Dish 14:

Gato laughed as he shot away from everyone like a bullet. He brought up his knife quickly to block a lunging Brinjal from cutting him.

"Damn why do I gotta get the skinny boi" spoke Gato aloud only to feel someone step on his head causing him to look up.

Toru had used Gato as a stepping stone which launched her in the air.

"Get out my way loser" said Toru bringing her knife down on the pepper who nimbly dodged out the way.

"Hey bitch I aint no step!" fumed Gato before he had to dodge backwards quickly.

The Brinjal released a shrill laugh as it unleashed a barrage of clawed strikes aiming to lobe Gato's head off.

The Tomatoe released a shaking roar as it brought its mutated arm up. Thousands of seeds were launched at breakneck speeds towards everyone like a gatling gun. Hope released a "Tch" as her blade gained a pink hue.

"Knife Skill 3: Chiffonade," shouted Hope.

She was soon engulfed in a shower of sparks as her arms turned into blurs. For a few minutes nothing other than metals clanging against one another could be heard. Smoke soon escaped the Tomatoes barrel arm as it looked at Hope with fury in its eyes. Said girl slowly stood up and gave the mutant a smug grin as she wiped some blood of her cheek where a bullet grazed her.

"My turn" shouted the girl as she sprinted towards the Tomatoe.

Caspian dodged to the left as the potatoe brought its fist down causing the concrete to explode. The teen quickly landed on his feet and sprinted towards the big mass drawing his knife behind him. He quickly looked to his left and saw Cia was also there holding her cleaver behind her. They both gave each other a nod as they quickly slashed upwards causing a cross to form on the potato's chest making it cry out in pain. The duo didn't let up as they both quickly spun on the palm of their feet and tried to slash again only to duck to the floor dodging an arm thrust.

"Shit" cussed Caspian as he quickly rolled out the way again and was soon met with Cia standing next to him also previously dodging a strike.

"We gotta take care of the arms otherwise we will never be able to slice its head off" spoke Cia out loudly closing her one eye as she drew her knife in the air at where the potatoes neck was.

"You take the right ill take the left" said Caspian as he wiped the purple blood of his cheek.

"Yes sir" answered Cia a smirk on her face.

The two then turned into blurs as they sprinted towards the Potatoe who lunged at them. It tried to deliver a straight right punch only for Cia to front flip on the massive arm. She didn't waste any time and ran up quickly up the arm her Cleaving blade gaining a bronze glow.

"Fendre [Cleave]" spoke the girl out emotionless.

A bronze slashed exploded out the blade as the potatoes body was engulfed in an explosion. As the explosion settled down it showed the Potatoe was crying out in pain as its right arm fell to the floor with a thud. It was going to try and smash Cia's face in with its left arm only to see movement sailing up towards it. Caspian was right underneath it as his knife suddenly exploded in purple flames.

"Keep it contained Caspian" thought Caspian to himself as the purple flames were contained rapidly making the knife glow pure purple.

"Coupe-soleil" shouted Caspian sending the slash straight through its left arm causing it to fall on the floor like a sack of potatoes.

The duo didn't let up as Cia quickly landed on Caspian's shoulders as she held her knife up high while Caspian was already in the motion of slashing upwards again.

"Coupe-soleil/Fendre" shouted the duo their separate attacks as the potatoe was soon engulfed in a bright light and explosion.

As the light settled down Cia jumped of the tall teens shoulders and looked behind them. The Potatoe had been completely bisected as it was laying in chunks on the floor yellow blood pooling around it.

"You're not too bad are yah?" spoke Cia out looking towards Caspian who flung his knife on the floor spraining yellow blood off it.

"I don't know why but after every fight I feel stronger than before" explained Caspian as he flexed his hand.

"Sounds like massive plot Armour for the protagonist to me" said Cia as she started to laugh.

"Very funny I'm not a protagonist hell this isn't even a story" chided Caspian back as a small smirk was on his face.

At Gato the teen just leaned to the left as a clawed hand sailed past him. He quickly bent down and preformed a spinning round house kick right in the Brinjals face launching it back a few steps. Gato didn't let down as he ran forwards and dug his knee in the vegetables mouth causing purple blood to spew out its mouth. He then used its bleeding head as a jump pad and launched himself in the air. His blade glowed a ghostly white as gravity did its thing and brought him back down.

"Knife Skill 4 Bruinoise" spoke the teen out swinging his blade down.

The Brinjal dodged out the attack's way with millimeters. When the blade touched the concrete road, it exploded in cubes as smoke propelled the blocks up. Gato gracefully landed on the ground as the smoke was soon dissipated by the brinjal not letting up from its attacks.

