Getting Wounded ( 1 )

Since the one-night stand affair with the CEO where she was apprenticed, Rere didn't want to go to work. Spend time in the room alone. Shut herself in the room. She doesn't care about his surroundings. Angga, her boyfriend tried to approach her but Rere was scared. She still can't forget what happened that night. Hate and hurt to hear the words of the man who tarnished her.

Set her up for treasure? It never crossed Rere's mind. Not that you want to be arrogant. The girl was rich since she was in the womb. It is impossible to trap the CEO for wealth. An excuse that made no sense and insulted her pride.

Rere is the type of woman who is proud and proud. She did not accept it if he was insulted and even trampled on her pride by others. She will not want to show his weakness to others. Rere only shows weakness only to Tia. The two of them were friends for the first time in college, even Rere persuaded her mother to pay for Tia's college because her best friend's father was gone. Mama Tia can't afford to go to college anymore. Thanks to the help of Rere and her family, Tia is still able to study at the final level. Soon they will graduate.

A week after the incident Gesa was discharged from the hospital. Her condition has stabilized a little. For a while, Rere accommodates Gesa in her apartment until the girl's condition returns to normal. Gesa was able to act normally but suddenly cried when she watched a television program that reported the death of Ananya Shyla.

Tempat hiburan Malaysia meratapi kematian artis terkenal mereka, Ananya Shyla. Pelakon itu mati dalam kemalangan. Ananya mati di tempat kejadian. Menurut polis, Ananya mengalami kemalangan kerana minum alkohol. Keluarga tidak mempercayai kenyataan polis. Menurut keluarga, Ananya seorang isteri dan ibu yang baik. Jangan sekali-kali minum minuman yang tidak bersih. Keluarga itu tidak menerima wawancara dari wartawan kerana mereka bersedih.

Peminat artis sangat terkejut melihat kelakuan idola mereka. Warganegara menghujat Ananya. Menurut netizen, Ananya hanya bagus di depan kamera walaupun di belakang tabir dia mempunyai tingkah laku buruk.

(Malaysian entertainment world mourns the death of their famous artist Ananya Shyla. The actress died in an accident. Ananya died on the spot. According to the police, Ananya was in an accident due to drinking alcohol. The family did not believe the police statement. According to Ananya's family a good wife and mother. Never. drinking haram drinks. The family did not accept interviews from reporters because they were grieving.

Fans of the artist were very surprised to see their idol's behavior. Netizens blasphemed Ananya. According to netizens, Ananya is only good in front of the camera even though behind the scenes she has bad behavior).

"No. Sis Ananya is not like that. She is very kind and takes care of herself. She is a good girl. Do not touch unclean drinks occasionally. She was not killed by accident. You are bad." Shouted Gesa in frustration.

Gesa was hysterical again seeing the bad comments of netizens. The girl did not accept her boss's rumors that were not true.

"Take Gesa again to Tia's hospital. Go with the uncle Quality." Rere looked at Gesa with pity.

"Calm down. The crew is in a safe place. They will not find the crew. "Rere rubbed Gesa's head. Suddenly the girl was not angry like that earlier.

"Sis. The crew knows everything. brakes were Ananya's car damaged. You see for yourself how they insulted her." Gesa looked at Rere with a million hopes.

"I know. How did they kill Ananya but we can't talk to the reporters? The killer wasn't just anyone. They're dangerous. "

Gesa shouted hysterically again. Inevitably Tia asked for help from uncle Quality to bring Gesa back to the hospital.

"The crew had to return to the hospital. The crew must be healthy. If the crew was dear to Ananya. The crew must be strong according to the reality of the policy. The crew does not worry. I will bear the medical expenses of the crew," said Rere before Tia bring Gesa to go.

"Lo is it okay to live alone? " Tia was so hesitant to leave Rere alone in the apartment.

Rere nodded, "It's okay. Go. Gesa mentally recover."

"You also Re." Tia sadly looked at her friend in irony.

"I'm fine Tia. I can still control myself. Hurry up and take it before she goes berserk again," said Rere smooth.

"Good Re." Tia immediately left Rere. Just a few steps Tia looked back. "If there is anything, contact me. Ok?"

"Calm down. I'll call you." Rere tried to smile.

Two hours later Tia returned to the apartment. Rere had not slept because he was waiting for Tia's return.

"How Gesa?" Asked Rere curiously.

"You haven't slept yet?" Tia was flabbergasted because Rere was waiting for her. Rere was not usually waiting for her, usually, Rere had left Tia to sail to bed.

"Not yet Tia."


"I can't sleep. I want to move Tia's internship."

"Why is that?"

"The man knows that I am an apprentice in his office."

"How come?"

"I blurted out saying I knew him. I don't want to see him again. I'm scared."

"If you are pregnant with her child, how about Re?"

"Don't talk about it, Tia. I don't want to hear." Rere closed her ears. She cried sadly in Tia's arms." I'm not pure. I'm dirty Tia. What if Angga finds out if I've slept with another man?" Rere's breath was tight. Her chest fluctuated. Her breathing was whistling. For some reason, her good intentions were disastrous. Instead, she was trapped with Dino. They spent the night together. completed lust.

"I'm afraid Angga disappointed at the same." Rere sobbing. Her eyes and nose flushed from crying.

"Don't think about Angga. Calm yourself first Re. You are shaken by the events of that night. Calm down, Re." Tia hugged Rere tightly as if she didn't want to let go.