Dampening heartbeats

In the Kinma border, the man and the two officers arrived with Alisha followed by Prince Tabeed. Prince Tabeed stood at the door. He saw his duke brother sitting inside the restaurant in which the man and the prince sat before. His left leg was on another chair and his right leg rested on the land, with one hand on the leg another one rubbed his stressed head.

The three people bowed and greeted the prince whose body stiffed due to the pressure, "May you have a peaceful life, Your Highness."

The man stood up and informed, "These two officers from Border of Dugi were also looking for this girl. I brought them back to serve you."

Prince whose eyes were frozen on the ground blankly raised his head and asked without greeting them back, "The imperial secret investigator went back. You, two mere officers, were still looking for her. I feel you had other motives behind that."

The leader hurried to explain, "Your Highness, we were hiding in an abandoned way to Kinma Border. So, we were not updated. Please forgive us."

He shook in fear. The prince stood up and walked toward the leader, "it's okay, your ignorance led you to serve me directly."

"Don't disappoint me."

He walked towards Alisha who laid unconscious on the ground. He took a careful look at her and smirked, "you little girl, you know little moves of Self- defense that too taught indirectly by my people and think you can get away from me."

"Female officers serving in the Palace are like dust to me."

"UMM...With your skills and efforts, you are a little rock. Happy?" he pinched her chin. He realized her face was disfigured.

The kohl imprinted her cheeks the tears left a mark of a dried river. Her wound on the edge of her lips which had turned black made her look like a ghost.

He immediately moved his hands away which made Alisha fall on the ground, giving another injury to her chin. The man took out a Handkerchief and handed him.

He cleaned his hands and said, "Throw her in prison, send a message to Duke of Kinma. So that he verifies it for Father."

"It was because of her that the budget was exceeded and I am not involved in any Corruption." He turned his face and found his younger brother Tabeed.

Tabeed walked in with a serious face. He gave a slight look at Alisha who seemed to have to gain consciousness after being dropped in the ground had blurry eyesight but could hear well.

"I am still alive! Ah! It hurt so bad. I still can't speak. I can't hold my pain." Tears rolled down again.

Kashif was peeking at the scene inside from the window and murmured, "She still hasn't given up. Oh God, this girl....."

"Does she really want to die?" The waiter who had vacant his restaurant from ordinary people popped out from nowhere and nodded, "Lady Royals are tough officers. "

"Though not officially granted, she can be considered as one." He rubbed his chin.

Kashif heard him and made a sobbing face, "Why do people always hear what I say." The waiter replied, "Because you say them out."

Tabeed saw a drop of blood dropping on the ground. He thought, "Didn't she stopped bleeding."

He followed the direction of the second drop of blood. It was rolling down from Alisha's cheeks like lava. Tabeed was taken aback.

He turned to his brother immediately and suggested, "Brother, father has already suspended you after the trial."

"He won't take his words back."

"Since you still have a month, you should take rest and train yourself in dark for the throne."

Prince Kamran grew interested in his youngest brother's words. Not because it was a good piece of advice. because it was coming from Tabeed, who has never said a sentence that could make sense, he was now talking of tactics.

He made everyone leave the restaurant except Alisha, he didn't notice that she was conscious. He made his brother Tabeed, sit down with him.

The sun was setting the two officers sent the message through pigeon to Danish. The man went to the hotel and laid down. He was trying to conclude the things that happened. The waiter sat down with Kashif beside a tree near the restaurant. Kashif had to obey and listen to the waiter. Because he threatened him to expose his existence.

Tabeed prepared himself and finish their talk as quickly as possible. Prince Kamran asked curiously, "Were you pretending all these years?"

"Or you learned these things from somebody?"

"Are you a puppet of some brother of ours?"

"Or your words belong to our father?" Tabeed replied in a serious tone, "Whatever is acceptable to you."

"You can choose one. I am just suggesting, it's completely on you to put it in action."

Prince Kamran rubbed his thighs and gave a smile of frustration, "You smell like a puppet."

