It's been one week since the incidence but I still avoid Victor like the plaque, I can't even bring myself to lock eyes with him, he has been trying to make small conversation with me but I always avoid him. I've forgiven Esther for the embarrassment but no matter how much she wants to give me another chance to talk to him, I always decline, coward, I know. The incidence aside, I can't seem to get over the fact that his eyes remind me of my wolf, how such thing can be a coincidence I don't know, but the only other option sound crazy, even in my mind.

I can't shake off the feeling that something is off with him but if I try to think of it, my only conclusion is werewolves but that is just fantasy, it can't be true. I snap myself out of the thought before it drives me crazy. I've done a lot of research on wolves since the first encounter with the wolves and I've read a lot of books on werewolves also, must be why I can't help but try to connect the invincible dots between the wolf and Victor.

Fortunately or unfortunately, I was paired with Victor for the upcoming competition. Different schools all over the country will come together representing their various states to present a short story on a title "The You I See", presenting your country the way you see it, either fictional or not. And the artist are to make a good painting to illustrate the point. Victor and I got paired, while Esther got paired with Ola, my departmental mate, he is also good and Bimpe got paired with one of Victor's friend. Two other pairs were made also to make five pairs.

After the announcement was made, Victor walked up to me to get acquitted.

"Hey, Daisy right?" he greeted with a smile, he looks happy for some reason, must be the competition.

"Hi, yea, it's Daisy, good to see you again" I answered shyly, I don't know why I get so shy around him, I am never a shy person. Reserved, yea, but shy? Nope. I wasn't even this tongue tied when we first met, but then again, back then, he doesn't know I have a crush on him.

"Can I have your contact?" he asked as he pass me his iPhone. The phone suits him, it was clad in a black phone cover to match his black outfit. He hardly wear other colours, trust me, I noticed. He's usually on either black leather or jean trousers, sometimes its dark blue and when it is blue, he tops it with black top and a black tennis. He also never forgets his black hat.

Wait, did he just ask for my contacts, why would he wants that?

"Uhn?" I sound stupidly.

"Your contact, you know those eleven digits I can call you with, so we can meet up for the project"

"God, why did I even wonder why he ask, the competition. I blushed hard in embarrassment, does all our meetings have to be like this? Me making a fool out of myself.

I took the phone from him, entered my number on it and gave it back to him.

"I'll call you later to talk about it"

"Alright and I'm sorry for acting stupid earlier"

"It's okay, everyone gets stupid at least once in their lifetime, and at least you are not avoiding me this time"

I blushed to that, he noticed?

"I wasn't avoiding you, we just aren't crossing ways"

"Really, wow, that's so obvious"

"Okay then… see you tomorrow… I mean later….. Bye" I practically bolted away from there. OH God

"You're running again" He shouted after me

It wasn't until I got to my hostel that I screamed in Joy, I finally had an actual conversation with Victor. Tobi asked what made me so happy but I couldn't tell her, I know she'll just laugh at me

My dreams about the wolves have gotten weirder these days, sometimes I could have sworn I can see him outside my windows or when I'm taking a night stroll. In my dreams, he keeps changing from wolf to Victor and vice versa. Sometimes, instead of the wolf who had saved me, it was Victor who did. I'm starting to believe Esther's theory about me needing a boyfriend, I might actually need to go on a date at least once.

Few minutes before my bedtime, I got a text from him about the project.


*Hi, I'm good u?"

*Ok. So, will 2moro be gud 4 u 2 catchup abt d project?*

*Sure, why not*

*k.. gud.. txt a place, lets meet up*

*Okay, will let you know by tomorrow*

*Alright then. By the way, you look good in jeans*

OMG!!! Did Victor Kings just complement my wears? I am so wearing more jeans from now on. What I'm I supposed to say to that, thank you?

*You look good too* oh my God, did I just send that?

*I know, thanks for the compliment anyway*

*Aren't you too cocky*

*U gat 2 knw wat u gat 2 knw*

*Whatever, Goodnight*

*Running again?*

*No, I'm not. Just feeling sleepy*

*K then, 9t*

I've never seen anyone use so much abbreviated words in a text, is it that hard to write a full sentence? It's so obvious he's finding it hard to make a full conversation. I heard from people that he hardly talks in lectures. But it kind of make him more special to me. Now the problem is where can we meet, should I just invite him to my hostel? No way, that'll seem to forward. I'll think about it later, I'll sleep for now.