Dish 16:

A crash echoed through the streets as it showed Jules roll out the way of the stampeding Potatoe. The girl on pure instinct quickly reacted and lunged towards the creature. "Wh... What is my body doing!" thought the girl to herself as her arms moved by themselves and quickly slashed the potatoes shoulder causing it to cry out in pain. Jules didn't let up as she jumped of the creature's arm which tried to swat her away before preforming a knife skill. "Knife skill: Jullien!" roared the girl only for the Potatoe to quickly react and lean to the left. The skill still connected cutting the Potatoe's left arm in stripes before it gained a pissed off look and launched its right fist into Jules. Said girl vomited out blood as the impact felt like a truck hitting her before she was launched away skipping on the tar road like a pebble flying across a body of water. As the smoke and dust settled down it showed Jules was hunched over resting against a wall. Blood was pouring out of her head as some of the blood dribbled down her chin out her mouth, a dazed look in her eyes as she slowly looked up. "I... It hurts so much I want to sleep" thought the girl looking down at her body which was covered with blood and her head throbbing with pain. Her eyes slowly started to close as she accepted only for them to shoot open. "SOMEONE HELP ME!" shouted a voice drawing Jules to slowly look to her side. There trapped under a boulder was a woman. Only her upper body was sticking out from the boulder as she was covered with dust and blood, a panicked look in her eyes. The potatoe noticed the woman before its face contorted into a grin as it stalked towards to woman. "PLEASE HELP ME!" screeched the woman noticing the potatoe stalk towards her. Jules eyes shook before she slowly started to stand up. "Why... Why is my body standing up?" started the girl looking at her body. "I don't want to carry on I WANT TO GO HOME!" shouted the girl's inner voice before her body started to run towards the mutant. "But I'm sure she wants to go home to" finished the voice as Jules eyes landed on the trapped woman. In slow motion she saw an engagement ring on the woman's hand and memories of her own family came in her mind. It showed a happy family smiling around a dinner table as a warm feeling spread through the girl's heart. She loved her family and would do anything to go back home just to hug her mom and dad and hear them say it's going to be ok. "IVE GOT THE POWER TO MAKE SURE WE CAN GO HOME!" roared Jules's determination blazing in her eyes as her mallet glowed dark blue. "Mode Switch Handheld!" shouted Jules as her equipment glowed a dark blue and a blinding light enveloped everyone. As the light settled down it showed two bulky dark grey gauntlets were on the girl's hands. Four spikes were sticking out where her knuckles were and the girl went into a boxing stance. Blood dripped of her head as she gained a big grin as she motioned for the potatoe to come at her. "Come here you piece of shit lemme beat you so I can go" said Jules a crazy look in her eyes. The potatoe roared as it stampeded towards the girl and swung its remaining arm downwards. Jules leaned to the right and dodged the attack before taking a quick step forwards and driving her gauntlet into the potatoes stomach. A gust of wind traveled behind the potatoe before it hunched over the girl a look of pain on its face. Jules didn't let up with one punch as she started to unleash a barrage of punches. "Grind to Pulp Combo!" roared the girl as she started to speed up. Her arms turned to blurs as the potatoe could only take the beat down. Purple blood splattered in the air as it almost turned into a fog covered the pair. After the combo was done Jules was panting roughly as he gauntlets were drenched in purple blood the potatoe slowly fell over as it was beaten to an inch of its life and looked up at the girl glaring down at it. Jules was covered with purple and red blood as then only thing visible were her glowing grey eyes. "Tenderizing technique one: Slam!" muttered the girl as she pulled her right arm back which suddenly exploded in blue flames. She roared and drove her glowing fist down on the Potatoe's head before a loud explosion happened launching rocks in the air and caused the ground to shake. Once the dust settled down it showed Jules stand on the corpse of the potatoe as her hair covered her eyes. The potatoes body was beaten black and blue as its head was now only a puddle of mush, brain matter and blood sprayed everywhere painting a grotesque painting. Jules stumbled off the corpse before she slowly started to walk towards the trapped woman. As she arrived, she stopped in her tracks as her eyes grew to the size of saucers. A second boulder had landed on the woman as she was crushed to death, her one hand was the only thing sticking out as blood pooled out underneath the rocks, a red splash painted the diamond ring. "N... No" muttered Jules her gauntlets glowing before changing back into a mallet and falling on the floor. "It...It's my fault" spoke the girl softly out crumbling to the floor as she saw her final move launched all those rocks in the air. It was dead quiet in the burrow as the only that echoed through the air was pain and misery. Drops of water soon landed against the floor as more came after. Jules started to cry as she brought bloody hands up to her face to try and stop the tears. "Dammit.... I'm useless... IM FUCKING USELESS!" muttered the girl hiccupping in between words. "Jules?" came a voice which made the girl slowly lower her hands as she looked to her side. Arthur, Amber and Lance stood there. Arthur and Amber held Lance up by their shoulders as one of his legs was missing. Blood and injuries were littering the trio as the once vibrant light in their eyes dialed down a bit. "Guys?" asked Jules her tone shaking. "I... I killed the mutant" started Jules only for tears to pour out her eyes as she looked at her team. The groups heart broke seeing their cheerful friend cry her heart out before they all slowly moved to her and they all