He paused and then asked, "Go ahead, I will listen to you."

"I can't become a good Emperor. If I don't trust people."

Tabeed hurried to explain things. Giving a slight glance at Alisha who looked like running out of breath.

He spoke nonstop, "Brother, you should relax in this last month, report to father in person with Alisha as the culprit. "

"You can explain yourself there."

"Don't let anyone know you found her at this time."

"When you go there, you can exaggerate your efforts to win favors of Ministers and your Father-in-law."

"He would be present at that time in Capital City for celebrating Umrah's birthday."

He took a glance again and continued, "you should let this girl recuperate till that time. If you bring the culprit in a better state than other brothers. You will be praised as well for respecting the lady royal. A person who made you suspended from your office."

Kamran thought about it too. It was completely reasonable for his unreasonable case. Tabeed looked at him for a reaction nervously. Prince Kamran said, "you have grown up. Since you have suggested this thing. As your elder brother, I will give you a chance to prove your innocence that you are not working for anyone else."

He laughed in his eyes and place his palm on Tabeed's shoulders and said, "you ask me to relax so I will. But you have to take care of this girl till the day of my duty resume arrives. If she runs away or is not in a better condition. You will be forever removed from the list of my brothers."

He stood up and reminded him, "understand? Don't fool around anymore and be an ally of mine. If you do the jobs properly. I promise you will be the most powerful man after me when I ascend the throne." Tabeed stood and kissed his brother's hand. He nodded as Kamran left the restaurant to get some rest in the hotel.

As soon as Kamran left, Tabeed ran to Alisha who was crying blood tears, losing her breath, "Stay away from me, just let me die here. I am already standing in front of the gates of death's Palace." She thought.

Tabeed took out a bottle, he placed two pills from the bottle in her mouth. Not only the blood from her eyes stopped but she fell into a deep sleep.

He carried her in his arms and moved out of the restaurant. The waiter made Kashif look in the direction of the restaurant.

"Is she dead?"

Kashif was pulling out petals from the flower thinking to leave for Suli. He didn't leave just to confirm Alisha's condition.

He looked in the direction and moved his eyes again on the flower. He plucked a petal again, "no it's just Prince Kamran carrying her out in his arm." He repeated to himself, "carrying in his arms?" and plucked another petal.




He turned again and saw Prince Tabeed walking towards the huge carriage of his brother Kamran. He shouted, "AYE! AYE! Whaaaaaatttttt aaaaarrre yoaaaau dunnnnning?"

He stood up feeling his neck stiff and ran towards them. Tabeed heard him but he didn't stop. He climbed up the carriage with Alisha in his arm.

He adjusted her inside gently and came out. Taking a deep breath in the gentle breeze. He moved his right foot forward ignoring the gasping person next to him.

Kashif moved in front of him and stared directly into his eyes, which annoyed Tabeed, "I know, despite my status you people don't respect me."

"But you don't have to cross the line."

He gave a little push and Kashif stumbled. Tabeed made his way to the Hotel room.

He supported himself and shouted, "Why can't you let Prince Tabeed handle her."

"He did all the hard work after all"

Tabeed turned back, "Mister, you have some misunderstanding." Saying this in his deep voice. He walked away to the hotel.

Kashif tried to climb up the carriage, but he felt his legs numb. He was just fine but after a little stumble, he couldn't move at all and he sat down on the ground struggling.

"What happened all of a sudden?"

"When will it be normal?"

"I wanted to run away with Alisha to Suli. But it seems impossible now. I have to get away before the sunrise and the two prince takes her away."

He rubbed his face and complained, "what kind of people are they? Even the evilest criminal is fed twice a day and treated for colds. But they have promised to feed the death with a new variety 'Dried Iceberg'."

"Oh, Almighty! They are so cruel."

He looked up the carriage, blaming Alisha, "Who told you to show off your womanly skills."

My sisters' skills are better than yours, but they didn't go up the stage and participate in the National Event of Lady Royals."

