Dish 1:

"Next" spoke a man voice.

Shuffling of feet could be heard before a figure could be seen appearing in front of the man who was sitting at a table.

"Student name Marco Du Ple" spoke the figure out revealing a short male who was 18 years old.

Marco wore a snow-white chef jacket on with jet black chef pants. His dark blue apron was stained with a few food particles but other than that it was clean. He had short buzzcut blond hair that had brown highlights underneath his skull cap which prevented hair falling in the food. His complexion was a pale white almost unhealthy pale but he did not seem to care about that. Marcos eye color consisted of an icy light blue that shone lightly underneath the massive LED light which hung above the table. As a safety caution to finish the uniform off he wore pitch black non slip shoes which had a steel tip to prevent damage if a pot fell on his foot.

"Ok Marco what dish have you made today?" asked the man.

The teen gave the man a confident smirk as he placed his plate down in front of the man.

"Here is probably the best dish of the day Chef one Sole Scampi with a tangy Tartar Sauce!" said Marco as the light shown on the plate.

A sole fish had been cut into three thin fillets, each of the fillets had been rolled up and kept in shape with a rose-colored tooth pick. The rolled-up fillets had been cooked to a radiant white color as the individual flakes of the fish seemed to be light and fluffy perfect to just melt in your mouth. On the plate were lines of Tartar sauce which consisted of a very bright white color as piece of chopped parsley could be seen giving a clear contrast to the snow-white color. The three scampi were placed on the Tartar lines as to finish the dish off Marco had cut a lemon like a blooming flower and placed into right next to the fish.

"Alright let's start marking" said the man as he picked up a clean knife and fork which was placed neatly next to him.

"Damnnn he pulled out the fish dish right out the bat?" whispered a fellow chef student behind Marco as it showed a massive kitchen was in the room.

Each of the working stations had been cleaned to perfection as various dishes were resting on them waiting to be scored. The point of view shifted to two students who stood next to each other as their stations were right by each other.

"Pshh don't make me laugh" spoke one of the figures rolling their eyes.

The light shown down and reveled the figure to be an 18-year-old girl. She wore the exact same as Marco except her jet-black hair which was made in a bun fashion was surrounded by a white hair net as a skull cap rested on her head. She had a petite build and a powder snow complexation as she was a bit shorter than normal. Her eye color consisted of a mahogany brown. This was Ashleigh Choux.

"Sole scampi really? Like does he know that's a starter not a main??" fumed Ashleigh as she crossed her arms and looked at Marco's back.

"At least you get it Caspian you actually pay attention in class and use that nogging of yours not like Marco" spoke Ashleigh out as she looked to her side only for a sweat drop to go down her head.

Next to her stood a tall male who was 18 years old as well. He wore a white chef jacket and black chef pants just like everyone else, except his apron was hanging by his hips as he unhooked it from behind his neck. He had deep brown hair which almost seemed like a dark maroon color from up close. He also had a pale white complexion. His eye color consisted of a bright gold almost yellow color as he was reading a little black book which was filled with multiple pages. The book was so full the spine of the book could be seen having multiple patch jobs on it keeping it together. This was Caspian Noir the main protagonist of this story.

"Hmm Sorry did you say something Ash?" asked Caspian as he dragged his eyes from his note book to look Ash in the eyes.

Ash just rolled her eyes and pointed towards Marco.

"You think he going to pass?" asked Ash as she saw Caspian look towards the dish by Marco.

"Sole Scampi? It's a starter which doesn't make sense as we had to prepare a main dish for the exam" mused Caspian as he had a small smile on his face.

"HA Thank you!" shouted Ashleigh as she smacked her hand against the work station startling a few chef students which was around them.

"That idiot is never gonna pass lemme tell you it's karma for all the bragging his done prancing around the school like a damn culinary wiz or something!" said Ashleigh as she soon started to laugh crazily to herself.

Caspian had a nervous smile on his face as he was concerned for his friend's sanity.

"Le Vrai Chef school one of the top Culinary school on the continent" thought Caspian.

The teen looked out the row of windows which showed the outside campus as multiple chefs were walking around talking to each other. In the distance a massive city could be seen as the sun shone against the giant skyscrapers making them glitter like stars.

