The Beginning Of The End.

"It all started in your father's office eight hundred years ago. Humanity was experiencing a. sort of science block whereby the couldn't move forward or backwards, stagnant if I may say. We faced this problem until one day an Unidentified Flying Object Landed in the white house. It held inside it what looked humanoid in shape, but bigger than an average man. As soon as the opened the pod it sprung up at them and held the first neck it could find and...."

"No not from the very first time but from when Android came into existence" I cut him short, sensing that the story if started from there was going to be a very long one. Besides I was looking for a way to make him think we are still friends, not that we ever were.

"okay Aria I'll try to make it as short as possible I'm sensing you're a little bit bored.

Androids Landed on Earth just a few years after the alien did. Their mothership was enormous in size so the had to disembark in smaller ships onto earth. As soon as the arrived earth proper, the began their onslaught. What puzzled us humans was the fact that the only killed US. The never hurt animals or insects unless without knowing. But before the had arrived, the alien had already began creating a world where human consciousness would thrive and evolve into superior species and battle these monstrosities. As luck would have it then, he was finished with his work and started making pods for the entire human race. No one knows why he went such length for us. He succeeded in making a billion pods in the space of three years. Humans were astonished.

After reports of it finishing it's huge project and rumors of the metallic creatures arose, humans started going missing from all across the world."

"Were you one of them?"


"wow so your like, what, eight hundred years old" I chuckled while saying this thinking he'd notice the sarcasm behind my speech. After which there was silence for a while.

" wait Mark your not serious are you?"

"I'm not joking Aria. I never do nowadays"

" oh my God" I said looking flabbergasted

"May I continue with my lengthy story?"

"yes please do" I uttered, looking puzzled

"The government had already partnered with him to abduct talented youths to be forced into the pod. The had to do it to increase the human race chances for evolution. Within few months the were done with the abduction and

forcing of people into the pod, the decided to keep it undercover so as for the Androids not to find the bodies. The built a military base atop the endless pile of bodies. That, my friend is how Sky Camp was born.

After years unend the remaining humans left on Earth were left to fend for themselves while the fight against the Androids. The people in Sky Camp were actually living in paradise compared to what was outside their walls.

The population of humans outside Sky Camp deminished as time past by due to hunger and Android attacks. Guns and ammunitions couldn't Pierce their skin any more than wood could pierce through metal. The nearly vanquished life outside Skycamp until I came along.

" wait wait wait I could remember you say you were amongst the lucky chosen. How did you appear in this part of the story."