"Why? Because they have no intention to trouble people."

"Here you are hitting your head against mountains."

Standing behind him, Tabeed said giving a faint smirk, "Who is hitting head on mountains?"

Kashif answered, "who else? Iceberg is hitting head against the mountain."

Kashif stood up thinking it was the waiter. But found Tabeed instead, "Prince Kamran, why are you here again." He tried to hide his frustration.

Tabeed pushed him aside and again climbed inside the carriage and covered Alisha with the blanket he brought back. Before Kashif could take a glimpse, Tabeed came out and close the door.

He annoyingly asked, "When you were outside the restaurant with these elephant ears, I ignored you."

"You mistook me for my brother. I again ignored you. "

"You disrespected me, I ignored you."

"But you are disturbing that half-dead lady. I will............"

"....surely ignore you but you tell isn't it improper for to linger around like a fly."

Kashif tried to explain himself, "I apologize prince Tabeed. please forgive me. I …"

Tabeed yelled, "what exactly do you want?"

Kashif the spoiled kid of his family couldn't stand others yelling at him and yelled back, "I want that iceberg!!!!!!"

Tabeed again yelled, "Then go to the Southern Ocean."

Kashif again yelled, "I mean the lady inside."

A cry was heard while their competition of loudest voice was on its full peak. Tabeed hurried inside, "I totally forgot about it."

"This fly really messes things up."

He was really annoyed at this time. He took four pills from the bottle and placed them in her mouth.

He jumped out and closed the door. He asked him in a very low voice, "What is your relationship with this girl?"

Kashif answered, "I am Kashif and I…." but Tabeed interrupted him, "Don't tell me you are her husband."

Kashif choked on words, "No…way! Only the dumbest person will marry her."

Tabeed now lost all interest in the conversation and said, "then! Good-Bye, have a good night."

Kashif replied, "Good-bye, you too have a good night."

And he took a step in the opposite direction, "Wait! Am I forgetting something?"

After realizing that he just greeted farewell to the person, who drove off Alisha away from him. "Ayyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaa, Prince Tabeed come back!!! What if I am her relative?"

Tabeed looked back, he couldn't see Kashif but answered, "Then you wouldn't have just stood by watching her being bullied, doing nothing."

Kashif fell to the ground, he felt his organs would jump out anytime and run in chaos, shouting, 'Will father appreciate a coward like you?'

Kashif immediately stood up and ran towards his horse which was brought by the man. He went after the carriage and soon caught up.

Tabeed noticed him following and said, "Why doesn't he leave me alone?"

He stopped on the way and so did Kashif. He came towards the carriage and was about to speak something when the silver dagger fell from his body.

Tabeed immediately recognized it, "Isn't this my brother's dagger."

"Did you steal the dagger?"

"Was it because of that, you didn't help this lady?"

Kashif tried to explain to him, "He gave me this dagger and also gave me full authority to uses it however I like."

Tabeed didn't believe him and tried to snatch the dagger. Kashif pulled the dagger away. Tabeed asked furiously, "you don't want to give it back? Okay! I am a prince as well. I don't mind donating things to beggars."

"Just give a proper reason, as to why he gave this rare dagger to you so easily."

Kashif's face turned red with shame and hesitated, "If I tell him the real reason."

"He would never even let me see her face again."

"I won't be able to rescue her, Grand Uncle would suffer because of me." He thought to himself and decided to play a trick.

"Oh Almighty, how am supposed to tell him that the Man gifted me in exchange for that rare poison." He murmured, loud enough to be heard, trying to ignore the gaze of the prince.

Tabeed heard him very well but pretended he didn't, "Since, my brother has already given it to you, I won't take it back in any case." He continued his journey, leaving Kashif behind drowning in deep thoughts.

After sometimes Kashif made his way to Suli, realizing his father would leave in two days for middle-east region, "Each one is responsible for their own fate." He said that looking at the carriage getting away. But just then he did risk not only his but his clan's life as well.

Tabeed brought her to a clinic in Kinma City, "I want her healthy in three days."

