Dish 13:

The group arrived at Exit three and saw that it had been crowded with hordes of people. Families held onto one another as they were squashed against one another.

"Caspian!" shouted a voice drawing the teens attention as he looked to his left.

There popping up through the crowds like a gopher was Cross. It took her a few more minutes but she eventually reached the group as she was panting softly. On her back was a big back pack that Caspian could only assume was medical equipment.

"Oh, Hey Cross" said Caspian looking at the teen.

"Caspian who is this?" said a voice behind him making a chill go up his spine.

Valentine and Hope were standing next to each other giving said teen a smile but he could sense the malice behind that smile. Just as the teen was going to answer a loud "Listen Up!" echoed through the crowds quieting everyone. Caspian looked in front of him and saw standing on a small wooden platform was a man. He appeared to be in his late thirties as he wore the marron chef uniform like Gato and them except he had two black stripes going down his shoulder and sleeves. His complexion was a soft caramel. He had mahogany brown hair made in a high pony tail as his chin was adorned with patches of brown hair making a messy beard. His eye color consisted of a soft grey.

"That's general Karl" whispered Gato as he leaned over to Caspian.


"Base Zapphier is FUCKED!" said the man making everyone gasp out of fright.

"The entrance we had been protecting from the veg mutants has finally collapsed." spoke Karl out.

"So, we decided to go to the bunker now since the veg mutants are right on our doorstep and we going to abandon ship" said Karl sadly.

Some people started to cry at the thought of abandoning their home's but they understood the risks of staying behind.

"There will be hordes of vegetable's out this exit and I can't say that you all will make it out alive," shouted Karl.

"But I promise we will arrive at the Bunker even if I have to lay my life down for you all because that's my job as a general!" roared Karl making everyone cheer for him.

Karl took a deep breath before he turned to his back looking at the massive steel gates.

"OPEN THE GATES!" shouted the man.

The gates slowly start to creek open as everyone started to flood out of them.

"Let's stick together you know safety in numbers" chuckled Gato as he looked over at Caspian.

"Yeah, that's a good idea" responded Caspian back.

As everyone flooded out the gate the sound of screams and screeches echoed through the base. It showed vegetable mutants mauling and devouring any poor soul that didn't make it in time at the evacuation point. The survivors who walked through the base tried to block out the screams of the people, but it was either them or the other people and they did not want to die so they turned a blind eye. To some people their screams would haunt their nightmares to others their brain already blocked the noise out making them ignorantly bliss. Base Zapphier had fallen. Caspian and the crew shielded their eyes as they entered the city again, the sun was right above them indicating that it was about twelve am.

Karl took a map out of his back pocket and started to look around before he nodded and started to walk.

"Follow me it's this way!" shouted the man making everyone follow him.

The group weaved through the crowds before they arrived at the front only a few feet away from Karl.

"Yo Karl you see any threats?" spoke Gato out making Karl look behind him.

"Learn some respect kid its Sir to you" responded Karl a look of Fury on his face.

"Yeah No respect is earned not given" responded Gato back.

Karl just shook his head before he started to look around.

"No, I don't sense any threats why don't you go..." started Karl only to stop as a crash happened in front of the group.

From a nearby building the doors were launched off its hinges as multiple figures could be seen walking slowly out of the building. One figure was of average height and extremely obese as purple veins were twitching in his body. It was blood red as it had a patch of green hair on its small head. It's right arm was deformed as it was twice its size and where its hand would be was it looked like a canon barrel. Like all vegetable mutants it didn't have any eyes and only black sockets except its mouth was open like it was shouting yet no noise was coming out. The second figure had an extremely buff body except its two arms were twice the size of its body as it rested its knuckle on the floor like a gorilla. It had a light beige almost yellow color as brown spots were on its body oozing out yellow liquids like an infected sore. Its expression was one of fury as it was gritting its teeth and veins were twitching in its forehead. The third figure appeared to be heavily mutated it had a pear-shaped body as the torse was quite small except its stomach and hips were exceptionally large like a ball. It had four skinny arms jet out its small torso as three claws were at the end of each arm. It had a leathery purple skin that seemed to be stretched over its body loosely since pearly white flesh could be seen underneath the purple skin. Its expression was happy sending grins to everyone. The last new figure was a very skinny and lanky body type. It had dark green leathery skin where its clawed hands and feet were a blood red. Its expression was in an expression of anguish. Surrounding the three new figures was one carrot.

"Shit why is there such a strong group here it doesn't make sense" muttered Karl to himself.

"Ohh a Tomatoe, Potatoe, Brinjal and Pepper huh those are pretty tough" mused Gato to himself aloud.

"Protect everyone" roared Karl as he lunged towards the group of mutants taking out his equipment which was steel meat mallet.

"DIE!" shouted Karl as he swung down.

A massive explosion engulfed everyone as they had to shield their eyes. Once the explosion settled down, they all gasped loudly. The potatoe was holding Karl's mallet with one of its massive arms before it pulled him closer and delivered a brutal left hook against Karl's body. The force behind the punch launched Karl sideways flying through buildings. What made everyone more scared was that the potatoe still held Karl's mallet in its hand as the man's arm was still holding the weapon. The detached limb's blood was pooling on the floor before the potatoe brought the detached arm up to its mouth and slurped it up like a noodle bone crunching and blood splashing echoed through the city. People screamed out in fear while others vomited out their previous lunch at the gruesome scene.

Once of the carrots released a shrill laugh before it lunged towards everyone brandishing its claws ready to vicarate any poor fool that would cross its way. Everyone screamed and tried to move back only to stop once they heard a voice cut through the chaos.

"Knife Skill Num One: Jullien," said a male voice.

Gale winds quickly flowed through everyone before they looked up and saw that the carrot split into five perfectly cut slice before exploding into thinner strips causing purple blood to rain down on everyone. All the people looked forwards and saw Caspian slowly rest his chef knife in cooking mode on his shoulder. Some purple blood was splashed on his face as his eyes were cold and emotionless.

"That's pay back you bastard" spoke Caspian out before he turned back to the rest of the vegetable mutants.

"Gotta steal the spot light huh?" said Gato cheerfully as he took out his salmon cutting knife out its sheath before changing it into cooking mode.

"Don't go stealing my kills dirtbag" spat Toru out as she activated her chef knife and rested it on her shoulder.

"That's just plain rude calling Caspian a dirtbag" reprimanded Hope as she took her paring knife out and held it in a reverse grip.

"I hope you all can back up that smack talk otherwise your more useless than dirt" said Cia taking out her equipment which was a giant meat cleaver knife.

All the chef's eyes glowed their respective colors as their stock levels flared up. The vegetable mutants roared and stood their ground. The potatoe threw away the meat mallet and banged its chest like a gorilla. The tomatoe placed its left hand on the barrel arm as thousands of little seeds popped their tops in the barrel. The pepper bent its back at a 90-degree angle before shooting out a small plume of flames out its mouth.

"Let's start Mise En Place [ Preparations]" said Caspian.