Give Me A Second Chance (1)

Tia left Rere first because it was already office hours. Tia doesn't want to take the risk since Bara is quite scary when angry. Tia feels like her soul will leave her body when Bara is angry. While Rere was queuing at the cashier's desk to pay for her lunch with Tia,

a man wearing a blue shirt with tan skin looking at Rere. His eyes stared at Rere. The man's eyes didn't blink even for a second, afraid to lose Rere even if it was only for a moment. It was a coincidence that they met at this place.

Rere turned around and stopped when she saw a man blocking her path.

"Re," the man called her name hoarsely, trying to smile even though he was nervous and shaking. When he meets the woman he loves, his heart beats faster, blood pumps harder, and his hands trembling. He felt like he met a ghost that snatches away oxygen around him and makes his heart moves louder than a tractor.