Before sundown the whole forest was filled with dead and injured wolves. Just as Luca said, more wolves later poured into the forest and Tyler joined us after his search was done. The battle was epic, we haven't fought this much in a long time, I never knew they have this much people with them. The death's recorded weren't much and they are mostly from Kevin. We left as many as he could alive but some of them got unfortunate. I fought with Stephanie and she is still as strong as I remembered her to be but I am stronger now, she was able to escape not that I wanted to kill her anyway. They are just following orders, poor things.

After the battle, we went back and I introduced Kevin to my mate, I have no reason not to. He didn't really do anything, he greeted her and stay out of her way as much as he could. He hates nice people so I don't blame him for avoiding her. I explained it to Daisy so she doesn't feel unaccepted and she understood.

I know the hunters won't be able to make any move for now, they'll need to regroup. Get their wounded members to heal and get more. So I know our mates are safe for now. Daisy and I went on our date, I took me a lot of effort and time to set up a perfect date, and it took so long mostly because Shade won't agree to anything I picked. I don't know why I'm the one going on a date and he's the one planning it. I'm starting to think of abandoning him somewhere far from me, he's getting on my nerves. Tyler's date was the worst, since he had no idea how to plan a date, Shade did most of it and we thank God Esther understand the situation, if not, it would have been the worst date anyone would've ever been to. He literally planned a banquet, he rented out a whole restaurant and a band to play for them. Tyler said he had to drag Esther out of the place and just take her on a walk instead.

Time flew by and we went back to school. After about two months, the girls invited us on a trip. Although Daisy and I talk on phone, we haven't been able to see each other as much as I thought. We are both busy with school but I made sure we do talk every day. Kevin is still in Nigeria so we decided to bring him along after many protest, you can't argue with Shade and win. He always have a way of convincing people, we brought Femi along also.

The five of us set out to meet the girls. We were on our way, with Shade's driving as he take direction from Tyler who was on the phone with Esther. We almost got lost a lot of times as we keep arguing over where is where, Shade might be good with speed but he has a terrible sense of direction. We were close to our destination when we heard a startled cry from the phone.

"What's going on?" Tyler asked her but she didn't answer. Something felt wrong, I could feel it in my bone. After a while, Esther finally said something and I just know things are going south.

"A car just drove into us and there are big guys coming out of it, they don't look friendly at all" Esther rushed out in a panicked voice

"They are coming towards us" I heard Daisy say from the phone

"You girls should keep calm, where are you now?" I asked trying to contain my anger. She said some address which Shade quickly inputted in the GPS and drove as fast as he could. We heard the sound of glass breaking followed by muffled cry.

"I'm going to kill those bastards" I gritted out in anger.

"Damn it" I heard Tyler cuss

We know who would do something like that. The hunters. Seems like they are back again and apparently, the have better cards to play this time.

We got to the place that Esther said on the phone and saw their car by the roadside. I caught the scent of about three wolves around, we quickly followed their scent but it got cut off at a point so we couldn't get exactly where they are.

How could I have been so careless, if only we had mated? I would have been able to talk to her through mind link but we just started making progress in our relationship, I can't just ask something like that from her.

We kept sniffing around the place we lost their scent and search around it but we still couldn't find anything. That's very strange, there's no way their scent will got cut off just like that unless there fucking witch did something about it.

I shouldn't have left them alone, I never thought they would find out about them. Either this is about Bimpe or about me, I have to find her. Luca is getting impatient also, our mate is missing and might be in danger all because of me. Damn it.

No matter what they want, they must know they can't win against me so they need them to lure me out. They have to keep them alive for that, I just hope they don't hurt her. I know how much Daisy hate pain, as much as she hates being in dark place alone.

We kept searching endlessly for them before we found a place that seems suspicious to us. We invaded the place only to see they are nowhere there. They are toying with me I know, the scent of Daisy was there. They left her cloth there for me to see, it was just a jacket but it was hers, her scent was still strong on it, she must have been wearing it when they took her. It has been two days already and I'm starting to lose my shit.

I continued my search for them and also expecting something from the hunters but so far, there's nothing. They are really good at what they do, when I get my hands on them, I'll show no mercy and anyone of them who touches even a hair on her head. I'll kill them all.

I'm not sure if Tyler is in a better shape than me or worse, he never stop searching also. Even though he never said anything, I know he's angry and scared. Nobody knows what's happening to then right now. We just hope we'll find them well and okay.