Dish 15:

"Caspian?" Said Valentine loudly before she spotted the teen and gained a big smile as she walked over to him.

"You missed dinner so I thought I'd bring it up for you!" spoke Valentine out happily making Caspian gain a small smile.

"Thanks Val" spoke Caspian out as he deactivated his chef knife and placed it back in his knife roll.

Caspian took the plate of food from the girl and walked to the edge of the roof taking a seat underneath the night sky. Movement drew his attention as he looked to his side and saw Valentine sit next to him.

"How's Karl?" asked the teen taking a bite out his bread.

"He isn't going to make it unless we make it back to the borrow in time" spoke Valentine softly looking sad.

"Hey Caspian can I ask something?' started the girl changing the subject quickly.

"Sure" answered the teen finding the topic change strange.

"Why did you want to become a chef?" asked the girl her big smile which she normally had was gone as she looked at Caspian with a serious look.

Caspian looked at his bread before he looked up at the sky seeing the twinkling stars.

"It's to help people" muttered the teen.

"What I couldn't hear you," said Valentine.

"I said its to help people" started Caspian.

"My father told me that if you have the strength to save people you should do it" carried Caspian on as he took the last bite of his bread.

"You love your father a lot don't you?" asked Valentine softly.

"It was just me and him growing up... my mom just vanished from our lives one day and she's probably getting it on with some rich old guy" said Caspian a emotionless look on his face.

" So, when he passed on I vowed to myself to do whatever I can to save as many people I can be it with my cooking or me physically saving them from the mutants" finished Caspian as he clenched his fist.

His goal from his previous world fused with this world dream and he would chase them both to his last breath. Sniffing drew his attention as he saw Valentine was crying waterfalls of tears which startled him.

"Val... Valentine what's wrong?" asked Caspian panicking quickly

"That's such a heartwarming story Caspian!" started Valentine as she took her jacket sleeve and used it as a tissue causing Caspian to gain a sweat drop behind his head.

"What made you want to be a Chef Valentine?" asked Caspian memories of the girl passing out when facing the spring onion came forth.

The girl gained a small smile on her face as she brought her knees up to her chest and hugged them.

"My parents were killed by a pack of strawberries right in front of me... to see them ripped to shreds and mauled like pieces of paper broke something inside me" started Valentine an emotionless look in her eyes.

"I thought I was going to die before my Saviour arrived and killed the pack of strawberries" said Valentine gaining a smile on her face.

"Charles appeared like a guardian angel for me when I needed him so I soon broke down in front of him yet he only gave me a hug saying it's going to be alright" carried Valentine on.

"He asked if I wanted the power to avenge my family and I accepted his offer in less than a heartbeat, so since that day he has been raising me to be a chef and his been like a second father for me" finished Valentine as she stood up and dusted the dust of her pants.

"So, to answer your question I wanted to be a chef to make Charles proud and prove to him that he didn't make a mistake saving me that day even though I get so scared of the mutants... I'm pretty weak right?" asked Valentine a sad smile on her face.

"Nah I don't think your weak" spoke Caspian making the girl look at him with wide eyes.

"You are willing and trying to get stronger that's real strength there not giving up and just hiding away from the world" said Caspian as he looked at the girl and gave her a smile.

"You're going to be a great chef in the future Valentine and I hope you get revenge for your family I really do." finished Caspian as he stood up and took his empty soup bowl with him as he walked to the door.

"Caspian!" shouted Valentine making the teen stop and look behind him.

Valentine stood there with small tears in her eyes as she gave the teen a big smile.

"Thank you for being my friend" said the girl making Caspian smile at her and throw a thumbs up as he opened the door and walked down.

It took the teen a few minutes before he arrived at the floor where everyone was sleeping and he took his spot by the wall. Sleep soon enveloped the teen as he peacefully slept for a few hours.


The sun was blaring down on everyone as the survivors walked through the empty streets of city as Caspian and his group looked around for any threats. Everyone had woken up at the crack of dawn and after a quick breakfast they all started traveling back to the Borrow to try and get there as quick as they can.

