Bara's Business Trip ( 1 )

Two Years Later......

Zico couldn't help but laugh when Bara was annoyed with Leon's attitude. Every morning they have to have breakfast at their house. In the past, they had breakfast together when Herman was not yet married. Since Herman remarried and had Leon they had breakfast at their respective homes. Their homes remain connected to each other. Dian and Bara cannot be separated because they have lived together since childhood.

"Leon, why always bother mommy?" Rere shouted after Leon to Dian and Zico's house. She came to pick up Leon. The woman realized that the child was always bothering Dian.

"Surely you are the one who urged father to come here?" Rere pointed at Leon.

"Re. Let it go. Leon doesn't bother." Dian is still busy feeding Leon.

"I'm not feeling well. Leon troubles you all the time." Ree is not feeling well.

"Mommy's bread is delicious. Leon said Mommy's bread wasn't good," said Alana, Dian and Zico's daughter. The little girl's words made Rere stroke her chest.

"Alana can't say that." Zico rebuked the princess. Zico took a tissue and cleaned Alana's smudged mouth and face.

"Your daugther is too honest." Bara couldn't hold back her laughter. "Just like her mother."

"Boss..." Dian didn't like Alana's bad character being compared to her.

"Thanks, Mami," said Rere, cleaning Leon's mouth from the rest of the bread. If fed, eat Leon a lot. Rere carried Leon home.

"What did you say to mommy?" Rere tutored Leon.

"Thanks, mom. The bread is delicious," Leon said sincerely. The child's speech was not clear. Only those closest to him know what he said.

"Equally love."

"That's my mom Leon. Don't be spoiled." Alana is jealous.

"You can't do that. Leon is Alana's brother."

"Not mom. My brother is in mommy's tummy, not Leon." Refuse Alana to look away.

"Oh my God, how come my daugther is like this?" Dian patted her forehead.

"Dian," Bara called, sitting on a chair at the dining table.

"Yes, boss."

"What's my schedule for today?"

"Isn't your secretary Tia? Not my wife? At home, you still talk about work." Zico scoffed as he shook his head.

"My secretary is already a monopoly. So whether you want to take work or not, take it home. You make my secretary pregnant every year. Dian has a lot of holidays because of you." Just don't want to lose.

"I like it. Dian is my wife. Why are you the one who got me pregnant?" Zico pouted his lips.

The habit of the two of them always arguing and bringing each other down, but in the joking stage, it wasn't real.

"How can I not be annoyed. Dian's performance has decreased because of you."

"Who needs my wife?" Zico even gave Bara an ultimatum.

"I've asked my wife to resign, but you don't want to."

"Sorry to argue with you." Just annoyed at losing the debate.

"Papi and Uncle Bara, why are they arguing? These adults are weird. Fighting but also friends." Alana commented.

Everyone in the room burst out laughing. Alana with her magic mouth.

"You are very funny." Zico pinched Alana's cheek.

"Papi is sick." Alana nagged Zico.

"It's a pity that mommy is being fought over. Leon and I fought over Mami, then Papi and uncle Bara bere."

"Alana, can't you call uncle without the name 'bere'?" Bara doesn't like Alana's title.

"No." Alana shook her head refusing Bara's request.

"Tomorrow, the boss is scheduled to go to Kuala Lumpur for a business meeting with Mr. Irfan Khan. Continue to the wedding of Mr. Irfan's daugther. The party was held for seven days and seven nights. To impress him, the boss must come every day to his party. Mr. Irfan invites the boss to a party for a week. Possibly two weeks boss in KL."

"Should I?"

"Yes. If you want to get a job from him."

"Long there? It's lonely."

"Take your family. Let's not be lonely. Rere and Leon invite you all." Zico came up with an idea.

"No need. I don't want to go to Kuala Lumpur," Rere said firmly. KL gives bad memories to Rere so he doesn't want to set foot there. Rere used to live and settle in KL.

"Why Re?" Bara asked innocently. Only limited to testing even though he already knew the reason his sister didn't want to go to KL.

"I don't want to. Still bored too. Tourist attractions there are all that." Rere gave a reason. His hands suddenly shivered and cold when he talked about Kuala Lumpur.

"Yes, then. I don't charge."

"Leon, let's go next door." Rere brought Leon to their house.

"Your stepsister is very mysterious," said Zico when Rere had left with Leon.

"Rere you mean?"

"Who else Bar? If not Rere." Zico drank hot tea. "Until now she kept silent who Leon's real father was. It's time for you to be Leon's father."

"Leave it alone Zi. I'm afraid to ask more. Looks like she's a rape victim. I'm traumatized every time I ask. She should be responsible for the man who got pregnant. If I meet that guy, I'll beat him up. He arbitrarily got my sister pregnant after that he ran away."

"Don't you tell Ainil's aunt too, boss?" It was Dian's turn to ask.

"Mom didn't tell me either." Just shaking his head.

"Ever since papa married Ainil's mother, our life has been colorful. So I have a sister like Rere. I also feel like a father even though it's not my son. I'm willing to be Leon's father. I can't bear to tell him that I'm not his father."

"Your soul is fatherly. Fits to be Leon's papa. People don't think you're not his father."

"Thank God. Watch out for making Dian pregnant again next year! Like a cat you do. Get pregnant every year. Do you think being pregnant is not tired? I just had morning sickness, I was tired and repentant. How about Ma Dian who gets pregnant every year?"

"Don't worry about it. Dian didn't protest, why did you protest? After all, Dian is pregnant with a husband." Zico even showed affection in front of Bara. Zico shamelessly tidied Dian's disheveled hair.