CHAPTER 31 - Jubilation into Love

Oh so the day has come, After many tasks they have finally got to the final one, some would say the most daunting and gut wrenching task of all...Marriage. A trap made by the god of contracts long ago. Pitiful fools bonding a piece of your soul to another, sure it comes with power and prestige but personally I don't like the idea of golden chains. Alas Our group has chosen this path for their own reasons along with going after the steps. Thought it would never happen, a group going after the pillars of the plane. Let's see them lay down their law. Remember we should not judge their actions. We did the same in our younger days now didn't we? If I recall correctly you were not the kindest man. Though nor was I in all honesty. Some would say our souls are stained with the sins of the past and forever in our afterlives we will scrub them endlessly only for them to become more clear but still there just as much as the start with these False Heros I look forward to seeing the tapestry of sin the bring to the next life along with the legacy they leave behind. Is that not what you wanted?

Screaming took the sound of every street in Recocto as the bells finally tolled and they made their way to the central plaza to begin the festivities. Mathis walked out of his lab dressed as he had since he had been reborn, A white dress shirt covered with a black sleeveless overcoat that seemed to be padded with armor with a long but clinging pair of dark leather trousers and ending with a pair of black leather boots with the laces made from a fine golden substance, he walked back into his room to his shock seeing Orelia, Baarias and Gura all naked looking at their wedding dresses and now having a face of panic on Baarias and Orelia but Gura threw her axe at the door embedding it next to Mathis's head in the wood before she barked,


Mathis closed the door but not before speaking threw the small crack that remind open,

''Ores? Could you pass me Storm Caller please?''

The elven girl sighed before picking up the shining chain and handing it through the door before she spoke,

''You didn't see the dress did you?''

''No but you will look great so don't worry...Let's enjoy the final party before marriage okay?''

She smiled at the door before she responding,


Mathis went into Baaria's room where we now saw Kyu in his new furred robe and Wilt and Bee in their new clothes, Wilt was wearing a fine rich cloke that was mint green in colour with small black inlays along the cloak's arms, a symbol of a battle wrapped Orcish arm holding a human's fresh white skull on its back, underneath his cloak he was waiting a travellers shirt and black leather trousers along with his armoured pouch for his alchemical components but the dark wrapped handle of his Crypt Sytch was visible still from the pouch. Bee was dressed in an undercoat with a sandy white shirt underneath with a couple pouches with small daggers and other tools with them.

Mathis smiled before he clapped,

''Well well you guys can clean up!''

Wilt looked at the prince up and down before he spoke quite snappy,

''Oi...You look the same Mathis.''

''Well of course I would, I'm already dressed smart now come on, we should go wait in the hall for the women.''

The men all rose and walked into the grand hall seeing the women already standing in their and the princesses looked back, noticing all the men's jaw's all drop simultaneously at the beauty on display, Baarias was wearing a slightly short but respectable dress, shining in the lights but seemingly soft to the touch, her breasts were push together and outwards and made the size seem quite natural but the pose she did made them seem bigger and ruined the natural shape. Yyvone wore a long flowing dress made with some of the finest fabrics of the land and puffed out, her hair was down for the first time showing it was the same cloudy grey as her brothers only through unnatural means as her roots seemed to shine a chestnut brown and now blocking the roots was the crown that sat on her head, she adjusted it slightly as she bowed to the men as the did the same until Bee was slung around by Gura who's dress was made with the pattern of a dragon's scared scales but was made to look good on this well built woman.

Bee looked while choking on his words as Gura seemed to do the same as Baarias was trying to make her fiancé look at her dress until Mathis saw the hand of how sister in his face, he kissed her hand as he stood and saw Orelia standing holding the queens other hand as she put the two of their hands together while Mathis was still in awe at his soon to be wife, Her hair was put into an undercut like the princes but over her left side and sporting the same braid at the top of the ever flowing dragon eating itself but with a new one adorning the bottom, A shield of grey with three golden arrows, the top and bottom arrows faced to the east while the middle arrow faced west that was chosen by Mathis to be their new families crest, her dress was a dark and cloudy white with frills and layers sewn in, Mathis looked at her and caressed her face, trembling hand stopping at the bottom braid as Orelia grabbed his hand with both of hers letting out a tear as well threw a warm smile before her breaking voice spoke,

''Baarias...Sister told me about your mothers family...They were a proud clan of wood elves...Their Symbol was a shield of gold with three arrows of grey...Two facing west at the top and bottom…''

''And the middle one facing east…''

She looked to see the prince smiling back before he placed his lips on her as the room seemed to disappear from both their minds and they savored the moment only broken by Baarias complaining to Kyu about how that is how to react to your significant other while the fallen one started nodding and taking notes making the other two laugh before Mathis placed his forehead on hers and looked her in the eyes as he spoke,

''You are the most beautiful woman I've ever of the toughest too...Shall we go enjoy the evening Mrs Tysol?''

Orelia smiled as she wiped the tears from her face, kissed her fiancé before she grabbed his hand pulling him to the door and grabbing Baaria's along the way before she turned back and shouted with childish glee,

''Let us enjoy a day of freedom!!''