"Man, I wish I could have slept better had it not been for a damn boar snoring next to me" started Gato as he had bags underneath his eyes and he looked at Toru angrily.

"The hell you say I don't snore!" shouted the girl offended as Cia in the background blushed looking away.

"It was actually me that was snoring" thought the girl to herself.

"Bah whatever damn boar you need to go get that checked out" chided Gato as him and Toru head butted each other lightning sparking between each other.

Caspian was about to say something to the two before he stopped in his tracks. The group bumped into him and was confused at the sudden halt in movement.

"Why did we stop?" asked Cia confused.

"Do you guys smell that?" asked Caspian softly taking a deep breath in.

Everyone soon followed the teen taking a deep breath in before their eyes slowly widened.

"Blood" thought everyone at the same time.

As they rounded the corner, they were surprised at the scene that was waiting for them. Chef bodies were all over the place as their blood painted the building walls and the streets. Death hung in the air as their innards were strown everywhere and their chef equipment layed broken on the floor like toys broken.

"Oh my G..." started Hope only to stop the vomit that was traveling up to her mouth.

"They... They are wearing the Borrow Chef uniform" muttered Valentine her pupils shaking as her eyes were the size of saucers.

"Shit" cussed Caspian as he started to sprint through the scene, taking care not to slip on the bloody intestines, as he quickly rounded another corner.

He looked forwards and saw that the entrance to the burrow had been blown apart as smoke snaked out of it. Red handprints were smeared on the door as a soft groan drew the teens attention. He quickly spotted where the groan came from as he ran over and looked at the source. One of the guards layed on the floor completely bisected by his hips causing his guts to spill out making a blood red pool underneath him. Caspian quickly rushed over and propped the upper half of the body up and that made the man vomit out more blood before he shakenly looked up at the teen.

"R... Run away" started the man in a gravely tone.

"What happened here?" asked Caspian ignoring the man's order.

"W... We were ambushed..." said the man only to vomit out more blood the rest of the group had arrived behind Caspian.

"The floor King... he suddenly appeared and.... and he brought a horde of mutants with him" carried the man on.

"He completely ravaged his way through hordes of chef's before he entered the burrow... the other chefs are trying to save the burrow... please save them" finished the man before the light in his eyes dimmed and he succumbed to his injuries.

Caspian was still for a few seconds before he slowly set the body down and stood up straight. The blood on his hands were dripping softly down on the floor before he turned to the entrance and everyone could see his expression. He had a look of fury etched on his face as he slowly held a bloody hand by his knife bag.

"Activate: Chef Knife" spoke the teen softly before his knife handle was shot out.

Caspian grabbed the handle tightly and as he was drawing the knife out, he changed it to cooking mode and rested it on his shoulder.

"Let's go kill this piece of shit once and for all" spoke Caspian out causing the rest of the group to nod at him.


"Hey all its me Jules! I know it has been a while since you heard anything from me but lemme tell you its been hell this past week! Ever since Caspian had left for his mission Lex had separated us all in Chef groups! These people would be our comrades for life and it just has to be my luck that I had to get THEM! Ryu Taiga, Amber Peaks, Lance Harver, and finally Arthur Dragoon. LIKE COME ON ALL THE RISING STARS! Just because of them I have had to be in way worse training program and it's killing me, not to mention they all are a bunch of crazies! Ryu just wants to fight everyone, Amber stalks all the guys in the group and makes weird fanfics about them, Lance is a brat that is used to getting whatever he wants, Arthur is well Arthur I'm use to him by now. Please Caspian come home soon you're the only normal friend I got!" finished Jules writing in her diary as she sighed and closed the book.

"Man, now I'm hunger" muttered the girl to herself before an explosion rung out in the base.

"What the?" asked the girl to herself standing up from her chair.

Another explosion rung out before a string of small explosions echoed through the air. Her door was suddenly exploded off its hinges making the girl scream out in fear. Once the dust settled it showed Ryu was standing there with a massive smirk on his face, the rest of the group behind him.

"Come on Spark plug we got some action!" shouted Ryu.

