Looking for Bara's Wife ( 2 )

"Vinta." Tia hugs her cousin.

"Long time no see." Vinta hugs Tia.

"Know Vin. This is my friend Rere who has been helping our family all this time." Tia introduces Rere to Vinta.

The three of them made their way to the parking lot. Rere was excited to visit P city for the first time. The airport is small and not far from the parking lot.

"Did you come here? What is wrong?" Asked Vinta while driving.

"I'm looking for someone."


"Do you know a former legislator named Aldebaran? Surely Vinta knows because he is a native here." Rere spoke carefully.

"What?" Vinta suddenly braked his car until Rere and Tia stumbled and hit the dashboard.

"Why are you so surprised?" Rere looked at Vinta intensely.

"How can you not be surprised? shocked. Who said they weren't surprised? I know him very well. Mr. Aldebaran chairman. Bara's call. His wife is my former boss at MBC bank."

"What?" Rere and Tia were shocked and relieved. It's not that hard to get the facts. There are only facilities that they get to help Bara.

Vinta also told what he knew about Bara and his wife. Dila, the name of Bara's wife. Dila used to work at MBC bank. His last position before resigning as head of the main MBC bank. His career stands out and is good despite his young age. Vinta also tells about Bara's past, which is known to be a former gay man. Since marrying Dila the man has returned to nature. Be a religious man and fear God. Bara loves his wife very much and is willing to do anything for her happiness.

"Sis Dila resigned why?" Rere was getting curious.

"He said it was because he was very sick," squeaked Vinta. "But I'm sure that's not it. I've heard that Dila's father doesn't like Mr. Bara after knowing his past. Dila's father asked them to divorce. What are you doing asking Mr. Bara to me? There's something suspicious here."

"Dila left Bara. He had been gone for almost two years without a trace. Bara has lost her memory because she was shot by her political opponent." Rere cries telling Bara. Secretly he had witnessed Bara weeping for his wife. Even though the man forgot his wife's name and face, he still had her in his heart. Bara even rejected the women who approached him.

"What?" Vinta was shocked again. "You've been making me heartbroken. Let's go to the cafe first to straighten all this out." Vinta returned to driving the car and stopped at a contemporary coffee shop that was currently popular in the city of P.

The cafe waiter delivered the three of them ordered bread and milk coffee. Rere tells the chronology of the events that happened to Bara and her condition so far. Rere also told about his relationship with Bara.

"Oh, I see. I thought you were Mr. Bara's new wife." Vince chuckled. "I and Dila share the same office at the MBC bank. Dila is a tired head and I am customer service at the office."

"Oh, I see." Ree nodded. "Does Vinta have a photo of Sis Dila?"

"Lots." Vinta opened her cellphone and showed her a photo with Dila. Photo in office uniform. Vinta also showed her photo with Bara and Dila when they got married. "Don't you see my social media, huh?" Vinta calls Tia 'Yes'.

"How would I know." Tia started to open Vinta's social media scroller and from the bottom. It turns out that there are many photos of Vinta and Dila.

"So beautiful, Dila." Puji Rere saw a photo of Dila and Vinta wearing office uniforms. "No wonder Bara loves it. His wife is very beautiful like the artist Raline Shah."

Rere also keeps a photo of Bara and Dila's wedding.

"Does Dila have social media, Vin?" Rere asked again.

"Dila is not active on social media, Re. Between being and not being."

"What is Dila's full name?"

"Fadila Elvarette."

After a long conversation they left. Tia and Rere stopped at Herman's house in P town. Incidentally, Rere already knew the maid who worked at Herman's house. Bara once took him to the city of J.

"Auntie," Rere called to Tini.

"Yes, Re. Can I see Bara's wedding photo or not? Curious about my sister-in-law's face."

"That…." Tini stammered not wanting to talk.

"Auntie don't be afraid. Rere is just curious who Bara's wife is." Rere smiled at Tini.

Inevitably Tini took a photo of Bara's wedding album. Herman once ordered this photo not to get into Bara's hands. Danger.

"So beautiful Dila," said Rere once again. Feeling close even though I only saw Dila's portrait in the photo. "He must be a good person."

"It's good Re. Dila is very kind and polite. Although he is the son of a rich man, he is not arrogant. Treated me like his aunt, not a maid. Anyway, Bara's wife is really good. The late Bu Ranti loved him." Tini also commented.

"This is Mama Ranti?" Rere shows a family photo of Bara with Herman and his late wife.

"Re, Mr. Bara's mother is similar to your mother. At first glance, they look like twins. Is it because of this Mr. Herman married your mother?" Tia calls out for Tini's support.

"It could be Tia. Papa at a glance also looks like his late father. Anyway, I'm happy with my current family. Love unconditionally. Looks like we can't stay for long. Rere and Tia first returned to Jakarta. Thank you for the information. Please…don't tell Papa, Brother, and Mother that we've been here. Rere just wants to know about sis Dila. Rere wants to find sis Dila for Bara."

"Hopefully you find Dila soon." Tini was moved to tears.

"I promise I will find your wife," said Rere looking at Herman's house from the top of the car.