Dish 11:

In a flash back it showed Caspian successfully start the fire as Hope placed both girls down on the floor. She then opened Valentine's bag and found basic first aid equipment and started to patch everyone up. As the girl started to bandage every one, she looked to the side and saw Caspian opened his black book and started to read easing his tensed-up muscle's.

"Hey Cas can I ask a question?" asked Hope as she stood up from the now bandaged Toru and Valentine walking over to the teen.

"Sure" answered the teen looking the girl in the eye's as he placed the book in his lap.

Hope was right in front of him as she started to disinfect his injuries.

"Why is that book so important to you?" said Hope spraying the disinfected on his cheek causing him to flinch before looking down.

"It... It was my last gift from my father" said Caspian softly.

"He told me to fill this entire book with only the best cooking techniques and best dishes... It was his last wish before he passed on" mumbled Caspian with a sad glint in his eyes only to suddenly feel arms wrap around him and a head rest on his chest.

"I'm...I'm sorry Caspian I didn't mean to make you trudge up sore memories I love my farther a lot so I can imagine how it would be losing one" said Hope as her voice was muffled in Caspian's chest.

The teen had a small smile on his face as he gently patted the girls back hugging her as well.

"He wouldn't want me to mope over his death he'd want me to live my life not shut down and morn him all the time" stated Caspian as he looked at the night sky.

"Caspian you've gone through this all by yourself, didn't you?" thought Hope to herself.

Back in the current time Valentine released a soft groan as she sat up looking confused at her unfamiliar environment.

"Where am i?" asked the girl to herself confused.

"Hey your finally awake!" said a voice causing Valentine to look to her right and saw that Toru, Caspian, and Hope was sitting around a fire.

The sun was slowly peaking up behind them as the day had almost started. Hope stood up from her chair and gave the girl a smile and helped her up.

"What happened?" said the girl.

"We were sent to a Spring Onion nest" explained Toru quietly.

"The mall? But why?" asked Valentine confused.

"I think they were trying to kill us off" said Hope passing the girl a bottle of water.

"Why we didn't do anything wrong though!" shouted Valentine.

"It's because we are too strong" said Toru suddenly causing the girl to look at her.

"We got the prodigy Nobel's daughter" started Toru pointing at Hope.

"We got the genius medic who Charles has a soft spot for." carried Toru on pointing at Valentine.

"We got me the rising star" said Toru pointing to herself.

"Then finally we got the new battle genius that's got an enormous amount of Stock energy and more than one chef equipment" finished Toru off causing Hope to gasp and look at Caspian.

"You got more than one equipment?" asked Hope causing Caspian to bashfully rub the back of his head.

"Yeah" responded the teen quietly.

"They obviously fear that we would be able to take over the base" said Toru biting down on a piece of bread.

"So, what better way to get rid of us all than sending us to a death mission damn that Charles ill kill him for this" spoke Toru out fixing her chef Jacket and she walked to the boarded-up door.

"Let's go" ordered Toru as everyone stood up and put out the fire.

Just as the group was going to move a sudden rumbling made the building shake.

"What was that?" said Valentine looking around.

Another rumble was heard seconds later before the building started to tilt to the one side.


The group soon started to run across the descending roof of the building. Pieces of concrete and iron girders were flung in the air as they narrowly dodged the obvious certain death. Everyone soon leapt of the roof of the building and landed on the tar road rolling safely once they touched it.

"Everyone alright?" shouted Hope out over the building collapsing.

"Yeah" responded everyone.

"If we had woke up any later, we would have been red paste by now" muttered Toru to herself grimly.

"What caused the building to fall though?" thought Caspian to himself.

It would seem as if fate was listening in his thoughts as seconds later another crash was birthed at the corner of the street drawing the chef's attention. A wriggling white mass was plowing through the building foundations. The mass was about the size of two double decker busses behind one another, it had a wrinkly skin texture as it almost seemed like old leather. The white creature soon exploded out another building before its head was revealed to the group scaring Caspian for what might be years. It had a massive white humanoid head as like with all mutants it didn't have any eyes only black soulless sockets. But blood red tears were pouring out the sockets as it traveled down its face coting its massive mouth which was in a frown. At its neck thousands of arms and hands were wriggling and moving the giant worm creature.

"T... Tissue?" spoke the creature out in a high-pitched voice.

"ITS A O....." shouted Toru only to be interrupted by the creature.

It reeled its massive head back before coughing out a massive field of pink smoke. The smoke traveled like a tidal wave and encamped the entire city block. Every one soon started to have a coughing fit as Caspian's entire body felt like it was in an inferno of pain

"Guy's!?" shouted Caspian in between cough's looking around only to see that everyone was looking at him.

They all had blood pouring out their eyes as their skin was a bright red.

"It's an onion" croaked Toru out before falling over.

The onion released a shrill roar, that sounded like chalk scraping against a board and a nail file filing against a nail, before the arms at its neck started to pull the creature towards the group its mouth wide open.

"Fuck"! cussed Caspian as his vison was soon only red, he guessed he also started to cry blood.

He then ran in front of the group who had now passed out and layed on the floor twitching as blood puddles were slowly forming underneath them. Caspian quickly activated his knife bag and took out his chef knife as it turned into cooking mode.

"Coupe-soleil" shouted Caspian as he slashed the knife downwards birthing a massive purple and black slash that cleared a path through the pink smoke.

The slash didn't do anything as the onion kept crashing through the street.

"Shit" cussed Caspian again fear setting in his mind before he unleashed a barrage of Couple- Soleil which destroyed everything but the onion.

Caspian soon vomited out blood as his knees caved in making him fall roughly on the ground. His hands were in worst condition as they were pouring blood out from the repeated use of Coupe- Soleil.

"Body please stand up!" muttered Caspian to himself as he tried to stand back up but his body didn't move an inch.

"DAMMIT DAMMIT DAMMMIT!" shouted Caspian his voice cracking in between the cries of fear and frustration.

"Seem's like you guys could use some help" said a male voice making Caspian's eyes widen.

Caspian strained his head up as he looked up at the figure. He was tall about the same height and age as Caspian. He had a dark marron colored Chef jacket on with black pants. His skin complexion was a pale powder white snow. He had a white beanie cover his head but a little bit of dark grey hair was sticking out by his fringe. His eye color consisted of a soft orange that glowed lightly. In his right hand was a massive salmon cutting knife that had a ghostly blue hue color surrounding it.

"Who...Who are you?" muttered Caspian out.

"Me? The names Gato" responded Gato cheerfully with a smile before he faced the oncoming Onion.

"Your way to loud man why don't you just die now?" asked Gato the Onion the emotion left his eyes as he still had a massive smirk on his face.

His right hand turned into a mass of blurs before it was rested against his shoulder.

"Knife Skill six: Matignon" spoke Gato out softly only for the onion to explode into massive block's causing the entire area to crash down on itself.

A loan piece of onion cube slowly slid towards Gato who merely stopped it with his foot his hands in his pockets.

"That's how you do it you guy's see that?" spoke Gato out loudly turning to look behind him only to see everyone was unconscious.

"Mannn that sucks" pouted the teen as he walked over to everyone.

"Well Cross is gonna hate me but oh well she needs more experience healing" muttered Gato.