Dish 2:

Panting could be heard as Caspian quickly bolted through the streets. The orange creature was right behind him as the blood from its previous victim left a rose red trail after it. Caspian saw an ally way in his peripheral vision as he quickly dived to the side in the ally way. This made the creature screech as its momentum carried it past the ally way a few feet down the road. The teen was panting roughly as his lungs were burning grasping at any oxygen left in the body.

"What the hell is that thing?" asked Caspian to himself as he ran down the alley way to get away from the creature.

Scratching caught his attention as he looked behind him and saw the creature was running down the alley way dragging its claws on the floor. Caspian looked around frantically for anything to act as a weapon and it seemed as if it was his lucky day when there was a pipe laying in front of him. Feeling that the creature was right behind him the teen dived from the pipe and scooped it up as he rolled after the dive landing safely. Caspian held the cold pipe tightly in his hands as it shook slightly from the adrenalin pumping through his body. The teen was running purely now on adrenalin as he faced the creature down. It released a screech as it lunged towards Caspian who only with a hairs distance dodged the claw strike. He wasn't fast enough as 3 lines appeared on his side before blood started to pour out staining the snow-white chef jacket.

Caspian seconds later spat out blood as he placed a hand on his side trying to stop the bleeding.

"F... Fuck" cursed Caspian as he frantically looked up again hearing the creature run towards him.

He gripped both hands on the pipe as he swung full force at the last second the creature was in front of him. A dull thump echoed through the alleyway as it showed the creature move to the side in slow motion purple blood spluttering in the air as some landed on Caspian's face a crazed look in his eyes. Time resumed as the creature landed on all fours as blood was pouring out the head wound Caspian just gave it. The pipe was bent from the force of the impact and it could not be used as a weapon anymore.

"Shit" spoke Caspian out as the creature lunged forewords and delivered a brutal kick in the injured side of Caspian.

The force behind the kick caused Caspian to launch out the alleyway like a bullet as he crashed against the tar road. His head scratched against the road causing blood to leave a bloody trail underneath it. The teen was breathing shallowly as blood was pooling out his wounds. He seconds later vomited out more blood as he shakenly looked to the alleyway which the creature slowly stalked out of.

"Guess this is it... I didn't die to massive demon but I die like this?" muttered Caspian.

"No... I'm not going to die here" thought Caspian as he slowly and painfully stood up.

The teen was now standing up his legs were shaking and burning telling him to just stay down but Caspian ignored the pain. His uniform was stained rose red as blood was still pouring out the open wound. His chest rose up and down rapidly as he breathed shallowly. The creature roared as it lunged towards the teen who also released a roar and swung his fist forwards aiming to punch the creature.

"That won't do anything loser" spoke a female voice causing Caspian's eyes to widen.

In slow motion a teenage girl appeared in between him and the creature, she wore a dark blue chef jacket with white buttons, on the lower half of her body she wore khaki shorts that stopped at her knees, bright yellow bands appeared to be wrapped around the knees. She wore plain white sneakers. She had dark violet hair that loosely reached her lower back and she had piercing red eyes. Her skin complexion was a light caramel. In her right hand was a giant chef knife the size of her with a yellow and black striped handle.

"Knife Skill Num One: Jullien" spoke the girl up swinging the giant chef knife upwards quickly before slowly brining it down.

Everything was quiet before a strong gust of window flowed behind the creature. The creature turned into 5 perfected cut slices causing purple blood to burst out, just as the slices were going to fall on the floor they exploded into stripes. With a soft mush the stripes fell on the floor causing purple blood to pool around.

The girl released a "Tch" before swinging her blade down causing the few drops of blood which was on it to splatter on the floor.

"Geez don't you know how to kill a carrot?" asked the girl looking towards Caspian only to drop her knife and catch said teen who passed out.

"Damn did you just friendly fire that guy Toru?" asked a female voice causing the now named Toru to look to the side.

There standing a few feet away from her stood a girl who was the same age as Toru and wore the exact same except instead of khaki shorts she wore a black skirt and grey stockings. She had powder white hair made in a messy bun with dark hazelnut-colored eyes. She had a white complexion that was healthy not deathly pale. In her left hand was a thin knife about half the size of her body with a pink handle.

"Oh, shut up Hope I didn't even touch him" replied Toru a irk mark on her forehead.

"Haha if you say so" responded Hope looking at the girl smugly.

"He does seem pretty injured though" mussed Hope out loudly as she walked towards Toru looking at Caspian.

"Tch it aint my problem let's just leave him" said Toru about to drop Caspian's body on the floor.

"Now Now why don't we take him back to base get him checked out?" said Hope.

"Why the hell would we do that?" shouted Toru.

"Cause we nice people?" asked Hope confusedly.

"Tch your funeral" responded Toru passing Caspian to the white-haired girl.