"Only a few people can get accepted in the school as you either need to show real promise as a future chef or you parents got a lot of money, they can use to get you in" carried Caspian on thinking.

A sudden flick against the nose caused him to blink his eyes as he looked down seeing Ashleigh give him a big smirk.

"Better get out your thoughts Head Chef Hank is gonna give him his mark now" grinned Ashleigh.

The teen drew his attention to the station as he looked at Chef Hank writing some notes. Chef hank appeared to be in his late forties as he had tan complexion from being in the sun a lot and his blond hair started to turn silver at the sides as it was made in a high pony tail. He had a bit of stubble on his chin and cheeks making a make shift beard. He had ocean green eyes that was deep in thought. Chef Hank was the first head Chef to reach that rank by the age of 20 so he was quite famous in the culinary world as an expert in his craft hence him being the main lecturer at Le Vrai Chef school.

"45%" spoke Hank out his voice deep and soothing.

"I'm sorry?" asked Marco shock slowly setting in.

"45% You fail" said Hank as he blankly looked at Marco.

"Wha...WHAT HOW!!!" shouted Marco fuming at the chef.

"THIS WAS A MASTER PIECE HOW DID I FAIL!" screeched Marco as he flung his hands out.

"Your sole was over cooked, it was to dry, too much pepper was added to the fish, your tartar sauce was too strong you mainly tasted Vinger and nothing else, plus I specifically said make a Main not a starter" listed Hank off as he took a sip from a glass of water next to him washing his palate.

"Try again next semester Du Ple" spoke Hank out loudly.

Marco was in a state of shock and fury. Veins were twitching in his neck as a look of hate was etched in his face. He roared as he flung the plate of food off the table causing it to crash against the floor breaking into many pieces.

"THIS ISNT THE END OF THIS HANK I WONT EVER FORGET THIS MY FATHER WILL HAVE YOU FIRED!" shouted Marco as he stormed out the kitchen slamming the door behind him.

The entire kitchen was quiet as no one did not want to do anything after Marcos's outbreak. Hank sighed softly as he fished his phone out his pocket and dialed a number.

"Yeah housekeeping? Yes, I would like to request a clean-up in kitchen number 1" spoke Hank in the phone.

"Who caused the mess? It was just a child throwing a tantrum" said Hank causing a few Chef students to snicker to themselves quietly.

"Ok thank you see you in a few minutes" said Hank as he ended the call and put his phone away.

"Now that's out the way next person please come forewords." spoke Hank out as he took a new marking sheet out.

"That's you buddy" spoke Ashleigh out as she bumped Caspian's shoulder.

"Wish me luck" mumbled Caspian as he took his dish of his station and walked towards the marking table.

Just as he was about to place his plate down a thunderous rumble shook the building.

"What was that?" asked a student to another student.

A few seconds later another rumble happened and the lights flickered on and off. Another rumble happened and the windows shattered causing the students to scream out in fear. As everyone recovered from the shock, they looked to the city fear was showing full volumes in their eyes as some covered their mouths in shock. Flying red orbs were descending from the heavens crashing and bashing their way through buildings causing massive explosions to cause the rumbles. Two of the flying red orbs suddenly started to hover above the city before flying after each other making a red circle.

As the orbs speed up a blazing red circle could be seen in the heavens before something could be seen coming out the circle. One massive red humanoid food descended out of the circle before another came out. The feet did not have any skin on as only the muscles could be seen pulsation and twitching as the nerves activated in them. Soon after the feet touched the ground it collapsed under the sheer weight and size of it.

The circle suddenly glowed brightly before a shining light shone through the city. After the light dialed down a behemoth of a creature was seen scaring anyone mentally for years to come. A giant humanoid creature stood upright as two bulging arms were holding onto a building as it stood up to full height. In its left hand was a gigantic stone club that could flatten a building with a graze. It had a bull head as horns were jetting out the side of the head as they caressed the heavens. The most unsettling thing about the creature is that it did not have any skin at all as all its muscles and bones were exposed to the world blood was dripping down from the body but it seemed the creature didn't care. Its teeth were revealed to be in a sickening grin as the pitch-black eyes with a yellow pupil looked to the heavens. The creature opened its mouth and unleashed a roar which shock the earth. It sounded like a deer and bull were screaming at the same time except only twice as loud with a deep base as well.