hugged each other. Everyone cried their fear and grief out as they soon released how cruel the real world is. It wasn't as simple as people made it out to be, they weren't omnipotent beings that could kill mutants with one slash they were only humans at the end of the day and they make mistakes like everyone else. A massive explosion rung through the burrow as everyone looked behind them. "That's the directions Ryu was fighting" muttered Arthur. "Let's go check up on him" spoke Jules as they slowly stood up drying their tears. It took a few minutes for them to arrive at Ryu and while on the way Jules asked what happened to everyone. Arthur had fought a mushroom to the death only for it to kill a family in front of him. Amber had lost multiple people towards the radish that killed them without a thought and well Lance got the worst of it losing a limb to the strawberries. Another explosion rung out in front of them stopping them in their tracks as the dust and smoke dialed down, they all gasped out in shock. Ryu was bleeding everywhere; his chef uniform was ripped here and there showing his injury ridden body as blood pouring out his head. His carving knife was on the floor broken in half. Holding the beaten teen was a tall figure. It had deep brown bark like skin that wrapped around its body while its fingers, that was clamped on Ryu's head, was glowing green. On its shoulders were two red spikes that shot out. Its head looked like a medieval knight helmet as a mane of white hair shot out behind the helmet reaching to its hips. A black maw was underneath the visor show black jagged teeth. Glowing yellow light seeped out the three slits that made the mutants visor. "Honestly I had thought you were strong due to your Stock levels but I'm just disappointed" spoke the creature out shocking everyone for the second time today. "The vegetable mutant just talked?" muttered Lance shocked. The mutant noticed the group and just tossed Ryu away like a piece of trash. "Ah more cattle to the slaughter house my I seem to be drawing in the crowds" mused the mutant out loud dusting the dust of its bark armor. "WHAT ARE YOU!" shouted Arthur shocking Jules as this was the first time, she had heard her friend shout before. "No need to shout I'm standing right in front of you" chided the mutant before standing up straight and then did a semi bow. "My name is Tige I am the Floor King it's a pleasure to meet you trash" spoke Tige out releasing some of his stock energy which made everyone fall to their knees. "You all were starting to get a little bit too cocky in your exploration and one of you stole something very important to us so I'm going to kill you all" said Tige looking at Ryu's blood on his fingers before he flicked it down on the floor. "We won't let you!" spoke Amber out before rushing towards the Floor boss. "Oh?" mussed Tige aloud before dodging the incoming Chef. "Knife Skill 3: Chiffonade" shouted Amber causing her arms to turn into blurs. Everyone was shocked as Tige simply moved out the way of the knife slashes not even getting scratched once before Amber stopped shock showing full volumes in her eyes. Chiffonade was one of the fastest knife skills know and is all the time an instant kill due to the strikes coming faster than the body can react. "That was pretty slow... Oh well my turn" started Tige disappointed only to go cheerful again. "Kick!" shouted Tige moving quicker than Amber could have seen as he delivered a front kick on the girl's legs. A sickening crack echoed through the air before Amber slowly looked down and her heart nearly jumped out her chest. Her legs were bent in the opposite direction as her femur bone was sticking out spraying blood out like a fountain. As gravity was doing its thing and pulling her down Tige reeled his fist back and launched it forwards. "Bye Bye!" said Tige happily as his fist collided with the chef's face blasting her backwards through multiple buildings. "AMBER!" shouted Jules looking at her friend being launched away. "Don't worry you'll be joining her soon" spoke Tige out behind Jules. The girl slowly looked up and saw the mutant was towering above them as its yellow eyes glowed menacingly behind the visor. Jules body froze up feeling that even blinking would cause her demise. "Knife Skill 1: Jullien!" roared Arthur flinging his knife upwards. Tige bent his back 90 degrees down wards dodging the strike before lashing his arm upwards like a coiling snake. Arthur cried out in pain as blood gashed out the upwards wound going up from his stomach till his forehead. The tall teen crumbled to the side as he passed out from the impact. Tige simply football kicked Lance away from the group as he was sent sailing through the city. Jules slowly looked around and saw that she was all alone now. "This was honestly such a letdown" breathed Tige out flicking the blood off his hand before raising it up in the air. "Die like the ant you are" spoke Tige out coldly. Time seemed to slowly down as the boss's hand came down towards the girl like a guillotine ready to execute a criminal. "I guess this is it" thought the girl to herself. "Sorry Caspian I guess I couldn't get stronger... I stayed weak like always" muttered Jules to herself as a tear slowly slid down her face. A mighty crash appeared above her as she was soon enveloped in a giant dust storm. The force behind the impact caused the girl to roll backwards and as soon as her momentum stopped, she slowly looked at where she just was. Tige was standing there motionless as a cut was going across his chest leaking purple blood. Standing in front of the floor boss was Caspian with his chef knife to the side blood purple coating the blade. "What the hell did you do to Jules?" spat Caspian out his stock levels raging outside. Everything was quiet before Tige started to giggle which turned into full blown laughter. After a few minutes of laughing Tige wiped a tear from his visor and unleashed his Stock energy almost making Jules vomit. "Oh you're going to be far more fun than these ants" shouted Tige looking Caspian dead in the eyes.