The rest of the royals seemed to smile and run after them along with the remainders of the crew as they all decided it was time they enjoyed the festivities.

The mourning had started to bleed into the hot vibrant shine of the middle day sun as the festivities kicked into play we saw the vendors and customers lining the large limestone streets. Mathis and Orelia were walking down the main street, hands clasped and waving to the adoring onlookers with Yyvone running and stopping every two steps ahead of them trying to push their attention to something new at every stall only making Mathis sigh and try to keep walking but was pulled back by Orelia and the queen as he forced a smile before Yyvone pulled his sleeve,

''Yes your grace?''

''Stop it! I'm still your cute little sister you know!''

''Ah yes and what can I do for my cute little sister queen today?''

The girl smiled before she looked and nodded at Orelia who walked over to the two with something clasped between her hands, she kneeled down to the two others and opened it making the princes eyes do the same making the queen giggle before she spoke,

''You are still the fourth crowned price...And the Tysol line will be royalty here always!''

He looked back at his fiancé's hand that held a small hair pin for his braid, the same one that adorned Orelia's also with the sigil of his newly formed family, Mathis smiled as the two girls placed in his hair before he hugged them both and spoke,

''Did Baarias tell you the story behind there crest?''

''No just that they were a proud people...She seemed upset so I told her not to continue…''

Mathis grabbed both hers and Yyvone's hand and started walking down the main street again as he spoke,

''The two arrows on their crest were grey to represent the silence of the wood elves in their home woods...The two facing the west were to represent their struggles against bigger forces...They were victorious for decades.''

Orelia realised where the story seemed to be going as she spoke with a gum to her voice,

''So...The one golden arrow facing the east were how they defended against it?''

''No...How they made deals with the natural resources to gain assistance...From what now stands as Recocto...My mother was the natural resource.''

Orelia seemed shocked by the news but not frozen as she had known that this man's story was dark and cloudy but then she heard warmth from his voice,

''But that is why mine is all grey...We'll fight all the way to the end of the continent to make sure our future home and family...Is safe...That is the meaning behind our family crest and since you will be the one having to explain it to people you might want to have a history lesson.''

The two laughed as Orelia elbowed the prince as they walked down, getting blurred into the crowd.

Bee raised a wooden hammer and brought it down with force sending a bell flying off the top and splintering the wooden top in a hundred different ways before the distraught Wood Elf handed him a five foot tall Banshee doll that he gave to Gura who smiled before she spoke,

''You act like that was impressive when I could cut that flimsy twig with one swing of my hand axe ha!''

Bee slapped the princesses ass making her blush before he laughed walking past her and making his way to a smell of cooked meats,

''Yeah yeah I'm getting hungry, you want anything?''

''G-Get me a claw of scorpion...A-And a horn of-''

''Sand Storm aye I know...Your family is all the same I swear.''

The dwarf walked off leaving Gura in a state of confusion as no man had ever seen her the way the man she was destined to marry did and that made her heart start to pump faster more and more making her not realize that Bee was back and was now shouting her name to get her attention

"I'm just going to eat this...Oi?...Gura what are you doing? Acting like a child in front of a bull what's wrong?''

''N-Nothing just give me the food...Oh and the-''

The demon was already handing both the drink and food over with a confused look that turned into a smile before he sat down,

''You know why I've been so calm about this whole wedding thing?''

''You don't care really and just want it over with.''

The woman's voice was filled with sadness before she felt the warm touch of Bee on her hand before he spoke again,

''No it's because you are a hell of a fighter, You can make a joke and handle a drink better than most and your gorgeous so why wouldn't I just accept after all the shit I have done and all the great men and women that outlived a unsavable soulless demon like me...I just got to enjoy this dream till I wake back up in that bar before your brother kicked the door in!'

The demonic entity said half joking but also half crying as he drank and ate through it, his eyes staring out into the lights of the sky and streets around him.

Gura was speechless only hearing these words from the older men of the last war would spout after a long day's drinking, reacting as she grabbed Bee's hand clutching before she looked into his coal black eyes saying the only words that came to mind.

''This is everything around you after all...pain is part of life and only a nightmare can cause pain and even if that is true then i will stay by your side till we slay this Nightmare...okay?

Bee wiped at his eye as he grabbed her hand tight back before his smile was broken into a look of confusion making her look past him to make her eyes widen as well as they saw Mathis in his old musky orange Gi talking to Chef with serious looks on their faces before they nodded and walked separate ways and were lost into the crowd once more making Gura turn to the dwarf,

''Oi...What is he planning now?''

The demon turned with a similar look on confusion,

''I don't know but knowing your brother it can't be a good thing right?''

The two of them started laughing at this statement as they also blended into the hustle of the crowds.

Baarias was dragging her angel by the arm with a vice like grip on his elbow as she placed the angel down on a seat like a toddler before getting her servants to bring her food and drink, them smiling at Kyu just happy to be in his presence away from the stresses of working for royalty along with other the maintenance of her young sister before Kyu spoke,

"What's the matter? You seem to be drooling, are you sick? We can return back to bed if that would please you. Cannot be having you be ill before our wedding. I can not bear the idea of you suffering on my behalf."

