Why is Hanin Angry at Me?

Rere took Leon's hand and entered the house. She halted her steps when she saw Ainil standing with her hand on her hips.

"Why didn't Hanin come back here and go to Dila's place instead?"

"She wants to be with her mom, not Mommy."

"You should have won the child's heart. Hanin has become your daughter, Rere. It's your responsibility to look after her when her father is away."

"It's not that I don't want to. Hanin doesn't want to be with me."

"This is your fault."

"Why is it my fault?" Rere doesn't want to be blamed.

"You're wrong for discriminating against her. When you come home from your honeymoon. You just hugged and asked how Leon was. She's waiting for you to greet her, but you're busy with Leon instead. You ignore her. I often see Hanin daydreaming seeing you and Leon. You two just played together and didn't invite her. Little children have very sensitive feelings, Rere. Treat her properly."