Dish 3:

Just as Charles was going to talk a knock erupted from the wooden door.

"Come in" spoke Charles out as he took a side glance towards the door quickly before his eyes was fixated on Caspian again.

Toru and Hope had walked in the room with a piece of paper in each of their hands.

"Sir sorry to bother but I just wanted to double check this mission... Oh it's you" started Toru only to see Caspian look at her.

"Heyyy your finally awake!" shouted Hope as she took Caspian's hand and started to shake it vigorously.

"My names Hope Crust it's a pleasure to meet you I carried you all the way here!" said Hope.

"You carried me? Ah thank you" spoke Caspian out as he looked over towards Toru who stood there with her arms crossed.

"Thank you as well for saving me from that creature I'm sure I would have died" said Caspian earning a scoff from Toru.

"Tch, you think I was planning to save your sorry ass? No, you were just at the right place at the right time" responded Toru as she gave Caspian a side glare.

"You called that Carrot a creature have you not seen one before?" asked Valetine confused.

"No if I'm being honest, I don't know any of this stuff I just woke up in the middle of the road and that creature attempted to kill me I tried to fight back." said Caspian deciding to keep the whole truth of him coming from a different world and that a massive demon destroyed his city.

"Amnesia maybe?" asked Charles looking towards Valetine who had a look of worry on her face.

"It is possible he had a pretty bad head injury which I had to treat." mumbled Valetine pointing towards the bandage wrapped around Caspian's forehead.

Charles sat back down in his chair and intertwined his fingers together and looked at Caspian an unknown glint in his eyes.

"I'll tell you everything" started Charles only for Caspian to interrupt him.

"Wait before you carry on can I ask why did you rescue me, heal me and keep me alive for an entire week" asked Caspian.

"I see something in you that's all I'm saying" answered Charles his green eyes glowing softly.

Caspian tightened his fists as he bites down on his teeth feeling very frustrated from that very mysterious answer.

"20 years ago, this city called Mastopia was thriving it seemed to be a complete normal day, people went to the office and malls, until the sky was engulfed in waves of darkness clouding the sun." started Charles.

"Everyone had thought it was an eclipse but then they saw it, flying machines that was covered in a glowing red hue had started to appear in the air it was an alien invasion," said Charles.

Caspian's eyes widened as he remembered the red orbs appearing above his city.

"The orbs started to kill everyone and everything that moved the massive culling went on for about a week reducing human kind by 60% before something new arrived. " Stated Charles grimly.

"Live feed from a nearby Nasa base showed a ginormous black base appear underneath the earth in space the base exposed into four massive triangle sides, on earth you could see the faint shape of the triangles in the sky, which just as sudden they appeared they started to close enclosing the planet earth into a massive black pyramid." spoke the green-eyed man.

"Wait... Wait so you're telling me we are inside that massive pyramid right now?" asked Caspian fear showing full volume in his voice.

"Yes, and that was only the start four floors had appeared in the pyramid, destroying any buildings in their wake, in each of these floors creatures of your worst nightmares were birthed" carried Charles on.

"Any living organism was mutated into monstrous sentient life with only one thought going through their minds" said Charles only to be interrupted by Toru.

"Kill all mankind" said Toru emotionless.

"So that creature I fought was a carrot mutated?" mumbled Caspian the idea seemed so unreal he would not have believed it had he not seen the creature with his own eyes.

"Each floor has one specific organism though that has control of it, Floor one has Vegetable & Fruit mutants, Floor two has Grain's mutants, Floor three has Protein mutants, and finally floor 4 is Sweets {I know the fourth one is actually Healthy fats but for plot its Sweets} mutants" listed Charles off.

"All seemed lost but it seemed our captures which took the planet and human kind took pity on us as they released alien technology which could kill these mutants." said Charles as he pointed his hand towards Hope who nodded.

Said girl took a step forwards and unclipped her leather sheath taking out a knife with a pink handle.

"A paring knife?" thought Caspian confused as he saw the girl hold the knife, which was used for vegetable cutting in the kitchen, in a tight grip by the handle

Hope took a shallow breath before the small paring knife gained a pink hue and grew to half her size making Caspian take a step back in shock.

"What the hell?" said Caspian.

"The alien technology we have called "Cooking Equipment". It only seemed fitting as the technology is only cooking equipment plus they the only thing that can kill the mutant's normal weapons cant" spoke Charles out standing up showing a leather sheath resting on his hip.

"We run our stock through the equipment and the technology hungrily devours it changing its shape to a form made perfectly for slaying mutants its almost if the equipment has a mind of its own" said Charles mumbling the last part to himself.

"Stock?" mumbled the teen to himself.

"Oh yes along with the arrive of Cooking equipment the very air inside the pyramid was brimming with energy and our bodies had unknowingly started to absorb this energy giving us superhuman abilities and of course the energy to fuel our cooking equipment." answered the man holding a finger out a glowing orange orb appeared seconds later hovering above his nail.

