Dish 17:

Caspian quickly reacted and brought his Chef knife up in a blocking motion as Tige launched a punch towards the teen's chest. The force behind the punch launched Caspian in the air as he quickly reacted mid-flight by pumping Stock Energy into knife. "Coupe-soleil!" roared Caspian as he sent the black and purple slash towards Tige who laughed and dodged by millimeters. When Caspian's feet touched the ground, he shot like a bullet towards Tige and launched strings of combo's on to the mutant. Tige dodged to the left only to fall for Caspian's feint which he quickly slashed upwards across Tige's chest making the mutant groan in discomfort. Purple blood sprayed over the two like a fountain before Tige's hand glowed a dark green. "Implode" spoke Tige out punching Caspian in the Stomach past his blocking knife. The initial punch launched Caspian backwards before a second green explosion catapulted him in the air. He vomited out blood as he was in the air before he saw a shadow above him. Tige was in the air above him already in the motion of an axe kick his bark foot glowing dark green. "IMPLODE!" shouted Tige cheerfully. The kick struck Caspian's head causing him to rocket back to the earth. He was spinning like a tornado before his head gained a green glow. "Shi..." started Caspian only for him to be engulfed in a green explosion making him crash in the ground faster. As the dust and smoke settled down Tige softly landed on the ground looking at the crater Caspian had just formed. Said teen slowly stood up out the crater as blood was pouring out his head drenching his face with the red liquid. "You survived that? Color me impressed" chided Tige. "What is that green shit you doing?" asked Caspian hotly spitting out some blood out his mouth. "You chef's got your cooking techniques and special skills so it's only fair nature gave us some advantages too" started Tige his hands glowed a dark green before a ball of green energy dropped slowly off his hand. He grabbed the ball with his other hand and then pulled the back piece past his cheek like a bow. "We also got Stock energy except we use what we call Product quality moves" shouted Tige as he let go of the back piece, which shot out like a rocket. The sound barrier couldn't keep up with the projectile as Caspian's eyes widened and he on pure instinct leaned to the left. His cheek was grazed as a big wound was currently leaking out blood. A path of destruction followed the projectile until it stopped. Caspian looked behind him and saw a gorge had formed behind him. "Boom Berry is my Product quality" finished Tige grabbing another handful of the ball and pulled back. Caspian quickly reacted as he ran to the side dodging the projectiles as Tige released multiple shots. He quickly dived behind a boulder as there was an explosion right, we he just ran. "C'mon boy do you really think that rock is going to stop me" spoke Tige out grabbing another handful except this time he had multiple pieces between his fingers. "Spread Shot" muttered the mutant as he unleashed four shots towards the rock which quickly exploded on impact. Dust and smoke was soon birthed as Tige let go of the ball causing it to dissolve into nothing. "And that's all she wrote... now I'm hungry where was that injured human" said Tige as he scratched his stomach. "Where the hell do you think you're going?" asked a voice causing Tige to slowly look up above him. Caspian was in the air already in the motion of swinging his knife down. His chef jacket was ripped at the side exposing a gash wound just below his ribs where an Boom Berry shot got him. "Knife Skill 1: Jullien + Coupe-soleil"! roared Caspian as he sent down 5 blazing strikes which engulfed the two in an explosion. When the explosion settled down it showed Caspian was panting roughly as blood was pouring out his wounds. Tige was panting softly as well as he had 5 massive cuts going down his body except, he didn't explode into stripes like the previous mutants. "CASPIAN!" shouted someone who looked behind him. There running towards him was his group. He had asked them to go save everyone around the base while he went to deal with the floor King. "Is that the floor King?" asked Hope taking out her paring knife. "Hmmm it seemed I'm very popular today" mussed Tige out before Stock energy exploded from him again. "ILL JUST KILL YOU ALL!" roared Tige as he vanished from Caspian sight before he felt a tremendous force against his side. In slow motion he saw Tige had kicked him in his injured side and launched him away. Toru was the first to react as she changed her chef knife in cooking mode and launched towards to Tige. "DIE SHIT!" shouted the woman unleashing a barrage of slices which Tige nearly didn't dodge. The mutant then quickly bent its body which confused Toru only for Tige to spring back upwards and deliver a head butt straight on her jaw causing her to launch in the air. She was drifting in between consciousness due to the strike but Tige didn't let up as he quickly jumped upwards and drove a green fist in her stomach. "Implode!" shouted Tige as Toru was sent away flying. As Tige touched the ground Gato and Cia was behind him already in the motion of swinging their weapons. The mutant reacted quickly and ducked out the way. The duo didn't fall for the same trick as Toru did and leaned backwards dodging out the way of Tige. "Knife Skill 4 Bruinoise" said Gato as he sent a blue grid pattern slash towards Tige. "Fendre" shouted Cia unleashing the bronze slash. Tige's eyes widened underneath his helmet before he was engulfed in an explosion. As the smoke settled down it showed Tige had wounds on his body that was leaking purple blood. "Damn you guys are strong" spoke Tige before laughing loudly. "What's so funny?" spat Cia out glaring towards the mutant. "I never finished explaining my abilities to that boy so let me tell you guys" Started Tige. Caspian soon wobbled over to the duo as his wounds was aching yet he pushed through it. "You, ok?" asked Cia looking at the teen. "I'm alright" answered Caspian as he looked towards Tige with a look of hate. Hope, Valentine, and Cross had run after Toru and started to look for the girl. "Ah I see you still alive boy" mocked Tige as he noticed Caspian's arrival. "Well, this is perfect then to finish our discussion off" carried Tige on. "You chef's just have the natural advantage on us mutants so one we got our Quality Product moves but we have something more which is our ace of the sleeve" Said Tige as he slowly brought his shaking right hand up. He then made his hand like he was praying but then bent his first finger 90 degrees to the side. "Vegetable Patch: Hanging Garden of Broken Dreams" spoke the mutant out before the trio was engulfed in a blinding light. When the light settled down, they all were shocked. The run-down buildings of the burrow were replaced with ghostly white trees that curved down wards at the top. The tar road had been replaced with mineral rich brown soil as the sky was a dark red indicating the sun was setting. Green blobs were hanging from the white trees like deadly fruit ready to pluck off and eat. "What the fuck?" cussed Caspian looking around confused. Tige's laughing drew the confused trio's attention as they saw Tige stood there. "What is this place?" shouted Gato glaring at the mutant. "This is my own space... My stock energy bent and dominated the reality around me to bend to my will." started Tige. "This allowed me to create my own space where I have complete control over every attack I launch in here" spoke the mutant out. "It's a guaranteed kill for any poor soul that enters my patch. It consumes a lot of Stock though and only has a range of 50 meters plus it can only be used once so got to make sure it counts" finished Tige as he ran over to the white trees which bent down lower towards him. "This is insane I've never heard of a mutant being able to do this!" shouted Cia out in fear raising her butcher blade high. "Boom Berries!" shouted Tige as he grabbed a hold of the green fruit which stretched backwards. All the berries hanging of the tree's suddenly were stretched back as well as if Tige had thousands of hands pulling them back. "RUN!" shouted Caspian remembering the move.