Dish 12:

"NO!" shouted Caspian suddenly as he sat up panting. He brought a hand up to his face and felt he was drenched in sweat his hair was sticking to his head.

Memories of the Onion soon crashed through his mind as he frantically looked around seeing he was in an unfamiliar area. It was a dimly light medical room that had a few beds in it being surrounded by a green sheet.

"Damn why you gotta shout so early in the morning" groaned a female voice out drawing the teen's attention.

There sitting on a chair appeared a girl the same age as Caspian. She was of average height and had a soft beige complexion. She was wearing a light green chef jacket underneath a white doctor's coat. She wore a pair of white pants. Her dark gold colored hair was combed over to the one side as the left side of her hair was buzz cut. She had dark brown colored eyes that was behind a pair of square black rimmed glasses.

"Where am I?" asked Caspian confused.

"Oooh you're in heaven" groaned the woman out as she performed jazz hands.

Caspian looked at her blankly for a few seconds before the girl burst out laughing.

"Geez you should have seen your face" wheezed the girl out holding her stomach.

"You're so funny" spoke Caspian out sarcastically before he slowly stood up out of his bed.

"You're in Base Zapphier Medical room" spoke the woman out loudly as she stood up out her chair and looked up in Caspian's eyes.

The door leading to the room was suddenly kicked open startling the girl as she looked at it angrily. Walking in with a carefree smile on his face Gato appeared and looked at the duo.

"Yo!" said Gato only to receive a drop kick in the chest making him launch away like a missile.

"YOU DAMN IDIOT YOU SCARED ME!" shouted the woman flames behind her as veins twitched on her forehead.

"My Sternum!" groaned Gato out as he rolled around on the floor.

"What the hell am I watching" thought Caspian to himself very confused at the situation.

Gato then stopped rolling around and looked up at Caspian.

"Oh, I see your finally awake!" shouted Gato as he jumped up with a smile on his face.

"I'm glad Miss Grumpy over here could heal you" said Gato as he looked at the girl who glared at said teen.

"Piss off" muttered the girl as she threw Gato the middle finger.

"You're the guy that killed the onion" mused Caspian aloud as he looked Gato in the eyes.

"Yup Gato Wu at your service!" responded Gato cheerfully as he walked to the left and placed both his hands on the girls' shoulders.

"And this one is Cross Evans our local MD at Zapphier base" said Gato only to get a backhand in the face making him cry out in pain.

"MD my ass I was just a med student" muttered Cross as she looked to the side.

"Zapphier Base where is that?" asked Caspian looking around as he spotted his chef jacket and knife roll rest at the bottom of his medical bed.

"It's about half a day's travel from the Burrow base and it's your lucky day we all are going there tomorrow" spoke Gato out happily.

"What Why?" said Caspian as he put his chef uniform back on and his knife roll stuck to his waist.

"I'll explain as we walk, I'm sure you want to see that your team is safe as well yeah?" stated Gato as he walked out the room Caspian following behind him.

Just as Caspian was going to leave, he stopped and looked behind him at Cross.

"Thank you for healing me Cross" spoke Caspian out sincerely.

"Tch just get out of here" responded Cross as she turned away from Caspian.

Once Caspian was out the room Cross sat down on her chair and fanned her red face with her hand to cool down.

"He is kind of hot though not gonna lie" mused the girl aloud.

At Caspian, the teen was being led by Gato and he soon started to look around the base. It appeared to be a old parking lot that has been changed to a base as multiple tenets were perched up everywhere.

"That move you tried to hit the onion with" started Gato drawing the teens attention.

"It was all over the place wasting to much Stock making it lack that power to one shot something" explained Gato.

"I lack control of my Stock energy to that fine detail's" muttered Caspian.

"Damn that's pretty sad" said Gato loudly before he wrapped his arm around Caspian's shoulder and gave him a big grin.

"Then learn to control it you got this I can see so much potential in you, my man!" said Gato making Caspian gain a small smile on his face.

"Thank you Gato" responded Caspian making said teen laugh.

"You still won't be strong enough to beat me though I'm wayyyyy too strong for you" bragged Gato as he put his hands back in his pockets.

"Oh? I'll take you up on that statement watch me" spoke Caspian aloud a grin on his face.

Having found himself a new rival sparked a fire underneath him that was waiting to burst free.

"GATOOOOOOOOOOO!" came a demonic screech from the distance scaring both teens.

"What the hell was that the devil?" spoke Caspian aloud only to see Gato start to scoot away slowly.

"No far worst" muttered Gato fear showing full volumes in his eyes.

In the distance a massive dust cloud could be seen approaching the duo before a blur shot past Caspian and collided with Gato. As the dust settled down Caspian saw a girl who appeared to be his age hold Gato by the neck and shake him like a doll. The girl appeared to be of average height with an average body type. She had a dark beige complexion. She wore a maroon-colored Chef jacket with a pair of dark blue skirt and white high-top heels. She had bright red hair made in a high pony tail with softly glowing yellow eyes.

"Cia... Can't breathe" chocked Gato out as he started to loss conscious.

The now named Cia released a "Tch" before she threw him on the floor making the teen gasp out for air.

"CASPIAN!" shouted a familiar voice making the teen look to his left.

There slowly running towards him was his group. Valentine had a bandage wrapped around her forehead as Hope and Toru also had bandages on. Hope and Valentine lunged at the teen as they gave him a tight hug.

"Can't breathe!" chocked Caspian out as the girls were crushing his lungs.

"Oh sorry" said both at the same time letting the tall teen out their grasp.

Caspian took a deep breath and was going to make a joke about him nearly dying but he was stopped as he saw both of them had a few tears spilling out their eyes.

"I'm...So glad you're not dead" muttered Valentine her voice cracking between the words.

"You damn idiot making me worry like that" whispered Hope rubbing her eyes to try and hide the tears.

The last thing both girls saw before losing consciousness was Caspian defending them from the incoming Onion only to fall over.

Caspian released a soft sigh before he had a small smile on his face. He had to take better care of himself, his got people now that worry about him and he wasn't planning to die soon for their part. The teen walked towards the two before he placed a hand on either of their heads making them look up at him.

"I'm sorry you two" spoke Caspian out softly making both girls cry harder.

As the girls were crying Caspian looked behind them to see Toru stand there with her arms crossed taking occasionally glances towards the teen. Caspian looked at her for a few seconds before he drew his attention again towards Gato and the now named Cia look at the scene.

"Ohhh we got a ladies man here" teased Gato only to receive an elbow in his side.

"Well at least he knows how to apologies for making his people worried" chided Cia.

"I'm sorry Cia ok you know I can't just sit still I Gotta go out there and help people" responded Gato making Cia release a sigh.

"Always Gotta have such a big heart huh you dummy" whispered Cia to herself a small blush on her face.

"Huh you say something?" asked Gato only to receive a head butt against the head causing him to fall on his butt in pain.

"I said don't do it again you idiot" shouted Cia releasing a Tch before looking at the group.

"I found them wondering around the base like lost puppies so I asked them who they were" started Cia as she walked over to Caspian holding her hand up for a hand shake.

"Cia Groove" introduced Cia.

"Caspian Noir" introduced Caspian back.

"So yeah, they told me who they were so I figured out I should probs take them to the medical wing where you were hence where we are now" explained Cia.

"Thank you," said Caspian.

Just as everyone was going to start talking a loud ringing rung through the base with the lights flashing red.