Caspian looked with wide eyes at the hulking monstrosity that easily reached the same height as the tallest sky scraper in the city before he flinched. Somone throwing up next to him due to fear made him snap out of his fear induced trance causing him to see it was Ashleigh who was shaking on the floor her pupils dilated to the size of saucers.

"Are you ok Ash?" asked Caspian as he bent down and placed his hands on the girl's shoulders feeling her entire body shake like a leaf.

"I... Is that the devil?" shakenly asked Ashleigh her heartbeat thumping in her ears.

"I... I don't know what that it is" answered Caspian grimly.

A crash drew his attention away from Ashleigh as he looked back to the city. The creature was walking through the streets crushing any vehicles underneath its feet as screams of fear echoed through the city. The explosions created flames which was underneath the creature yet it didn't seem to care much. Caspian could see how Ashleigh thought it could be the devil it was truly demonic in appearance and its actions. The creature released another roar as it lifted the massive club above its head and swung it to the right destroying a city block, before its mouth snaped open causing torrents of blood to douse the flames underneath it. A spinning purple orb appeared in front of its mouth the size of its head before it exploded into a beam cutting through the city like paper. The force behind the beam pushed the creature back as he moved his head left and right causing the beam to follow its direction. Just as the beam diminished to nothing the entire city was engulfed in ear splitting explosions as the beam caused whatever it touched to explode. The city was now a burning hellscape of pain and misery as the creature stood in the flames releasing beams on beams of destruction killing anyone or anything in its wake. One beam reached the campus as everything went into slow motion for Caspian.

He felt the heat of the beam burn through the building and nearly lit himself in flames before he tried to shield Ashleigh from the explosion. Ashleigh slowly looked towards Caspian who had a look of pure fear etched on his face as he tried to save his life time friend. The girl had a small smile on her face and closed her eyes.

"Save me Ca..." started Ashleigh only for everyone in the campus to be engulfed in a giant explosion.

Everything went black for Caspian as all the noise in the world disappeared. A giant black void was around Caspian as he floated in it.

"Is this death?" thought the teen to himself.

A maniacal laugh broke the silence in the void causing the teen to slowly look in the void. A spiraling mass made of teeth and eyes suddenly spun around Caspian causing his eyes to widen the size of saucers. In the middle of the spiral mass stood a figure which seemed to be made entirely out of the void, a mouth filled with sparkling white teeth which was in a giant grin was the only distinguish feature on the body.

"Oh no no no This isn't death!" spoke the voice out which sounded like a child talking.

"I've got so much plans for you Caspian you're going to change everything!" shouted the figure before laughing loudly again.

"THIS IS GOING TO BE SO MUCH FUN!" laughed the figure before snapping its fingers causing the void to erupt in blinding white light.

The teen slowly opened his eyes. He released a groan as he sat up before memories came flooding in his mind making him frantically pat his body down looking for injuries. The teen was completely fine he did not have any injuries and his uniform was not damaged at all, his notebook in his back pocket.

"I'm not dead?" asked Caspian to himself taking his skull cap off allowing his shoulder long hair to fall as he looked around.

He was in the middle a broken-down city as charred cars and buildings were being withered away by time. The sound of crunching and munching made the teen slowly look behind him only for his eyes to widen. There standing in a hunched position was a humanoid creature the size of an adult male completely orange. It seemed to be malnutritional as its bone could be seen through its orange skin, a mass of green hair was on its head. Caspian placed a hand quickly over his mouth to muffle the involuntary scream that came out. The creature suddenly twitched and slowly turned to face Caspian and when Caspian saw the creature fulling his heart nearly jumped out his chest. The creature had to black eyes that was endless as a row of sharp shark like teeth was pierced into a human man's neck. Blood was pouring out like a fountain on the floor as some was dribbling down the creature's chin. The creature released the man from its mouth as it stood fully up showing its fingers to be long needle like and covered with blood.

"What the hell!" shouted Caspian as he quickly jumped to his feet and sprinted away from the creature at full speed.

The teen looked behind and screamed as the creature was hot on his trail and released a shrill screech.