He ordered the doctor of the clinic. the doctor was a former imperial physician, who resigned to serve the common people.

The Doctor nodded his head and asked Damini, "Take good care of her. She is a VIP patient."

She ignored him in front of the Tabeed. She went inside the room where Alisha was lying and kicked the bed, "Who are you to deserve being brought by the prince." Jealousy was sweating from her beautiful chubby body.

Instead of treating her, she thumped her stomach so hard that blood flowed out from her mouth. Hearing her loud cough, the doctor ran inside hastily. "What are you doing???"

"I told you she is a VIP." He pushed her aside and called out for nurses, "Where are you slacking off from work?" Four nurses immediately ran in, dressed in sober clothes.

They started treating her wounds, one of the nurses, named Sara discovered the side effects of pills given by Tabeed, "Doctor, she might be in a coma for few days."

The doctor asked frustratingly, "Why so? I don't want to hear anything. "

"She must recover in three days."

The nurse thought to herself, "Three days? Impossible! You can't force anyone to be healed so quickly."

"Let's see who wins."

Here Tabeed avoided the chaos and sat in the lobby. As time was passing, he was sinking in an ocean of his deep thought, "Kamran and his people have long suspected me."

"As long as I am not a threat to Kamran, he won't come after him."

"In all of the siblings, he is the only one with a heart. Since I have no intention to ascend the throne, it would be easier for me to meet his condition."

He sighed looking towards the room, "I do have a way out to hold sweets in both hands."

"Lady, you have to cooperate with me."

"The world is unfair to everyone so that everyone has a fair experience."

The Doctor came out while the nurses were cleaning up. Sara shoves her colleagues' elbow and whispers, "Will you bet for your ring and my earrings?"

Her colleague thought rolling her eyes, "Don't you have anything else to do?" Sara poked her and whispered, "If this girl recovers in three days, I will lose my earrings to you."

"If she takes even an hour-long you will lose your ring to me."

Her colleague nodded her head several times saying, "My ring?"

"Losing to you?"

"If this girl doesn't wake up in three days?" Sara also nodded with her. Giving out huge smile on her face.

"Dream on!!!!"

Sara's colleague thwacked her in her stomach and shouted while coming out. Sara followed her out, "okay, listen to me we can change the deal."

"I won't take your ring but you can take my earrings if I lose." She spoke in a high volume.

Both of them came out of the room and saw Tabeed and Doctor were having a serious conversation. Damini scolded both the nurses, "You people are again giggling and playing around."

"Do you people have a death wish?" the nurses stood frozen as their eyes were glued to the ground.

Damini yelled at them, "You two come with me to the magistrate's house."

On hearing 'magistrate house' the steps moved backward a hesitant filled the nurses' face. Damini looked back feeling their reaction, "Let's go, this is your punishment to help the doctor."

"If you don't go right now, I will send you there to serve his wife for three months."

The nurses moved their heads disagreeing. They had no option other than to go to the Magistrate's house. The wife of the Magistrate was a rude and cruel person. Extremely proud of her mere existence. Putting on airs in every social gathering and insulting every girl she finds more beautiful than her. Is she jealous? Only God and she knows.

Here Amaan was reading the tiny letter brought by Danish. He took a deep breath and strengthened his old shoulder making his chest wider and heart heavy, he commanded, "Ask them to find a chance and..."

Danish looked puzzled at his uncle and asked, "and?? What do they have to do?" Amaan dropped a tear and spoke further, "and kill Alisha."

Danish's soul left his body and he turned yellow, "what? Whaaa___"

Amaan ignored him and continued, "and bury her somewhere in a remote place. Her single-cell shall not return here."

Danish smiled in his heart, "The mine is indeed more important than 'already-dead person' "

He pretended again, "but you raised her with your own hands. You left your business in others' hands just to raise her."

Amaan replied wiping his single drop of tear, "Location of mine will ignite the bomb of civil war. It's better to sacrifice a lamb than to let the tiger hunt themselves."