Getting Wounded ( 2 )

"Don't think about Angga. Calm yourself first Re. You are shaken by the events of that night. Calm down, Re." Tia hugged Rere tightly as if she didn't want to let go.

" I'm avoiding Angga. I'm not worthy of him. He deserves to find a girl who is better than me. I'm dirty and despicable. "

"Don't say that Re. Let's sleep," Tia took to her room.

In the morning the sun shone brightly. Rere went back to sleep when Tia said goodbye to the office where she was apprenticed. They both were interning the requirements for the final assignment from campus. Rere asked Tia to take care of moving places. apprentice. Luckily, Rere's parents had a strong connection so it was easy to do it.

Rere still closed her eyes. Still can't forget the events of that night. Cursed herself for acting like a naughty woman that night. No denying that that night enjoyed what that man was doing. Rere shook her head, realizing that what she was doing was due to the influence of drugs. If only time could be played maybe she would not help the man.

Without realizing it, a man entered her apartment. The man staggered the effect of drinking wine. He stepped into Rere's room. it opened the guest room, empty ..... No one.

The man opened the door to the main room. Smiling sweetly when he saw Rere was still asleep in the room. look like a baby blanket. The man removed Rere's blanket then lay down next to her. The man smelled Rere's hair.

"Why are you avoiding me Re? I miss you, honey. Why have you been so weird these past few weeks? " The man approached then moved to kiss Rere's lips.

"What are you doing?" Rere woke up from his sleep because of the man's touch. She pushed the man until he fell out of bed.

"Re ...." Angga cried like a child. "Why are you avoiding me?"

"Are you drunk?" Rere covered her nose. The smell of alcohol is very strong.

Angga hugged Rere's body tightly. He showered Rere's cheek with a kiss. Not happy, but Rere disgusted. She slapped Angga until the man staggered.

"Get out of here!" Rere drove Angga away.

Angga approached him again. Rere stepped back to avoid Angga.

"Why did you change Re? You already ignored me Re. What did I do wrong Re?"

"You don't do anything wrong. Get out of here. "


"None of your business."

"Of course my business because I'm your boyfriend."

"I asked to break up. We don't have a relationship anymore." Rere spontaneously asked to break up.

"Are you cheating on me? You already have another guy? " Angga is getting drunk. His body was getting dazed. He returned to Rere but the woman threw a bolster.

"Go away from here." Shouted Rere hysterically. Angga's eyes grin like a masher man. The man's gaze seemed to eat it whole. Rere was scared, keeping her distance from Angga without realizing her body hit the wall.

"You're silent means you're really cheating." Angga is angry. The man throws everything that is on the nightstand.

Rere is increasingly scared to see Anga's attitude. The man was not like the lover she knew. Rere sobbed. The trauma is still there.

"You are mine. Cannot be owned by other people. I will make you mine. "

"No," shrieked Rere running towards the exit. Angga that he knows has turned into a monster.

Angga managed to intercept Rere. He hugged Rere from behind then lifted her up. The girl was thrown roughly onto the bed. Angga opened her shirt, showing the torn bread.

Angga crushed him. Tried to kiss Rere even though the girl always avoided her. Rere even slapped Angga. Not that it stopped the man from getting brutal. He forcibly removed Rere's pajamas. Rere crossed his arms over his chest when Angga managed to remove her top clothes.

"Do not do it," Rere asked.

"You are the only mine," said Angga. Its eyes flashed like an eagle ready to pounce on its prey.

"Don't Angga. You're a good person," Rere squeaked when Angga forcefully kissed his lips.

"Help me......…..," shouted Rere loudly. Angga stroked his whole body even the man squeezed the two twin mountains. Rere's tears were getting hysterical. Feeling humiliated and humiliated by her lover.

"No one will help you. You're mine."

Angga is ready to take off his pants. Rere is getting hysterical with Angga's recklessness. Disappointed and injured, the lover who had been so dear to her was a bastard. Even though the man was drunk, Rere couldn't understand it.

Durr ......

Someone hit Angga's head with a vase until the man passed out.

"Tia." Rere cried with emotion. Got up from the bed and hugged her best friend tightly.

"Don't be afraid everything is fine." Tia stroked Rere's head. "I'll take care of this trash."