"What the hell is wrong with you! You could have just knocked!" shouted Jules a irk mark behind her head.

"No time! The base is being raided by veg mutants and we were called to go defend point!" said Ryu as he picked up Jules and threw her on his shoulder like a sack of potatoes before sprinting towards the explosions.

"Wa...Wait are you being serious!" shouted Jules as everyone behind Ryu nodded towards the girl.

"His being serious Jules and a lot of Chef's have already died" spoke Amber out grimly.

"Shit" cussed Jules a million thoughts going through her head.

It took the group a few minutes to arrive at the entrance point and they all had some fear travel through their bodies. Dead bodies layed everywhere as vegetable mutants were feasting on any poor soul.

"HAHAHA NOW THIS IS IT!" shouted Ryu as he tossed Jules on the floor before he launched away from everyone.

Mid-flight Ryu unsheathed his carving knife which grew to the size of him before he quickly beheaded an unsuspecting Carrot. Purple blood sprayed on the teens face before he laughed in the air.

"More... More give me more!" shouted Ryu blitzing through the vegetable mutants.

"He... He is killing them so easily" muttered Jules before she felt a hand on her shoulder and saw Arthur was looking down at her.

"Don't hesitate Jules otherwise you will die" said Arthur seriously before he unsheathed his equipment which was a bread knife.

The rest of the group took out their separate equipment as well. Amber's equipment was two tomatoe knifes which were about half her size and the blades curved downwards with a dark green handle. Lance took out a pure jet-black meat skewer as it rested on his shoulder. Jules shakenly took out her chef equipment which was a meat tenderizing hammer.

"Let's do this team!" shouted Jules nervously as everyone soon split up trying to hold back as much of the invading force they could.

As Arthur sprinted through the burning streets, he saw that a group of people were suddenly cut into stripes in front of him causing him to stop in his tracks. There quickly slurping up one of the human stripes was a lanky figure. It was deathly pale as black spots were littered on its body, its joints were big and round by the main joints but as they went down, they became skinnier and skinnier. A white button mushroom head was on its head as it only had a row of jet-black teeth which was in a grin on its face. Red blood poured down its white body as it kept eating more from its kill.

"Shit a mushroom" thought Arthur to himself as he held his knife up high.

At Amber she quickly escorted a group of people away from a destroyed building before the hair on the back of her neck stood up and she involuntary jumped out the way. Just where Amber had stood a few seconds prior was a massive explosion birthed and a smoke screen was erected. As the smoke dialed down Amber brought both her knives up in a cross-arm stance when the mutant was revealed. An average sized green figure stood there. It looked like a normal human except its right arm was double its size and it was blood red. It had three leaves sprouting upwards on its head as only one black soleless eye was peering at the girl. The mouth of it was in a pained expression as red blood was pouring down its mouth.

"A radish really?" cussed Amber a look of nervousness on her face.

Lance had just speared a Carrot through the head before he laughed a bit and flicked his hair up dramatically.

"A mere spec of dirt like a carrot cannot dare hold a candle before the mighty Lance" chided the teen before movement caused him to look behind him.

There stalking out from an alley way were three figures. They were the size of fully grown wolves and even looked a bit like them but they were completely red. They had black spots on its body as a tuff of green hair came out behind its crocodile shaped head. Black eyes were staring at Lance as its yellow teeth was being bared at the teen.

"Oh, I'm so popular a pack of strawberries!" shouted Lance a cocky smile on his face.

Jules was running around manically as she was helping injured people. Just as she was going to help a woman an explosion happened in front of her. The force behind the impact sent her barrowing back before she hit a road sign causing her to groan out in pain. As she shakenly opened her eyes, she saw that she was covered with blood.

"What...What the?" asked Jules to herself her voice breaking before she frantically tried to wipe the blood of her.

A deep chuckle echoed in front of her causing her to slowly drag her eyes up and fear was traveling through her body at max speed. A potatoe mutant stood in front of her underneath its one fist was the mangled body of the man she tried to save.

"I...I'm going to die" thought Jules to herself as she saw the potatoe lunge at her.