"We called it Stock energy and it mutated a new organ in our body right under our hearts which is called a Stock Pot" said Charles pointing right underneath his chest making Caspian hold his hand on his chest.

He could feel his heart beat slowly against his chest but after each beat there was a second one that thumped after the heart.

"This organ absorbs the Stock in the air and helps us regulate the input and output of stock which goes through our bodies and obviously the more you use your Stock the stronger it grows after using it like any muscle in the body," said the man.

"But to use Stock you have to let someone break the barrier which surrounds the Stock Pot organ see those alien bastards didn't make it too easy for us now did they?" finished Charles.

"After this Valetine will take you to Baba she is the only one that's been able to break the barriers around our Stock pot which has made her an invaluable piece in our survival but there are other like her out in the world while also taking you to the hangers afterword's" said Charles making Caspian slowly nod.

"Weve also made armor for ourselves and it so happens to be a chef uniform, the material is some of the most durable material I've ever seen it can take hits from mutants over and over before it finally starts to were down so of course you're not invincible "stated the man.

"So, with Stock energy and Cooking equipment we became "Chefs" people who have the skills and tools to fight back against the mutants, we go through each floor and defeat as many mutants we can before we reach the King of the Floor" said Charles crossing his arms.

"King of the Floor?" said Caspian.

"It's basically one Mutants that's taken massive amounts of roids and rules over the week ones" answered Toru rolling her eyes.

"Caspian this is a serious task we have if we can reach through all the floors, I'm sure we can reach those alien bastards and kill them finally winning the war taking earth back" stated Charles a crazed look in his eyes.

"Will you help us take back our world there is something I sense in you and it could be related to the prophecy of old," said Charles.

"Prophecy?" asked Caspian.

Charles just had a smirk on his head as he shook his head.

"Sorry to have kept you here Toru what do you want?" said Charles finally looking at the girl ignoring Caspian's question.

"Right, it's about my latest mission it says that I have three partners in it and I have to explore section 4 which is only for 3 to 4 stars chef rank I'm only 2." read Toru off from the piece of paper in her hand looking up after reading it.

"2 Stars?" asked Caspian confused.

"It's a ranking system we have to distinguish the levels of skill and power each Chef has" answered Valetine pulling out a chart that looked like a three-year-old drew it making Caspian have a sweat drop down his head.

"1 star is the basic level of Chef which has only unlocked his Stock organ and got their Cooking equipment , 2 stars has had their Stock organ opened for a while and has control of Stock energy to a certain degree which is able to activate their Equipment out of Storage mode into Cook mode which they use to kill mutants, 3 stars have far better control of their Stock and equipment as they can take down hordes of mutants, 4 stars have superior skill and knowledge of their body and equipment to the degree where their weapons is as if it's a body limb for them, and finally 5 star is the top of the top they can take down Floor kings in seconds, level buildings down with a single finger tap and are straight up monsters" explained Valetine.

With each star there was a stick figure doing the actions she described.

"Who drew this a three-year-old?" asked Toru as her face scrunched up in disgust.

Tears started to pour out of Valentine eyes as she stood there crying.

"I thought the drawings were cute." said Valentine as she cried.

"W... Wait I was only joking hahaha these drawings are awesome!" said Toru quickly trying to stop the girl from crying

"Miss Kazuki, I don't find anything wrong with the mission report?" said Charles looking the paper over and back at Toru.

"You know I work alone sir and who the hell are my teammates?" seethed Toru looking back at the man.

"It's everyone here in this room apart from me" answered Charles making Toru's eyes to slowly grew wide with fury.

"Hell, no I am not working with miss giant rack here or this loser he would just get us all killed Valentine would be the only one semi useful as a medic" ranted Toru.

"Oh, is someone jealous?" spoke Hope out smugly holding an arm underneath her AHEM big bust making a vein twitch in Torus's forehead.

"I am to go on a mission I'm not sure I'm ready for this..." spoke Caspian out loudly.

"I'm sure you will be fine Caspian..." answered Charles looking Caspian in the eyes again.

"And I haven't made a mistake Toru my orders will not change" said Charles looking Toru in the eyes making said girl stomp out the room before slamming the door closed behind her.

"Uhm when is the mission sir?" asked Valentine weakly.

"In a week's time you all will meet up at entrance Beta at 5 AM don't worry this will be an easy first mission you just have to look around and then come back." answered Charles.

"Now you all are dismissed Miss Potach please take Caspian to everything I mentioned earlier." stated Charles as he picked his pen up again and carried on with his paper work.

"Yes sir" responded Valentine.

"C'mon Caspian lets go" said Valetine as she walked out the door Hope following her and just as Caspian was going to walk out, he looked over his shoulder and saw Charles was staring right at him.

In slow motion as the door closed behind the teen Charles mouth slowly turned into a smirk his eyes glowed softly.