"Got you bro" calmly spoke Gato out as his blade exploded in pale blue light.

"Tuer[Kill]" said the teen as he danced around the lunging Brinjal his blade leaving a blue trail behind him.

Gato changed his knife back in storage mode and seconds later the brinjal was cut right in the middle still showing all its organs function for a few seconds before it turned purple pile of mash.

"Maaan where all the strong bois at?" mused Gato out loud as he looked to the remaining mutants.

Toru quickly ducked out the way of a scorching torrent of flames. A few seconds passed and the flames died down showing black smoke escape the peppers mouth. The girl took this opportunity and sprinted towards it. A slash traveled towards the Pepper as it was soon enveloped in a cloud of smoke causing the girl to stop. As the smoke dispersed the pepper was nothing but a pile of green mash yellow blood splurging out of.

"What the hell?" muttered Toru a vein throbbing in her head as she looked to the side seeing Gato whistle innocently slowing sheathing his knife.

"OI bastard that was my kill" shouted the girl glaring at the beanie wearing male.

"I didn't see your name on it bitch and in the battlefield its anything goes" replied Gato walking towards the main group.

Toru fumed as she stomped hard on the ground causing cracks to form on the floor.

"Yooo" said Gato as he arrived at the group throwing up a piece sign.

"I hope that wasn't too difficult for you Gato" said Cia giving Gato a side glare.

"Awww is that concern for me Honey?" asked Gato teasingly only to get a slap against the head making him cry out in pain.

"S... shut up!" shouted Cia her face beet red.

"He called me honey!" thought the girl to herself as steam escaped her ears.

"Ohhhh hehe a love story" grinned Hope arriving next to the group a blob of red tomatoe was lying behind her as she looked at the scene.

"You alright?" asked Caspian seeing the graze on Hope's face.

"Yeah, nothing I couldn't handle" bragged Hope flicking some hair behind her.

The group the walked back towards the survivors and they saw Cross and Valentine was trying to help a beaten Karl. The man was panting roughly as the two girls quickly wrapped layers of bandages around the gushing wound.

"Damn Karl you were working so hard out there we didn't have to do anything." spoke Gato out sarcastically.

Karl looked at the teen with fury as he soon looked away and vomited blood. Gato had always been an arrogant asshole but he had the power and skill to back it up so Karl knew he wouldn't be able to do anything.

"He won't be able to move now guys we should maybe camp up for the night" spoke Valetine out looking concerned.

"But we have to move otherwise we will be easy prey out here in the middle of the road" replied Toru.

"Let's ditch the dead weight" muttered Toru as she looked at Karl emotionless.

"Did she just say that?" muttered a woman behind the group making them look behind them.

The survivors were looking skeptically at the group with fear and anger in their eyes.

"Hahaha you're such a joker Toru" shouted Caspian as he had a big smile on his face and draped an arm around the girl's shoulders.

"What are you?" started Toru only to feel Caspian's grip tighten on the girl's shoulder.

"These people need Karl in their life his their beacon if he dies, they turn on us" muttered Caspian softly making Toru's eyes widen.

"So, we keep him alive as long as we could we don't want to get a mob fury on us, do we?" finished Caspian as he stood up and smiled at the group and his gold eyes glowed softly.

The teen looked down the street and saw what appeared to be an old complex building that had floors of room on one another.

"We will go to that building down the road and camp out there for the night any complaints?" shouted Caspian looking at the group.

Everyone shook their head No slowly and then started to herd towards building making Caspian release a soft sigh. A punch against the shoulder drew his attention as he looked at the group behind him and saw Gato look at him with a big grin.

"Leadership looks good on you man" said Gato making Caspian gain a bashful smile and scratch the back of his head.

"A chef is a leader they gotta make decisions in the heat of the moment" responded Caspian a small smile on his face.

"True that!" shouted Gato as he laughed and the group followed the survivors.


As the night creeped up through the city like a stalking predator small specks of light could be seen escaping from the building floors. People were sitting around make shift fires huddled close to one another. Plates of soup and bread were passed along as everyone grimly spoke with one another taking pauses to eat the steaming hot food. Caspian could be seen standing on the roof top drenched in sweat, the teen soon took another deep breath before he quickly drew his chef knife and started to practice combos in the air.

"Damn" panted Caspian out as he stopped his momentum which caused a small burst of wind to travel on the roof.

"I'm still too slow" muttered Caspian to himself gripping his knife handle tightly.

The roof door slowly creaked open drawing the teens attention as he saw Valentine walk out a plate of soup and bread in her hands.