine.''

The Azamaar responded leaving them all gaping at the jaw at the levels of stupidity they heard before the half-mix spoke,

''They meant...Reev buddy...Daedalus save me''

Kyu's eyes began to light up as he realised what everyone was wondering,

''Oh...He is not looking the brightest...He might ascend to the perfect moon some time close''

''By the end of the trails?''

Bee broke in,

''Possibly...even before todays light burns out.''

The crew looked on smiling and cheering at the news to the surprise of Willabaar,

''About time! Finally showing why your the boss huh?''

Otto said gleaming at the young half-mix before he smiled back and said,

''That was noting just watch what I'm going to do to you in the Quarter-finals big boy, the I'll be taking out Orelia or Bumble Bee in the semi-final before beating Wilt in the final for my revenge for the first trial''

The group all erupted into disagreement all spewing their respective arguments over each other leaving nothing to be coherent to even the ones speaking, this continues as the hours shift and the crowds all seem to be starting to form back around the area, our group notices and puts there debate on hold before Willabaar turns to them all as they walk towards the thrones,

''Well let's not just talk about who is the best, let us prove it here and now!''

Ah the halfway point the battle begins as the tricksters have placed their pranks and the booker makers have made their marks. We find the pack picking away at the foundations of their society, especially that 'Willabaar' fellow...seemingly enjoying every second of watching their will to fight against him until it wilts away like a flower at the end cycle...Rather fitting analogy would you not say?...Hmm? Yes yes I am fully aware of how you feel about the actions they have taken and where there paths project them to be but that is not for you to decide naïve..That is for them, their fates that were cast by the gods of that domain and of course the ability to laugh like a maniac in the faces of those who already see them as abominations only existing to bring ruin to that way of life that they have become accustomed to and would rather chop up their own limbs than accept the progression that comes along with a word no royals or Pericles enjoy and most deny that it is a real term unless it is being uttered by themselves...Change...Yes a great thing if wielded by someone who sees the good in everything but alas we live in a world where that does not exist, only our False Heroes even share a slight resemblance to what we speak of and if that is not the saddest part of this whole story I have spoke then the world maybe even more in danger than you thought initially.