"You wanna help him you carry him" said Toru as she walked past the girl deep in the city.

"Meanie" shouted Hope pouting as her knife suddenly glowed pink before shrinking to a normal size.

Hope then placed the knife in a leather sheath that rested at her hips as she picked Caspian up with both hands and started to run towards Toru.


The sound of birds chirping could be heard as Caspian released a soft groan. The teen slowly opened his eyes before he saw a white ceiling in front of his eyes. Memoires of the fight between him and the creature flooded his head as he quickly sat up only to wince in pain seconds after sitting up. He looked down and saw he was in only a pair of black sweat pants as his entire upper body was wrapped in bandages and he was resting on a white medical bed.

"EEEP!" shouted a female voice causing him to look to his side.

There holding a tray of what seemed to be peeled apples and a bottle of water stood a girl. She was 18 years old. She wore a blue chef Jacket with white buttons and wore a pair of white chef pants she also had black shoes on her feet. Her hair color consisted of a soft pink that was styled to hang to the side. She wore a pair of black rimmed squared glasses in front of a pair of amthetyst colored eyes.

"Your awake!" said the girl softly as she frantically placed the tray down.

"What happened?" asked Caspian.

"Youve been out for a week! Hope and Toru brought you back here after they went out for a supply run" answered the girl passing Caspian the bottle of water which he quickly opened to drink.

"Toru and Hope?" thought Caspian to himself as the image of the girl who saved him popped in his head.

"I had to preform quite a few procedures on you to get those nasty cuts healed but your surprisingly resilient" mused the girl aloud.

"Thank you for healing me uhm what's your name?" said Caspian looking the girl in the eyes.

The girl looked in Caspian's eyes before a massive blush appeared on her face as she quickly jumped up and away from the teen covering her face with her hands.

"I... Its Valentine" mumbled the girl softly.

"Thank you, Valentine," spoke Caspian out as he slowly stood out of bed.

"AH wait I just remembered the general said he wanted to speak to you the moment you woke up!" said Valentine.

"The general?" asked Caspian looking at the girl confused.

"Don't worry I'll take you there let's go" shouted Valentine as she started to push Caspian out the room.

"W... Wait Valentine I don't have a shirt!" said Caspian as he tried to slow the girl down.

Valentine then looked up and indeed noticed that he didn't have a shirt. The bandages were tightly wrapped around the teens chest and it highlighted his toned figure. Caspian had always done swimming in the past and he could have gone to the Olympics had it not been for his sudden carrier change to the culinary world.

The girl had some blood dripping down her nose as her face was beet read.

"Y... You perv!" shouted Valentine as she proceeded to smack Caspian over the head but she added a bit too much force and the teen was sent blasting out the room.

"I didn't do anything" Mumbled Caspian as his face was against the wall.

"Oh, Caspian I'm sorry! I forgot I had to undress you to heal you!" shouted Valentine frantically patting Caspian's body looking for any injuries she had just caused.

A few other people who wore the blue chef Jackets were looking weirdly at the scene that was happening as they walked past. There frantically shaking a dizzy Caspian was Valentine not releasing she is shaking Caspian like a doll.


After that little incident it showed Caspian was walking next to Valentine wearing a plain black t-shirt and a pair of white flip flops. The teen looked around and he was amazed at what he saw. There was a small city surrounding him but it seemed nature had taken some places back as towering trees were erupting from broken down houses and grass was growing in between cracks in the road. People were walking around talking to one another most of them had chef uniform but other had normal clothes albeit they were torn here and there.

"Where are we?" asked Caspian.

"We are in Burrow an entire settlement underneath the city above it keeps us safe from... well you know" answered Valentine.

Caspian looked up and indeed above him was a layer of rocks not the vast empty sky full of stars.

After a few minutes of walking, they arrived at a building. The walls were made of a white concrete while the roof was made of wood in a triangular fashion.

"Were Here" said Valentine as she opened the door Caspian following behind her.

The inside had truly little in it only a few leather chairs and then one massive desk that had stacks of papers on it but behind the stack of paper a man could be seen writing on the pages one at a time.

"Sir Medic Valentine reporting sir!" shouted Valetine as she went on one knee and bent her head down.

"You can stand Medic I take he has awakened?" said the man in a deep tone.

"Yeah, I've awakened" spoke Caspian out.

The man stopped writing and looked up towards Caspian. Said Teen could finally take a better look at the features of the man. He appeared to be in his early thirties. He wore a black Chef Jacket with dark blue buttons and two gold lines were going down his sleeves on both arms. His ginger hair was cut short military style and he had a well-groomed orange beard on his face. He had starling emerald-colored eyes.

"Ah I see well that's good my names Charles Bennet" said the man standing up.

"Caspian Noir" replied Caspian.

"Now let's talk" spoke Charles out.