As we got into the hall Victor's friends call him over, we said our byes and he left, I went over to Esther and Bimpe. Esther is dressed in purple attire today, she wore a short purple gown with purple attachment to make her braids, thankfully, she didn't wear purple shoe today, just a white canvas, while Bimpe is in her usual skirt and blouse. Esther didn't see me come in or she would have asked about Victor but thank God she didn't, I can't afford to answer her questions right now

All through the boring speech about the history of Art and all that we've known before, I was busy thinking of Victor and how his eyes are similar to my wolf. I must be going mad, how can I compare a human eyes and a wolf's, am I thinking werewolf here, geez, I need a boyfriend soon or I'll end up dying old all alone with my fantasy boyfriends in my head. I can boldly say with my hand over my eyes that I've never had a boyfriend, shocking right? How can a twenty two years old female not have a boyfriend? It's not like I don't have anyone who asked me out or anything, I just don't feel attracted to them and I can't bring myself to date someone I'm not attracted to. I want a bad boy on a bike with leather jacket like those I read about, I want someone thrilling, all the boys I've met are all too boring,

I tried looking for Victor around the hall and I found him just a few roll behind me, our eyes met and I turned back blushing. Was he looking at me before or did he just coincidentally looked at me at the same moment? I can't bring myself to look at him again, what if he saw me again and thinks I'm trying to flirt with him. I'm totally not. I mean he's hot and my type but that doesn't mean I want to flirt with him, I'm not that kind of girl.

Before long, we were all grouped, writers and Painter will use the current hall while photographers and crafters were put into another hall. Turned out Victor is a painter, he must have made the paintings I saw earlier, he's pretty good. Painters used the other side of the hall, few metres away from where I am, but he's in my view. Esther is also in the Painting group while Bimpe is here with me. Bimpe and I were discussing our current book when we heard a shout from the painting group, it was Esther.

"Oh my God" All eyes turned on her. What is she up to now, almost everybody know Esther and her character.

"Oh my God, Daisy, you won't believe this" what I really can't believe is Esther shouting my name in the middle of the hall, putting everyone's attention on me. There are about twenty-five people in the hall and all the attention is either on me or her. Even Victor is looking at me with a little smirk. I blushed hard.

"Daisyyyyyy" she screamed happily again

"What?!" I screamed back with irritation

"It's your crush"

"Pardon?" wait, what?! Is Esther going to tell everyone here about my crush? Seriously, I'll kill her, I'll definitely do, cuz that's my private life.

"It's your number one crush Victor Kings, it's him, he's here, can you believe that?"

Oh mother Gaia, goddess of earth, please open your mouth and swallow me up right now, I surrender myself unto thee. Bimpe looked at me with sympathy, she knows how much I hate attention. I might not be a shy girl like her but I don't necessarily like this much attention.

"I can't believe Victor Kings is here, not only in Nigeria but right here" Esther can't stop her rant, she didn't even notice how I shield my face with a book. God, when did I became friends with this girl?

Wait a minutes, Victor Kings is here? My Victor Kings? Oh my God, my idol is here and he's my wolf guy, mother earth pls its time to do your work. I can't believe Esther embarrassed me this much publicly, now everyone knows I have a crush on the new guy. Now that I think about it, the painting I saw the other time must be his, wow, I spoke to my idol. Although Victor is quite popular, nobody knows what he looks like, I can't believe he's my ideal type, in so double smitten. I'll let myself think about that later once I'm done murdering Esther in my head, I'll so kill her, Infact, I'll plan her burial myself.

I decided to gain some confidence and remove my face from behind the book, I was faced with more than twenty faces looking at me with amusement. I locked eyes with him and gave him a smile and a small wave. He gave me an amused smirk and a wink. That's it, earth, its time, swallow me please. I can't take this anymore.

After the whole scene, everyone went back to the way they were, we finished the lecture for the day and left. I practically ran away from the hall with Bimpe on my tail. Esther tried calling for me but I ignored her completely, I don't care, she embarrassed me too much. She's my friend for God's sake, she should know how I am. I saw Victor briefly, he saw me ran and he couldn't contain his amusement anymore, he laughed a little. What a way to meet your idol, nobody break a record like I do.

Bimpe didn't even make any comment, she just follows me quietly, because she knows I'll need time to collect my thought after that event. This is why I love Bimpe, must be because of her shy nature, she seems to understand people even before talking to them. I remember the day we met like it was yesterday, she registered late so she was among the last batch, thereby coming three weeks late. She sat at the back without saying anything to anyone, she didn't even try to contribute or make a conversation with anyone, so I decided to talk to her instead.

It wasn't easy to make friends with her since she doesn't like people at all, but I was able to do it after much effort. I really like her so I never gave up on her, it's not like she was rude or anything, she just won't talk unless you do and she won't answer any question that requires long speech. She's an amazing writer, and we end up becoming close even though our genre are different, it doesn't matter, we are best of friend now.