Final visit of haunting death

Who knew the mischievous smile of two young men would soon turn into the deepest sorrow of their family? "Brother, sometimes I think we are quite blessed to have exposure to such an addictive thing as poetry." Said thirteen-year-old Zayan, after making reciting his self-composed poem on glory an archer brings which was dedicated to his brother Eiman. Buttered with the praise, Eiman didn't realize the disgusted look of his classmates.

"Sliding with snow runs down the road,

Beauty lies in the pointed poisonous arrow

As the wind strikes the huge tree on its way

Lying on earth despite deep strong roots

Bowing to the elegance brings of young master

Presence bestowed with petals of flowers sowed

Long ago in the journey of hardship which owed

The sweet whistle of leaves welcoming spring."

A young woman recited the poetry again. Though the essence could not be heard in her voice, she recited the poem after only hearing for the first timeline by line. Only one word could describe her as "amazing".

She was as beautiful as a fairy and had an angelic voice but none of the boys showed any interest in her. Her luring scent made them even more disgusted. "Who let her in?" the host shouted.

Before guards came in, a young man older than all the boys was present there. He popped out from the lady's back and laughed proudly. "Why? Did she already win over your heart?" seeing the familiar annoying face.

The host stood up and pulled him out, "how lowly and disgusting person are you? I have told you several times you are not allowed in any of the sessions held by me. Not only you came here but also got a lowly woman..."

Javed laughed, "lowly woman?? Do you know who she is? How much effort it took for me to get her?" the host thumped Javed's shoulder and said, "even if she is a first-rank princess (daughter of the king) we won't allow her to mess around with our innocent reputation."

Javed gave a careless smile, "you know what happened last time? It was all because of you that we were all in trouble." Said the host reminding him.

"Fine, you will regret it." Said Javed. The girl came out full of elegance and sweetness in every light step. The host turned and saw her which made him full of disgust.

He said before leaving, "if she is so good? Why don't you marry her?" this somehow offended Javed and he yelled, "you know who I am. I am the son of Revenue Minister…how dare you match me with such a lowly person." This made the host give a sarcastic smile at the girl.

Remembering the punishment from last time, the two brothers slipped away quietly. On their way home, they were discussing the punishment they would get for escaping from the banquet. "Uncle had hung us upside down on the tree branch." Said Zayan.

Eiman hit his head lightly but he stumbled overreacting. "Did you have to remind me of that?"

Zayan asked him curiously, "Do you have any other option?"

Javed replied, "We will come with some excuse."

They had entered the wide alley of their colony. Though the colony had only seven houses of great ministers living there with their families, today, or we can say just at that time.

The air seemed to be crying. The strange atmosphere made boys think their family was not back yet.

"We should at least check the house." Said Eiman.

Entering the huge garden at the entrance of the Pillar Mansion. The beautiful birds were chirping the mourning song in the dull evening. "What's wrong with them Brother Eiman." Asked Zayan pulling Eiman's sleeves.

He looked around and said, "don't you think they are not singing happiness but deep sorrow though they are free."

Eiman walked silently tightening his grip on his sword. They soon entered the Main Hall, where his uncle used to sit and supervise works. Not even an ant was present there, which was quite unusual. There was always a servant present there, even if the entire families temporarily move.

They went inside to search for that servant but found almost all the servants of the seven families with their masters available there as well. They seemed to have encircled around something in the gathering hall.

The two boys heard loud cries and screams. They laughed, "I think a sister of ours has been chosen to be the daughter-in-law of grand prince." Said Zayan. Eiman said, "what if they had a flash marriage and now sister has to leave. They are bidding Farewell."

"I didn't get to recite my customize poem for my sister during the wedding." Zayan looked irritated and mad. He pushed all the dignities and ran to the scene with Eiman following him. The scene was so cold and freezing that they turned their neck to look around and saw every soul shedding tears silently.

Zayan screamed, "we were wrong. You don't have to do such a senseless prank."

He scolded the six bodies covered in white coffins lying there silently breathless. Eiman moved ahead with shaking legs seeing their sisters dressed in white.

He pulled the cloth to see the faces and realized their bodies were as cold as ice and white as their coffin. The blue lips of each elder of his family showed signs that they died in cold or was it poison?

Zayan lost his mind and yelled louder than all of his sisters and tears rolling was not as heavy as his guilt. He went to see them one by one and cried beside each grave seeking forgiveness.

Eiman accompanied his sisters sobbing their hearts out. These went for hours and even the prince of first ranks stood there until the young members of Pillar family had dried out the tears of their thousand lives.

The eldest Prince ordered his maids, "Take the young ladies inside, it's time for the burial ceremony."

The Prime Minister heard this and objected, "Your highness, forgive me but I have sent the letter to your brothers and Former Grand Master. "

"The emperor wants each of seven Princes to be present on his behalf, it is for political reason and Amaan is the eldest of the clan."

The eldest prince was annoyed and went out. "All the prince should represent me…. what's the use? We can have only one crown prince and only he can be the emperor and your beloved son." he was upset with trivial matters easily. Coming out of the door he bumped into Amaan and Danish.

"Respectfully greeting your highness" Amaan and Danish greeted him in one tone. He greeted back, "Greetings, just spare the formalities and go see your family" He moved ahead to take a stroll outside.

Danish had to give support to his uncle and took him inside, "My uncle's heart is heavier than he is."

He thought to himself pitying his uncle's condition. "He lost six members of his so-called family. His son is with Enemy general David. "

"His granddaughter has been captured by Imperial secret investigators and too under the supervision of Prince Tabeed, a greedy playboy and her granddaughter carries a risk to start a civil war."

The mystery is why would people fight over a coal mine. Only Alisha's Grandfather knows.