The fallen said, making Baarias wake for her daydream as Kyu summoned a singular wing whipping the mark on her cheek before softly stroking her chin as his wing dispersed into nothingness,

"Oh you sweet little thing no I'm fine just thinking is all, the future of the kingdom is about to change forever. There is a lot to consider my love. Now let's hope chef his up to par cannot have a malnourished Azamaar now can we?''

The women was thinking how proud she was with Kyu's progress until he spoke,

''True and you don't want to gain any more weight i'm guessing?''

The servant that was placing a jug of water down ended up dropping it and looking at the Azamaar with fear in his eyes before Baarias started to laugh maniacally,

''Dear...Who said that to you?''

''Well I said it to Willabaar and he agreed so I thought you would like to know, he said that it motivates you. So I thought it was good."

"Oh well dear I'll have to show him a mirror and point out his flaws. Also don't take what Mathis says seriously… wait until I'm done with him. Okay sweetie"

Kyu calmed, taking her hand softly looking into her eyes.

"Oh course I will not take anything Willabaar say seriously till you have dealt with his transgression...Is Willabaar in his Gi again?''

The woman looked confused before she looked to where the fallen one was looking and saw Mathis standing with Stitches and Drax all having a grim look to their faces making Baarias take a second to compose herself before she noticed Kyu grabbed her hand and moved towards Orelia and Yyvone who were now at the food stand next to the others as he spoke,

''You should go see your sisters. I will find out what Willabaar is plotting.''

Baarias could not help but smile as she moved over to her sisters but not before giving Kyu a kiss on his cheek before she spoke,

''Seriously I love you but his name is Mathis now...MATH-IS...okay?''

"Yeah sure it's complicated him being three people at this point"

Baarias softly grabbed the angel's face looking him in the eyes.

"No he is one person, one soul about to join with another. Which is so cute. My little brother is getting married...such a shame mother and father are not here to see it...Oh I'm sorry You I've never asked about your family now did I?"

Kyu looked at her, a small smile on his face.

''Well my biological family I know nothing of but their is one who took me under his wing...oh sorry arm I always forget about that but anyway he saved me from almost certain death as a child and taught me how to live, to hunt and to keep my faith..He had a woman come visit us on our travels every now and again but all I know is she worked for him and he called her Pest...But yes After I turned twenty-eight all memories of him seem to be gone...well I still remember Myr as a great man and a father or at least what I know as a father but it does sadden me that I cannot even remember his face or any of his features...His eyes, scars, nose and smile are all lost in my mind but in a strange way I believe he still lives and with Yoru's guidance I will find him again and introduce you to him as my wife''

Baarias was listening paying attention until the final lies made her cry tears of joy before she hugged him and whispered softly before she walked off to her sisters,

''I will be honoured to meet the great man who raised my precious birdie...Now go see Mathis I will see you soon''

She walked over to the girls who smiled and hugged her as they turned back to the food being prepared and Kyu went over to Mathis and the two uncles who noticed the angel as Drax gave a soft wave and smile making Mathis turn and do the same,

''Well Kyu you actually look like your enjoying yourself!''

Kyu tilted his head in confusion as he does and responded,

''But...I'm usually happy, does it not show?''

The three men al looked in confusion before the fallen one continued,

''Anyway, what are you doing Mathis? Baarias assumes you are up to something and has quested me with discovering it along with telling you that she will be having a word with you about the comment on her weight...Not sure why.''

Mathis made a face of fear as he shuddered and as he went to speak he was interrupted by Bee and Gura now standing either side of him as Gura spoke,

''Yes little brother...Tell us.''

Mathis seemed to pull a panicked smile out and turned to the two,

''I'm...Saying goodbye to everyone if you must know.''

Gura looked confused before Bee spoke and made her more confused,

''Ah makes sense we are leaving in two days.''

Gura grabbed the demon by the scruff lifting him into the air before she barked in hi face,

''Did you think about telling me at any point about this?! You could have a squadron of men if you have a mission!...Why...Why are you leaving already…''

Bee looked at the women holding him and gritting through the tears before he smiled,

''Why would I take men from this place? That weakens your ground and you know that as their leader right?''

Gura did not know how to react but she did feel a hand placed on her shoulder, turning to see her brother with a look of guilt,

''I have no right to take him with me but he does work for the Tysol family...I'm sorry.''

Gura pushed him off as she ran off in to the streets and blended with the crowd making all stand and watch in shock before Bee ran off after her with searing pace and pushing all those in front of him out of the way after the women who he had obviously hurt to see if he could be that caring partner he wanted to be.

You see?! Not even married yet and already a spat...Marriage is a brilliant curse that society made with no magic at all...Not even Ki so good show but I would not wish it on most. A world like that would allow the alchemist to take over, no thank you. I dread to think of the idea. But alas the False Heroes have made connections of convenience that are normally broken as quickly as they are formed. I do wonder why people would subject themselves to such torment but that again is the choices of the people and it will start the next chapter in their tales I'm sure.